• Recently, the Titania Aerospace Corporation has expanded aggressively, with designs on supplanting Ferrous Motor's pre-eminence, spearheaded by their Condor-AV program.

    This brutal-looking variant manoeuvres similarly but has superior range, combat ceiling and avionics. Field trials have proved encouraging, fuelling speculation that the AASC may order as many as 50,000, their largest single procurement since the start of the Reconquest.

    The Titania Condor flies out of the Colonies and onto the battlefield! This re-imagining of the classic Condor brings a bulkier design similar to the UCM's ground units. Able to be built as either a Condor or the heavier Eagle, the new design will fit right at home among your UCM forces.

    The Condor is the UCM's premier dropship. With space to transport up to 2 Bear APCS or heavy tanks or 3 medium or light tanks, or even a single Kodiak, it really is a jack of all trades. With decent armour and manoeuvrability and a massive 3 Damage Points, you're going to want a lot of these in your army, and the Titania pattern design makes them look better than ever!

    The Eagle Heavy Gunship replaces all transport capacity for some really big guns! Twin Heavy Railguns will make a mess out of pretty much any enemy vehicle, and the Multi Missile Pods add even more firepower to this heavy platform. With mobility to bring the weapons to bear, the Eagle is a great choice for UCM players that like their big guns flying around.

    Contains 1 resin miniature with the choice to make a Condor or an Eagle. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 103mm in length.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Following on from their wildly successful Condor bid, the Titania Aerospace Corporation has bagged production rights for a full half of the Big Dozen's military aircraft, and are even solely responsible for outfitting the Eden 1st - at least until Aurum decides otherwise.

    Their latest aircraft is a new model of Falcon. An "easy win" for the engineers behind the ship, the Titania Falcon follows suit from the standard design, simply up-gunning a Raven chassis. The idea is no less formidable for ease of construction, which brings it in line with the UCM's ideals of an affordable and numerous military machine.

    With a completely new kit, the Titania Falcon comes with all the firepower you love, in a brand new form with chunky panels and thrusters. Taking the design from the Titania Raven, this mobile gun platform is quick and dangerous!

    With either Twin Gatling Cannons that can shred the toughest armour as if it were nothing more than flesh or Multi-missiles that will either pop light vehicles or aircraft with ease, there's plenty to recommend the Falcon, even before taking into account its Evasion +4!

    This new kit comes in two pieces, with inbuilt Gatling Cannons that can be covered up with a deadly-looking Multi-missile pod.

    Contains 2 resin miniatures with a choice of weapons. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 52mm in length.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The Raven is one of the most ubiquitous dropships seen in battle. Its lightweight design and speed means it can be in and out of a dropzone before enemy inteceptors have even scrambled.

    Such an iconic ship has been through redesign after redesign, with rival companies competing to have the best speed to cost ratio - something incredibly important when running the UCM war machine. The Titania Aerospace Corporation is the latest company to work on the design, prompting the AASC to place a substantial order.

    With thicker armour plates that don't sacrifice speed, the Titania Raven is fast becoming the favourite among infantrymen. While it may not last much longer under direct fire, it offers passengers a far increased chance of survival, living to fight another day.

    Seen first transporting the new Wolf LAC commander, the Titania Raven Dropship is now flying into land on its own. This new design makes big improvements over the first Raven, bringing it more into line with the rest of the range.

    The new style Raven still comes in and A or B configuration, transporting infantry or light vehicles respectively. The new kit comes in only two pieces - the full Raven B and an additional part that houses infantry.

    With high Movement and enough transport for small squads or vehicles, the Raven is one of the most popular transports in the UCM army.

    Contains 2 resin miniatures with a choice to make 2 Raven As or 2 Raven Bs. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 52mm in length.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • While the Kodiak is an excellent support vehicle and the Phoenix is one of the heaviest command gunships ever built by mankind, the UCM found themselves lacking in rapid response battle line vehicles able to provide a command presence. That's where the Wolf LAV fit in with their battle plans.

