• Unlike the Brute and Force Grown Drones the Vanguard Clones are not grown in the spawning pits deep within the Underspire. Woven from 100% pure exile tissue, their strands are improved upon and woven to produce superior specimens. Those that survive a brutal culling process undergo a brutal training regime to enter the Vanguard regiments. This first training regime focuses on physical development and a martial arts training. By the end of their third year of conditioning and training, a Vanguard clone is equally comfortable with killing with bows, snap bows, blades and limb. Their training has been skewed to emphasizes evasion and speed over raw power but raised to peak physical condition and trained in combat for three years, the average Vanguard Clone is more than a match for even a veteran man at arms, capable of going toe to toe with the combat elite of the Dweghom and W’adrhŭn.

    12 models per pack Includes Command expansion and regiment stands. 1 iCard. (Dual Kit with VG Infiltrators)

    2 Available

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • A Spire Warband is the ideal place for an aspiring commander to begin his collection into the world of Conquest. With two Characters and three Regiment it provides the player with enough troops to play a solid game of Conquest: First Blood, while also providing a starting point for a full Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings army An amazing boxed set with 12 Force-Grown Drone Miniatures, 12 Marksman Clones Miniatures, 12 Vanguard Clones or Infiltrators Miniatures, 1 High Clone Executor Resin Miniature, 1 Biomancer Resin Miniature, 1 Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings Rulebook, 1 Conquest: First Blood Rulebook.

    MSRP $149.00

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • This special W’adrhŭn set includes Secret Objectives as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell Cards for each spell available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids and casting tokens. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated and faction themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container.

    3 Spell Cards, 10 Objective Cards, 10 Command Cards, 1 Wound Tracker, 12 Cult Tokens,1 W’adrhŭn Deck Box

    MSRP $25.00

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • $105.00 $95.00

  • Available in the Cold Bloods box.

    The Gekkos are skittering their way into the ring! With extremely high Dexterity and Movement, very few wrestlers will be able to catch these little lizards. Although their offensive capabilities are lower than most, their special abilities are extremely useful.

    Included is a Gekko Brawler and a Gekko Grappler. Both from the Cold Bloods team in The Forest Soul, these two nippers are self-reliant and a great addition to any team with 150K spare.

    2 resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with 2 unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases have a peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • Available in the Cold Bloods box.

    Two of the most reliable wrestlers in the game, the Saurians have great Defence and brilliant Attack and Grapple stats. Combine that with extra +1s to stats from their Crowd Pleasers and Sharpened Claws offering Bleeding on all Brawl attacks, and you have some very scary additions to your team!

    Included in this pack is a Saurian Brawler and a Saurian Grappler. Both from the Cold Bloods team in The Forest Soul, you won’t find two more reliable and self-reliant wrestlers.

    2 resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with 2 unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases have a peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on April 1, 2021


  • Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn Master Set features version 1.5 updated rules and cards.

    Choose from six Phoenixborn in this set, using imaginative cards and custom dice to summon faithful allies, combine powerful spells, and outwit your opponents in a fast-paced back and forth barrage of well-crafted magic and strategic skill.

    Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn brings a pile of unique twists to the customizable card game genre, putting the control of the powerful Phoenixborn into the hands of the players. Here are a few stand-outs:

    Choose your first hand! The First Five mechanic allows players to start the game with five cards of their choice giving them a solid footing in the direction they intend their deck to work.

    Use dice as resources! The Dice Pool mechanic gives players the resources that they need to bring out powerful spells and creatures moments after the game begins, while still offering an interesting array of powers on their own.

    Unique back and forth gameplay! The Player Turns system allows players to choose their targets carefully and consistently plan their strategy around their opponent’s upcoming actions. Turns consist of short actions that keep players engaged and allow for adjustments in play as the round progresses.

    Ashes also offers 3 exciting ways to play, giving players endless variety inside 1 box:

    Choose a deck and jump right in! 6 Phoenixborn included, each with a pre-built deck and assigned dice, lets you start playing quickly.

    Build your own deck! With over 200 cards and 40 custom dice included, this box alone contains billions of build options.

    Draft a deck! A group of players can build customized decks together in minutes with the deck drafting rules.

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Wild in spirit, Koji Wolfcub is the feral defender of the Spiral Jungle and those who call it home. Koji communes with the animals and elders of the Spiral Jungle alike, and both have come to respect the untamed power that drives him.

    The Boy Among Wolves deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Koji Wolfcub, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including 5 conjurations.

    Koji requires 5 Sympathy (teal) dice and 5 Nature (blue) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set and the Song of Soaksend Deluxe Expansion.


