• The Guild is led by a shadowy figure known as the King of Thieves. With his five Princes he rules the underworld of Venice, sending out spies and thieves into the streets to steal riches and the most expensive commodity of all: secrets.

    This box contains a complete Guild gang. The Prince of Thieves has the finest weapons and leads his workers to steal with greater efficiency. Meanwhile the two Baroni provide excellent protection and long ranged support while spurring

    on the gang to be as aggressive as possible. The two Pilferers are extremely light on their feet, and what they lack in offensive power they more than make up for in speed.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • The Great and Noble Cult of the End of Days is a very selective organisation. If you don’t like drinking and fighting, you probably won’t get in. If you do like either of those things, welcome aboard! Grab your Pulcinella hat and raise a mug!

    If you love Pulcinellas (and who doesn’t?), this is the box for you! With two new Pulcinella Henchmen you can expand your mob, and add some special Heroes too. The Brute is big and hits very hard with his club, where as the Firebreather adds some powerful ranged attacks. You can even pair her with the Brewer for flaming bottles! The Brewer not only raises morale, but can also drown anyone beneath a steady flow of ale!

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • Crazed beyond most, the Pulcinellas claim that the Rent in the Sky was the end of the world. They believe that humankind is now simply living on borrowed time, so why not make the most of it?

    This box has a complete Pulcinella gang, or is a great addition to any Guild gang. The King Pulcinella spurs his subjects on to new heights. The Ostrich Riding Pulcinella is a berserker on the back of a giant bird running through the streets,

    and the Pucinellas on foot are no less worrying! This gang cares about fighting in great numbers and not much else!

    Contains 4 resin miniatures and 4 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • While the Guild is led by secretive members of the underworld, they need numbers to stand up to the other forces of Venice. They recruit from dockworkers and craftsfolk across La Serenissima, dragging them out to fight against enemies that may or may not be worse than the Guild themselves.

    With two Recruiters to get the Citizen into a frenzy and boss around any Henchmen in your list, this box adds a lot useful utility. Add to that the mobility and Bladed Oar of the Gondolier and the long-ranged support of the Arbalest and this box becomes a very useful addition to any Guild gangs, adding two Heroes and three Henchmen.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • Skulking in the sunken district of San Canciano, the otherworldly Rashaar bide their time, slowly infiltrating all levels of Venetian society. When called on, their armed forces will take to the streets to fight their enemies and protect their secrecy.

    If your Rashaar need a little extra boost to their morale, try rolling these special Rashaar dice! Cast in a mysterious green, they look like eldritch relics that have been pulled through the Rent in the Sky.

    This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in Rashaar green, and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary color, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • Mercenaries without equal, the Rialto Assassins lived for many years out of the spotlight, fighting for whoever paid them their price. Now, through an uneasy alliance with the King of Thieves, their skills are used primarily by the Guild for eliminating persons of interest.

    The Rialto Assassin is one of the most powerful characters in Carnevale. While a Guild player can only field one of them, often one is all you need! With high Attack, Dexterity, Move, and Protection, there's very little he can't do! With Balanced Throwing Knives that ignore all but the toughest armour, he makes an extremely precise fighter without needing much in the way of support.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • The Romani are everything that the Strigoi are not, and this set is no exception! With five mages, this is one varied box. The Blood Crone leads this gang, and although slow she brings a slew of magic spells to bear. Two Romani accompany

    her, lending their speed where necessary. The Seer allows you to see the future through her staff, making your gang more reliable, and the Tarot Reader adds a huge range of formidable magic spells.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • Magically and psychically indoctrinated into the Church of Dagon, there are those whose only real purpose is food for eldritch beasts.

    This set contains three Slaves, tied up and waiting to be eaten. Slaves are possible the worst fighters in Carnevale, but Rashaar players make great use of them anyway: as portable lunch-boxes for their monsters!

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and 3 plastic bases. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • Dabbling in magic is never an exact science. Every time a mage peers through the Rent in the Sky to draw eldritch energies from beyond, there’s a chance that the spell will do something else entirely, even when performed perfectly.

    The Starspawn is what happens when a spell goes awry, summoned through from elsewhere into the world. A writhing mass of tentacles, mouths, and other appendages, a Starspawn is little more than a ravening beast. Although from a similar place to the Rashaar, it owes no loyalty to anyone, and at best it can be herded towards an enemy, though always with the worry it will turn and attack its "allies".