    Small and compact, the Wolf is a UCM design without a doubt, hiding blistering speed and manoeuvrability on its surprisingly sturdy frame. And up-sized Wolverine, it has earned a reputation among more gung-ho commanders for its Multi-Missile launcher, capable of dealing a lot of damage to enemy vehicles and aircraft, all the while providing a solid base from which to view the battle up close.

    The Wolf LAV provides UCM players with a small and inexpensive unit to house their commanders. Perfect for smaller skirmish sized games, the Wolf offers a jack-of-all-trades approach to an HQ Battlegroup. With decent Armour, fast speed, and the choice of anti-vehicle or anti-air missiles, it provides a surprising bang for its buck! It is also a great choice for extending the Influence range of a more skilled commander, able to get in to the battle fast thanks to its Raven transport.

    The Titania pattern Raven represents an advance of the UCM design, giving players the option of a sleeker aircraft that is more compact. The dropship functions identically to its sister in game terms, meaning you can mix and match to your heart's content. A brand new design, it's fitting that a commander should ride it to battle!

    Contains one multi-part resin Wolf LAV and a single piece Titania Pattern Raven with clear acrylic flight stand. 10mm in scale with a length of 50mm.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Type 2 battle walkers are considerably heavier than the Type 1, and are employed when only a sledgehammer will suffice. The Zeus Class is optimised for a defensive role with the experimental 'Aegis' energy shield, which - when coupled with the Type-2's heavy armour - gives excellent protection when leading from the front. The Zeus even has a communications array which makes it an ideal place for a lower commander to lead from.

    A Type-2 walker has the typical heavy PHR armour - even thicker than usual walkers like the Ares - as well as 2 Damage Points. The Zeus is armed with a standard PHR Railgun and an energy shield, which increases its Passive Countermeasures save to a reliable 3+. With Command Centre the Zeus is a powerful way to get your commanders to the thick of the fighting.

    Contains 2 resin miniatures.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The M20 Zhukov is based on the M9 Hannibal hull and shares its renowned resilience as well as its weaknesses. However, the Zhukov takes the complexity and expense of the M9 to a whole new level. It was only available in limited numbers before the invasion and is ever rarer today. It is equipped with one of the first magnetic accelerator weapons ever mounted to a production tank, the 32mm Rail Cannon.

    One of the more unusual variants of the M9 hull is the M22 Constantine. Trading outright firepower for a bulky active countermeasures system to protect nearby units, it has become an incredibly useful chassis for Resistance Commanders since most improvised vehicles have little protection of their own.

    On the reliable M9 chassis, the Zhukov and Constantine have a fantastic survivability, with Armour 15, 2 Damage Points and Active Countermeasures, they're some of the best armour a Resistance commander has access too.

    The Zhukov is an excellent Support choice, bringing the 32mm Rail Cannon, which is extremely good at targeting aircraft. With a 2+ to hit and Devastator-2 against both Aircraft and Vehicles, it makes it an extremely reliable damage dealer all round.

    The Constantine has lower damage output (although still gets an Energy 9 shot from its hull-mounted 90mm Cannon), but its Countermeasures Projector gives Active Countermeasures to units close by, and Countermeasures Booster reduces the range of enemy weapons when targeting heavy armour. Very useful!

    Contains 2 resin miniatures with the choice of weapons to make 2 Zhukov or 2 Constantine. These miniatures are highly detailed, approximately 47mm in length.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • Containing all the stat cards and upgrades needed to play any given faction within Malifaux Third Edition. Each faction book also includes new stories furthering the rich background of Malifaux, including descriptions of each model within the faction.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • “Malfric Dross was not like most people. You see, Malfric Dross was a wizard of terrible power, or so he would tell you at least. When loan sharks from The Feral Den demanded payment for his debts within the next month, the conjurer decided to retreat to his lab.

    Cackling delightedly at his own genius, Dross forgot the first rule of summoning: don’t take your eyes off the creature. It was only a matter of seconds before the poor wizard was gobbled up by the terrible thing he had created. Soon, the loan sharks arrived and found only the creature sleeping soundly. Smiling maliciously, they noticed a discarded shoe and boxed the experiment up claiming his debt was paid.”