    • 1 Koji Wolfcub - Phoenixborn
    • 3 Join The Hunt - Ready Spell
    • 3 Summon Indigo Creeper - Ready Spell
    • 3 Summon Biter - Ready Spell
    • 3 Sleeping Bear - Ally
    • 3 Jungle Warrior - Ally
    • 3 Temple Elder - Ally
    • 3 Hunt Master - Ally
    • 3 Explosive Growth - Alteration Spell
    • 3 Mark Of The Red Flower - Alteration Spell
    • 3 Lick Wounds - Action Spell
    • 3 Panther Spirit - Conjuration
    • 3 Indigo Creeper - Conjuration
    • 3 Luminous Seedling - Conjuration
    • 6 Brilliant Thorn - Conjuration
    • 4 Biter - Conjuration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • At the top of the world sits Blackcloud – a bleak and venerable city. There rules Brennen, a fifteen year old wielding merciless blood magic, seeking to restore his family and city to the terrifying glory of their ancient heritage.

    The Children of Blackcloud deck, featuring new Phoenixborn Brennen Blackcloud, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck with all-new cards including 1 conjuration.

    Brennen requires 10 Ceremonial (black) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Something sinister lurks in the shadows of Darmas, the City of Perpetual Darkness. Under the full-moon light, Harold Westraven and his bestial minions stalk their prey. Consume enemy units to empower Harold with the dark power he requires to defeat his enemies. Call upon the transformative ability of vampyric allies and bestial minions to decimate all who stand in Harold’s path. With a unique combination of ceremonial and sympathy magic, Harold holds the key to immortality itself, if one is willing to pay the price.


    • 1 Harold Westraven Phoenixborn
    • 3 Rend Soul Reaction Spell
    • 3 Summon Vampire Bat Swarm Ready Spell
    • 3 Drain Vitality Ready Spell
    • 3 Beast Mage Ally
    • 3 Beast Warrior Ally
    • 3 Master Vampire Ally
    • 3 Psychic Vampire Ally
    • 3 Dark Reaping Action Spell
    • 3 Transmute Magic Action Spell
    • 3 Adrenaline Rush Reaction Spell
    • 1 Hunter’s Mark Conjured Alteration Spell
    • 3 Dark Transformation Conjured Alteration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • The Duchess of Deception deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Victoria Glassfire, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including 2 conjurations.

    Victoria requires 10 Illusion (purple) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set.


    • 1 Victoria Glassfire - Phoenixborn
    • 3 Illusionary Cycle - Action Spell
    • 3 Flash Archer - Ally
    • 3 Body Inversion - Ally
    • 3 Figures in the Fog - Reaction Spell
    • 3 Particle Shield - Reaction Spell
    • 3 Secret Door - Ready Spell
    • 3 Summon Shadow Hound - Ready Spell
    • 3 Shadow Hound - Conjuration
    • 3 Summon Shadow Spirit - Ready Spell
    • 4 Shadow Spirit - Conjuration
    • 3 To Shadows - Ready Spell
    • 3 Vanish - Reaction Spell

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Rin Northfell is a jovial Phoenixborn whose lust for life and battle flares up like a beacon in his frigid homeland. Rin shuns the subtlety of complex magic, preferring spells and monsters as robust and as considerable as his spirit.

    The Frostdale Giants deck, featuring new Phoenixborn Rin Northfell, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck with all-new card including 2 conjurations and a conjured alteration spell.

    Rin requires 10 Natural (blue) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Rimea Careworn unleashes powerful Illusion and Sympathy magic to raise ancient warriors from beyond.


    • 1 Rimea Careworn
    • 3 Ancestral Army
    • 3 Hollow
    • 3 Battle Seer
    • 3 Dark Presence
    • 3 Summon Ghostly Mount
    • 3 Summon Ancestor Spirit
    • 3 Resonance
    • 3 Augury
    • 3 Hex Bane
    • 3 Shared Sorrow
    • 5 Ancestor Spirit Conjuration
    • 2 Pale Steed Mount Conjuration
    • 2 Nightmare Mount Conjuration
    • 2 Spectral Charger Mount Conjuration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Enlightenment awaits for those who devote their lives to Astrea, the Goddess of Ishra. She is holiness incarnate, and her will carries with it the might of divinity. Kneel before her or fall.

    The Goddess of Ishra deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Astrea, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including 4 conjurations.


