• Insert compatible with Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion. The design provides both efficient storage and improved game play. Many of the trays can be utilised during the game, and they greatly aid set-up and clear-away times. The insert is arranged in three layers.

    This product consists of a flat-pack of 4 Evacore sheets. The trays require assembly, which is quick and fun, using ordinary PVA glue. Detailed instructions are included in the package.

    Note: Insert designed for game with external box dimensions of 23.0 x 29.2 x 10.2cm.


    MSRP $19.00

    Released on Jan. 5, 2021


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Diamond class battleship or Platinum class supercarrier. It features awesome interior detail of the flight deck, visible from the outside if assembled as the Platinum class. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 169mm. 11 Resin Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The Diamond Class battleship is a truly frightening spectacle. Stretching 1546 meters in length, this mighty vessel is one of the largest known battleships and an imposing figurehead for any fleet. Despite their rarity, more UCMF officers ranking Admiral or above have met their deaths at the hands of one of these leviathans than any other type of ship in the Reconquest. In addition to a pair of disintegrator banks, the Diamond’s primary armament is a triad of super particle lances. These vast weapons extend through half the ship’s entire length and are fixed in the forward arc, such is their unknowable mass. These monstrosities have the ability to scythe through any armour like butter, their beams frequently passing right through a capital ship. While their damage dealing ability is potent, their real strength lies in reliability – the certainty that the enemy will feel the Diamond’s wrath, no matter how well protected it is.


    The Platinum Class shares the same basic hull design as the Diamond class, but its internal space and vast upper levels are dominated by an enormous flight deck, making this vessel a supercarrier by UCM reckoning. The Platinum class can unleash swarms of fighters and bombers in an unstoppable tide of destruction, in volumes and quality that few other ships can match. In addition (and like its cousin the Diamond) it also serves the secondary function of mothership, carrying a small number of ground troops to supplement surface landings. Their continued survival over the millennia is due in part to their scale, but mostly to the extended combat range granted by its strike craft, ensuring that finally ending one of these behemoths is a challenging task in the extreme.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • Destroyers often sport weaponry much larger than their small size suggests, offering admirals the ability to compete with any enemy vessel in a small and lithe frame. Quick and decisive hunting is synonymous with the Shaltari method of warfare, so it's no surprise that the Chromium, Mercury and Cobalt are often seen in Shaltari fleets.

    The Chromium is unusual in that it features a thermal lance cannon, a weapon very similar to the Burnthrough weapons of more primitive races. Where as the Mercury class destroyer features an extremely rare weapon type known as the Pulse Ioniser. These weapons establish an energetic link with the target at close ranges, the potential power of the weapon increasing in relation to the density of the target’s armour, ensuring that nothing is safe from its onslaught. The Cobalt class homeship is essentially a smaller version of the more ubiquitous Emerald class mothership. Its only purpose is to physically convey Shaltari ground forces to the battlespace, from which they can be teleported to the surface via the Voidgate network.

    This set contains 3 Shaltari Destroyers, all able to be built as either Chromiums, Mercuries, or Cobalts!

    If you like winding arms and strange, fully 3D designs, look no further! The three Destroyers are built in very different ways, making some weird looking ships! The Chromium has a big burnthrough laser - a rare occurrence for Shaltari. Meanwhile the Mercury is a bit stranger still, its Pulse Ioniser Bank giving a lethal Mauler weapon which rolls to Lock equal to the target's Armour. Finally the Cobalt trades in much of its offensive weaponry (although not all) for the ability to launch ground assets - it's a mini-mothership!

    Contains 3 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • These tiny vessels fulfill the role of the corvettes of other races, although they are smaller even than those diminutive ships. They are designed solely to hunt enemy atmospheric assets and are extremely fast. These ships are favoured by the most aggressive Shaltari with the least fear of death and as such are generally crewed by Firstborn Shaltari new to the arts of naval warfare. They have a small crew of just twelve individuals, their pace and atmospheric capability their best protection against the enemy.

    Typically, they hunt in packs, utilising their compact but lethal ion cannons to rake the hulls of the larger strike carriers which are their preferred prey. Although not as dangerous as a Corvette alone, their cooperation can quickly reduce the target to so much falling debris in a matter of seconds.


    6 single piece resin miniatures/blister

    Wingspan: 56mm

    NOTE: Provided with 6 multi-part Dropfleet flight stands, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens.

    Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • C'mon you hedgehogs, do you want to live forever? You do? Well that's fine, because Shaltari can indeed do that.