    Forget what you know about how a RUMBLESLAM Superstar should act, because Experiment 2186 has entered the ring!

    Those stats are a bit weird. 3 Copper on each doesn’t really look that great. He’s fast and has lots of AP, but what else? What else indeed! There are three abilities you should know about:

    Taste The Pain is his Grapple Ability which, if successful, removes any Crowd Pleaser bonuses from the target! Ouch!

    Experiment’s Crowd Pleaser allows him to remove one counter from any wrestler and place it on any other wrestler. That’s not only very useful, but hilarious! Is your wrestler Knocked Down? Not anymore! Now your opponent’s is!

    Finally, Twister of Fate is Experiment 2186’s Passive Ability. This ability allows him to re-roll any blank dice rolls (of course, no re-rolling a re-roll!). Remember all those Copper dice? Now that makes sense.

    Experiment is such a weird wrestler, it’s hard to see exactly where he fits in with any teams. His brilliantly chaotic nature fits perfectly with fellow Feral Den stars The Raging Beasts, but his Crowd Pleaser also is a really solid defensive ability, meaning he provides great support for teams like The Cryptborn Nightmares or The Green Bruisers.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • “Considered one of the toughest wrestlers, Shamblefist is a strange creature of unknown origin. His body is an amalgamation of fungus and a mud-like substance that can shift from liquid to solid in an instant. The shifting form of this primordial powerhouse has led to some truly incredibly signature moves coming into creation. Fans have witnessed Shamblefist turn entirely into mud before surging into his opponent with the force of a rockslide, knocking them out of the ring!”

    Shamblefist! He’s green! He’s made of a swamp! He’s basically the best!

    If you’re playing offensively, Shamblefist’s special abilities have so many rules you’ll always find something to use your AP for. Playing defensively is also an option though, as Spore Burst gives every enemy wrestler within 2 squares a –AP counter and –MP counter (which can be increased to 2 of each with his Crowd Pleaser!). Anyone that’s played against Rottergut will know how powerful an ability like that can be.

    Shamblefist can also form the lynchpin of a team, as his Shambler Passive Ability means he can be used as a walking turnbuckle! That’s right, just like the Treeman, but for ANY wrestler. Oh wow. Any wrestler with a great Turnbuckle Ability that doesn’t get used often because it takes multiple rounds is in luck, because they can do it without using an AP to climb Shamblefist.

    So who is he good for? Well anyone really. He’s just so good. 350K is a lot, but for what you get, he’s worth the cost. Even just without thinking about the synergies he’s a brilliant character, but add in Shambler and he becomes next level good. Obviously he’s a brilliant wrestler for any Forest Soul team (Treeman + Shamblefist = Turnbuckle mania), and is also excellent for The Deadly Divas (High Flyer + Shamblefist = Turnbuckle mania), or even the humble Heavy Pounders (Ogre + Shamblefist = well you get the idea).

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Feb. 1, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1 Providence Lane, featuring

    • 1x House
    • 1x Bench
    • 1x Mailbox

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    2 Providence Lane, featuring

    • 1x House
    • 2x Single Lamp Posts
    • 2x Double Lamp Posts

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    3 Providence Lane, featuring

    • 1x House
    • 2x Benches
    • 1x Mailbox

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    • 1x Clocktower

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1x Fisherman's Hut, featuring

    • 1x Hut with Net
    • 2x Benches
    • 4x Barrels
    • 2x Anchors
    • 2x Small Crates
    • 4x Lobster Cages
    • 2x Large Crates
    • 2x Oars

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1x Fish Market, featuring

    • 1x Market
    • 2x Barrels
    • 1x Small Crate
    • 1x Large Crate
    • 2x Lobster Cages

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    Street Scatter, featuring

    • 2x Newsstands
    • 2x News Signs - Sandwich boards
    • 4x Single Lamp Posts
    • 2x Double Lamp Posts