    • 1 Astrea - Phoenixborn
    • 3 Summon Light Bringer - Ready Spell
    • 3 Summon Weeping Spirit - Ready Spell
    • 3 Summon Steadfast Guardian - Ready Spell
    • 3 Mark of the Goddess - Ready Spell
    • 3 Royal Charm - Alteration Spell
    • 3 Imperial Ninja - Ally
    • 3 Devotion - Alteration Spell
    • 3 Kneel - Action Spell
    • 3 Call to Action - Reaction Spell
    • 3 Sun Sister - Ally
    • 5 Light Bringer - Conjuration
    • 4 Weeping Spirit - Conjuration
    • 3 Steadfast Guardian - Conjuration
    • 2 Infatuated - Conjured Alteration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • From the disease-ravaged city of Marrowden, comes the stench of death, and the staggering shapes of fallen warriors. James Endersight would lay claim to the ultimate prize, and there is no price too foul for him to pay. This talented sociopath wields his power, stripping the living of their flesh, and raising their bones to do his bidding.

    James feeds off Divine and Ceremonial magic to raise the dead.


    • 1 James Endersight
    • 3 Vengeance
    • 3 Summon Fallen
    • 3 Chant of Sacrifice
    • 3 Law of Repentance
    • 3 Rising Horde
    • 3 Immortal Commander
    • 3 Reaping Angel
    • 3 Grave Knight
    • 3 Rally the Troops
    • 3 Reclaim Soul
    • 7 Fallen

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Balance the power of Nature and Divine magic to unleash the titans of the desert on unsuspecting prey with Xander Heartsblood.


    • 1 Xander Heartsblood
    • 3 Earthquake
    • 3 Summon Cerasaurus Mount
    • 3 Summon Archasaurus Mount
    • 3 Law of Domination
    • 3 Sacred Ground
    • 3 Raptor Herder
    • 3 Pain Shaman
    • 3 Summon Shining Hydra
    • 3 Nature’s Wrath
    • 3 Mass Heal
    • 3 Cerasaurus Mount Conjuration
    • 3 Raptor Hatchling Conjuration
    • 3 Shining Hydra Conjuration
    • 1 Archasaurus Mount Conjuration
    • 7 Shining Hydra Head Conjuration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • The Laws of Lions deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Odette Diamondcrest, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck, including 10 divine dice AND a premium deckbox to hold sleeved cards, 10 dice and tokens.


    • 1 Odette Diamondcrest - Phoenixborn
    • 10 divine dice
    • 1 premium deck box
    • 3 Law of Sight
    • 3 Summon Winged Lioness
    • 4 Winged Lioness
    • 3 Law of Assurance
    • 3 Summon Emperor Lion
    • 3 Emperor Lion
    • 3 Sword of Virtue
    • 3 Heal
    • 3 Meteor
    • 3 Power Through
    • 3 Shield Mage
    • 3 Holy Knight

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • Enter the vortex of Hemlock and tame the forces of Gravity. Echo Greystorm has mastered power beyond the grasp of others, and he intends to bring it to bear on the enemies of Hemlock.

    The Masters of Gravity deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Echo Greystorm, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including 2 conjurations.

    Echo requires 5 Sympathy (teal) dice and 5 Divine (white) dice to play, which are included in the Laws of Lions and Song of Soaksend Deluxe Expansions.


    • 1 Echo Greystorm - Phoenixborn
    • 3 Changing Winds - Ready Spell
    • 3 Law of fear - Ready Spell
    • 3 Gravity Training - Ready Spell
    • 3 Chaos Gravity - Action Spell
    • 3 Holy Relics - Alteration Spell
    • 3 Enlightenment - Action Spell
    • 3 Summon Mirror Spirit - Ready Spell
    • 3 Polarity Mage - Ally
    • 3 Light Swordsman - Ally
    • 3 Sonic Swordsman - Ally
    • 3 Mirror Spirit - Conjuration
    • 3 Enhanced Strength - Conjured Alteration

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • High atop the tree-city of Birdsnest, Fiona Mercywind schemes to end the war that has disturbed the natural balance of her homeland. She avoids conflict as much as possible, but when interlopers invade the vast realm she has sworn to protect, they leave with less of themselves than expected.

    Fiona pulls her powers from Charm and Sympathy magic.


    • 1 Fiona Mercywind
    • 3 Mind Maze
    • 3 Confusion Spores
    • 3 Summon Majestic Titan
    • 3 Summon Nightsong Cricket
    • 3 Summon Mind Fog Owl
    • 3 Cognitive Dissonance
    • 3 Essence Druid
    • 3 Exhortation
    • 3 New Ideas
    • 3 Seeds of Aggression
    • 1 Majestic Titan
    • 4 Nightsong Cricket
    • 2 Mind Fog Owl

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


  • The Roaring Rose deck, Featuring new Phoenixborn Leo Sunshadow, is a full, ready-to-play Ashes expansion deck including 3 conjurations.

    Leo requires 10 Charms (pink) dice to play, which are included in the Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn base set

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.95

    Released on March 29, 2021


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