    This set contains a Starspawn, one of the premiere magic hunters in Carnevale. With great attack ability, movement, and loads of special skills, its a force to be reckoned with. The real draw is the Thirsty rule though, which allows the Starspawn to move whenever an enemy mage casts a spell. Take that, witches!

    The Starspawn is a Gifted character, which means it can join the Commedia dell'Arte to make a full (very weird) gang. But as a Gifted, it can also be taken in any other faction, giving your gang a witch hunter without compare (or many brains, but you can't have it all).

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • The mysterious Strigoi have come to Venice, taking residence in the island cemetery of San Michele. At night they cross to Venice proper, abducting some, and leaving others drained of their blood.

    However, the surreptitious invasion of Vlad Dracula and his Strigoi can't happen without a little luck, and that's where these dice come in!

    This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in Strigoi midnight blue, and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary colour, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $12.60 $10.08

  • Sun & Moon are the only Gifted to have been spotted in the ranks of the Patricians. While the ruling class have been solely without magical gifts to this point, these two party-goers are the exception to the rule. Although with no records of their true identity or existence in Venice before the Rent in the Sky, it's anyone's guess where they really came from.

    Jubilant in the extreme, Sun & Moon appear at a different party every night, making it the only place to be that evening. Often accompanying the hosts on a masquerata after-party, these two lend their not inconsiderable magical talents to their hosts. Sun's dazzling speed and bolts of magical energy are extremely helpful, while Moon's outright magical prowess and ability to whisk her opponents away into another realm before reappearing moments later in a daze are both extremely helpful in battle.

    Sun and Moon are two unique characters for the Patricians to fight alongside. While they can be taken separately in gangs, their powers work very well together, providing two sides of the same coin. Sun's Blinding Flash attack is a deadly long range weapon, breaking through armour and also stunning opponents. Moon on the other hand provides a support role or long ranged offence, depending on your choice of magic discipline. She can also fly and stun enemies with the slightest brush of her Shadow Touch, meaning both these characters make excellent crowd control.

    Contains 2 resin miniatures and 2 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • This resident of the Ospedale reacted to treatment in a way previously unseen by any of the Doctors. The patient mutated and erupted into a mass of tentacles, destroying the lab and slaughtering its captors, leaving none alive that would be able to repeat the procedure. The creature disappeared into the night, with no witnesses to speak of.

    This set contains The Aberration, a rather large Gifted. One of the strongest characters in Carnevale, the Aberration is best in the thick of the battle, surrounded by enemies. Its special rules pale in comparison to its 10 Will Points though - enough to splash out on most encounters and still not run out!

    The Aberration is a Gifted character, which means it can join the Commedia dell'Arte to make a full gang, or can also be taken in any other faction, giving a huge amount of brute strength to any gang (and it works very well if recaptured by The Doctors).

    Contains 1 resin miniatures and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $21.00

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • Known across the city as the Demolitionist, Boomer, Mistress Flame, or any number of other synonyms, this is no woman to mess with. Cursed with an unnaturally strong constitution by the Rent in the Sky, she barely feels pain, but is also stripped of many other senses. Her hearing and sight are dulled, and with so much of the world stripped from her, she strives to feel anything she can, resorting to further extremes to do so.

    While her identity is a mystery, none would be surprised to know that her arson tendencies started before the Rent in the Sky opened, and now she is reacting to her powers in the only way she can, by falling further into madness, chasing light, sound, and the smell of gunpowder night after night. More than anything though, this bizarre figure loves to stick around her explosions, eager to feel the slightest hint of pain from the blazing fire.

    This set contains The Demolitionist, a Gifted for hire. While she's wildly unpredictable, pointing her in the direction of people or buildings that need destroying is met with a gleeful laugh. Just be sure not to show her where you live or she'll likely show up there the next night!

    With a bag full of bombs and complete disregard for her own safety, she is a dangerous character to face. The bombs are deadly, particularly to lightly armoured enemies or those likely to huddle together in a group. Beware though - her own safety will not stop her from dropping a bomb at her own feet!

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • Hidden away in the Ospedale San Servolo Dei Malati di Mente, the Doctors are free to perform their perverse experiments on the downtrodden of Venice. Their bizarre practices turn madness into magic, and with the horrific conditions they keep their patients in, there's no shortness of madness.