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $9.33

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1x Tackle Shop, featuring

    • 1x Shop
    • 1x Bench
    • 2x Barrels
    • 2x Anchors
    • 1x Small Crate
    • 3x Fishing Rods/Spears
    • 2x Lobster Cages

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • The dark and narrow streets of Dunsmouth, Rhode Island is home to a small fishing community. Typically in communities like this everyone knows everyone else's business, but not in Dunsmouth. Here people keep themselves to themselves and there is a constant state of tension and paranoia that hangs over the town like a cloying mist. The well above average number of unexplained disappearances seem to go uninvestigated by the authorities and the inhabitants tend not to discuss such things with outsiders, if they take the time to talk to them at all. Dunsmouth is not a place to take a summer vacation, in fact you would do well to give the place a wide berth.

    This Warcradle Scenics Dunsmouth Scenery kit contains;

    1x Traders' Gear, featuring

    • 1x Car
    • 1x Truck
    • 2x Trollies
    • 2x Benches
    • 2x Lobster Cages
    • 2x Large Crates
    • 2 Small Crates
    • 2x Oars
    • 2x Barrels

    Please note: Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF). Buildings are supplied pre-painted and some assembly will be required. Assembly instructions can be found online and by scanning the QR printed on the packaging.


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power. Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.

    This box set not only provides everything you need for two players to start playing Dystopian Wars, but it also contains a campaign that details the theft of the prototype Hypatia Class Generator ship by the Russian double agent Helsinki Markov. The Commonwealth Intelligence Service (known as the Okhrana) have seen a chance to acquire Enlightened secrets and add new technology to their arsenal in order to better defend the Commonwealth. They risk reprisals from the Enlightened but as long as the technology is theirs it would be worth the consequence. The Covenant guard their secrets jealously and losing the Generator ship will cost them years of research and development. The game is afoot and the stakes are high for both sides.

    The Hunt for the Prometheus will walk players through the rules of Dystopian Wars game by game, slowly building up to the final confrontation between the Russian Commonwealth Fleet and the Covenant of the Enlightened Fleet.

    The Hunt for the Prometheus starter set contains everything you need to play Dystopian Wars, containing:

    • 30 Highly Detailed Plastic & Resin Miniatures
    • 1x 14 Ship Covenant of the Enlightened Fleet
    • 1x Descartes Class Control Ship
    • 1x Hypatia Class Generator Ship
    • 3x Copernicus Class Heavy Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Antarctica, Chatelet, Lovelace, Stiletto or Ulysses Class)
    • 9x Merian Class Drone Frigates (Each Frigate can alternatively be built as Germain Class)
    • 1x 16 Ship Commonwealth Fleet
    • 1x Borodino Class Battleship
    • 5x Kutsov Class Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Norilsk, Oleg or Sineus Class)
    • 10x Rurik Class Frigates
    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Campaign Book
    • 2x Victory & Valour card Decks
    • 60 Cards in each deck
    • 1x Template Set
    • 40x Action Dice
    • 12x Critical Dice
    • 2x Condition token sets
    • 1x Iceberg & Physeter Construction Token Set
    • 3x Medium Bases

    Please note:

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Printed materials are supplied in English. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    2 Available

    MSRP $130.00

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


  • Vladamir Ursul could have lived out the rest of his life in peace, tending his small plot of land and hunting in the forests that surround it. Destiny, however, had other plans for him. As a young man Vlad enlisted for the Commonwealth Army and found that his upbringing in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains and experience as a trapper and huntsman served him well in his new role as a forward scout and picquet. Vlad left the raising of his son, Roman, to his wife while his path took him into the service of his brother-in-law, the Enlightened scientist Burson Carpathian. When Vlad was reunited with his son nearly two decades later, he fully intended to settle down and make up for lost time but Roman was a stranger to him and their lives were so radically different that Vlad struggled to find a way to fit in with the lad.