    To provide the best luck (or just look nice) when playing as the sociopathic Doctors, there's no better choice than rolling their own dice!

    Alternatively, these dice are perfect for any faction for keeping track of remaining Will Points on your gang members!

    This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in The Doctors blue (the colour of their magic instruments!), and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary colour, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $12.60 $10.08

  • The Duke is a man of opposites. His duality knows no bounds - offering service to those who need it one night, then turning on them for coin the next. Although obviously Gifted by the Rent, his powers are relative unknowns too - able to blend into his surroundings and disappear at will.

    One of the most mysterious characters in a setting that revolves around secrecy and subterfuge, the Duke is a fighter with few equals. Able to command warriors around the battlefield while simultaneously using his unparalleled martial prowess to bring down even the toughest of enemies. And as a Gifted character, he can be taken in any gang, offering his services to anyone that needs them.

    Contains 1 resin miniatures and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • The unsung heroes of the working people in Venice, the Guild will protect you - for a price. If you happily and speedily pay your tithe, the Capodecinas will leave you be, but go late on your payment and they'll come knocking...

    If you don't pay your tithe, the Guild could request your assistance, but show them your fancy red Guild dice and they may well let you off! Or recruit you all the same, because no trinkets can pay off the Guild!

    These dice are perfect for a Guild player, but are equally useful for everyone else, the red colour meaning they're a perfect way to keep track of Life Points on any of your gang members.

    This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in The Guild red, and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary colour, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • Pope Clement XV has sent his troops to Venice to hunt down any magic users, and secretly to hunt down Cardinal Antonelli's blasphemous texts. His forces have been met with nothing but hostility since their arrival, and he's hoping to turn the tide...

    Pope Clement XV needs as much luck as he can get (although he'd probably disagree), which is why you should show your colours with these Vatican dice!

    This pack contains 12 ten-sided dice; 10 in The Vatican yellow, and 2 Destiny dice in white. Each number is delicately etched on, with the Carnevale lion taking the place of the 10. Not only that, but the 7, 8, 9 and lion are filled in a complementary colour, making spotting Aces easier than ever!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.60

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $12.60 $10.08

  • The breeding practices of the Rashaar are very secretive, and best not delved into. Nonetheless, more and more mutated beings are walking the streets. Some hide their deviations behind dirty rags, and others appear only at night. These twisted forms of humanity shriek at the Rent as they pull themselves out of canals and leap across rooftops in pursuit of their prey.

    For those Rashaar players wanting to make a more balanced force, this box is a brilliant addition to a gang. The two Hybrids are decent ground-level Henchmen, performing well on the land and in the water. The Lesser Ugdru excels at drowning opponents, and the two Advanced Hybrids are fast, agile, and particularly strong on the charge.

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

  • Deep in the depths of the Osepdale San Servolo the Doctors run experiment after experiment. Tapping into primal magical energies, they have found a way to mutate patients beyond their wildest dreams. Masses of fanged tentacles emerge from the victim, turning into a host for an otherworldly possession. Luckily for the residents of Venice these results are hard to reproduce, although it's only a matter of time before the Doctors figure out the process.

    This set contains an Unleashed Madman, one of the most potent combatants in a Doctors gang. Propelled along on elongated tentacles, this bizarre character is fast and an excellent climber. The Nexus rule allows other Doctors to take the Madman's Will Points, but its real strength is when it gets into combat with multiple enemies, the tentacles whipping out in every direction.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 plastic base. Cobblestone base pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on June 19, 2021


  • In the years since Vlad Dracula’s death, the remaining Strigoi have spread throughout the globe. With extended lifespans, many have become grandiose beyond measure, starving and gorging themselves on blood until they become mere echoes of their human side. The strangest will feed on the blood of mages, but must be careful since a single drop could kill or transform them to beasts.

    The Vampiric Aristocracy show both extremes of the Strigoi! Two Nosferatu are subtle support Henchmen, excellent at taking objectives. A Highborn Servant is so desperate to be given the blood kiss she’ll spend her riches on the cult. A Starved Dhampir starts weak but gets stronger as she drinks, and the Hulking Moroi is a massive rage filled monster!

    Contains 5 resin miniatures and 5 plastic bases. Cobblestone bases pictured not included.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on June 19, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

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