    During his formative years Roman Ursul was given the best education possible. Following the work of Burson Carpathian and the Covenant of the Enlightened, Roman grew to be a brilliant young man. He dreamed of a chance to impress Carpathian, seeing him as both mentor and father-figure, even though they had barely corresponded. Despite these efforts, however, Carpathian was a difficult man to impress and following the death of his wife Veronica he became obsessed by some “great work” that Roman was mostly excluded from. This obsession made it even more difficult for Roman to receive the attention and recognition he craved but his own work on human / machine integration became all the more advanced as a result.

    Roman’s psychopathy truly took hold at the age of 19. What began as inspiration in the form of a demon named Caym; an amalgam of man and bird, soon turned into an obsession of his own to mirror that of his uncle’s. Upon discovering Caym in his studies, Roman began to work towards creating a way for man to fly with wings of his own. His initial focus was on his own flight harness but while this gave some amount of gliding ability it was not the same as true flight. The desire to soar amid the clouds was a strong lure and Roman wanted to find a way of attaching mechanical wings to a human frame whilst still keeping the original personality of the subject. This last part was extremely difficult to achieve as most Creations, Menials and other experiments made by the Enlightened, especially Carpathian’s own work, retained very little of the person they once were. As Roman worked on this problem without respite, the alter-ego of Caym began to assert greater dominance. This process was completed just before he left London to follow Carpathian and his father to the Americas. In the process of trying to stop a serial killer’s murderous spree on the streets of Whitechapel, he began to see that only the strongest mind is capable of such depravity and in order to truly free his potential he must follow that path. Thus, in an East London backstreet, Caym was born and Roman Ursul was left behind.

    In the New World, meeting with his uncle and reuniting with his father, Caym was emboldened to take more risks in his experiments and despite the mounting human cost, he produced breakthrough after breakthrough. Taking principles of his own flight suit and refining the methods of Kyle the Black and others in the Enlightened, Caym created Hellion, a blending of man and winged machine. Gifting a flock of such constructs to his uncle caused Carpathian to take notice of what Caym was achieving. Such recognition was bittersweet as Carpathian soon lost interest once he realised that the application of this new technology would not significantly further his own work as the Hellion lacked higher brain functions, much like the other augmented meniels and henchmen the Enlightened constructed. Undeterred by this Caym continued and when a young Warrior Nation woman sought him out he had his true success.

    Whitewing was destined to be a Peyasa Spirit Walker, and belonged to the same tribe as Alcon and his daughters. Despite their assistance, each time she attempted the ritual she was rejected by the Great Spirit. Alcon claimed that she had a shadow following her and she would never walk the path of a Spirit Warrior. Fleeing her tribe in shame she heard rumour of Caym’s experiments and pleaded with him to succeed where Alcon had failed and let her fly. Caym recognised a dark side to her that mirrored the one that resided within himself, and knew that she had the conviction needed to pass through the process intact. He was right. The surgery and full integration with the RJ fuelled machinery was a success and Whitewing became his most trusted lieutenant and companion.

    Now all Caym needed was the recognition he deserved. After murdering his uncle, Caym came to appreciate that death for those of value to the Covenant was not as permanent as it might have otherwise been. Carpathian was brought back from the brink of death by Kyle the Black and Augusta Byron, cursed thereafter with psychotic killing rampages as often as genius lucidity. Now Caym is on the run from his murderous uncle and trying to keep one step ahead of those who would turn him in. Not willing to lose his son and unable to calm the raging Carpathian, Vlad has gone into exile along with Caym, in an attempt to keep his only son alive where his skills as a frontiersman, hunter and trapper are invaluable.

    Following his success with Whitewing and now free of any oversight by the Enlightened, Caym developed a new higher breed of Hellion - the Apex Hellion. While not as free thinking and perceptive as Whitewing, these winged marvels still retain much more of their will than other Constructs and their effectiveness as killers and ambush predators is without equal.

    The Murder of Hellion Posse kit builds five multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Caym
    • 1x Whitewing
    • 1x Vladimir Ursul
    • 2x Apex Hellions
    • 5x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $55.60

    Released on Jan. 30, 2021


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