    It's said that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, and that couldn't be more fitting than for these Shaltari dice! Made from advanced composites, Shaltari tech means you can guarantee to roll a 6 around one in six times. Magic!

    Made in Shaltari orange with an opalescent finish, these dice have the Shaltari logo etched on the "6" facing so you feel superior every time you roll them.

    This pack contains 10 six-sided dice, perfect for games of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021

    $11.20 $8.96

  • Frigates are small, fast combat vessels designed primarily for flanking and first strike missions. They are the most common fighting ship type present in most fleets in the Reconquest. Some variants also provide vital support roles complementing the efforts of the main fleet.


    8 x Shaltari Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to four different classes.

    Typical length 68mm.

    40 Parts for all eight ships (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. A maximum of 4 of the same class of ship can be built from this set.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain

    Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • The Helium Voidflyer is a slippery adversary and a worrying technological twist in Shaltari naval combat. Troops on the ground are sadly familiar with the aliens’ capricious ability to teleport battlefield-level vehicles in and out of hot zones via their gate network. On a strategic level, naval planers have considered this tech limited to deployment of smaller constructs - not so, it seems.

    The Helium can leverage the existing voidgate network to teleport across the battlespace instantaneously. That the Helium is orders of magnitude larger than anything previously known to possess this ability has raised concerns at the highest level as to what it means for the future - is this new tech, or have the aliens simply deigned to switch tactics? Either way, the prospect of whole starships vanishing and appearing at will likely chill the blood of any captain, despite the small size and short ranged weapons of this new threat.

    This set contains 6 Shaltari Helium Voidflyers. In a horseshoe design, these ships are covered in the standard Shaltari detail - hope you like painting dots!

    Cast in a single piece, the model has fine detail and an aggressive look. The Helium is unique in the Shaltari arsenal in that it is the largest ship able to use the Voidgate network to teleport! Put a squad near a friendly Voidgate and they can teleport down the chain to another part of the battlefield, ready to fire with their Pulse Blasters.

    Contains 6 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • Much as with the Scourge, monitors are an unusual fit in Shaltari fleets, due to their low speed and consequent lack of finesse. Instead, Shaltari types fulfil a rearguard role.

    The most frequently seen is the Silicon class, armed with a quad-bank of tilt-able ion cannons, giant versions of those commonly found on Kukri grav-tanks. While these effectively damage ships in higher orbital layers, their true value is in disrupting the power systems of larger ships.

    Most Shaltari ground forces reach the surface via Voidgates - ubiquitous, unglamorous ships. Voidgates tend to be lightly armoured and unarmed, making them easy targets. However, sometimes the Shaltari need to guarantee landings planetside, so rely on heavier ships. The Selenium class is one such vessel. It has the transference capacity of a Voidgate, and guns designed to fire out of atmosphere at starships. This allows the Selenium to defend the ground troops deployed through it.

    This set contains 3 Shaltari Monitors. These small ships are slow moving, and struggle to manoeuvre, but make up for that by targeting between Low and High Orbit without penalty, and having unparalleled armour for that size of ship.

    This pack makes three ships, buildable as either Silicon class Monitors or Selenium class Escort Frigates. The Silicon's Quad Ion Cannon is a high powered weapon in itself, but also causes Energy Surges to enemy ships. The Selenium answers the prayers of Shaltari players, giving a Voidgate with heavy armour (for Shaltari) that also has great offensive capability across orbital layers.

    Contains 3 resin miniatures with parts to assemble two variants, and 3 plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • Over 1600 meters long, Dreadnoughts are the largest vessels utilised by the enigmatic Shaltari. Records are sketchy though, as they are incredibly rare and opponents seldom survive an encounter with one. This lethality comes from incredible firepower, shields and peerless scanners. Their captains can wage entire campaigns personally with minimal support. The Plutonium class features a plethora of eldritch weapons, devastatingly flexible in combat. The Uranium is supremely aggressive, attracting the most warlike Starchiefs, desiring the honour and satisfaction of close range slaughter.

    Introducing the biggest ships that Dropfleet Commander has ever seen. Although the Shaltari Dreadnought is the smallest of the Dreadnoughts, measuring 175mm in length, it is the most complex of all! Featuring a mirrored and intricate design, it fits perfectly with the rest of a Shaltari fleet.

    This set includes parts to make either the Shaltari Plutonium class or the Shaltari Uranium class Dreadnought. With either Distortion Cannons or the 6 Attack Pulse Ioniser Battery (that's double the size of the one on the Mercury), both ships also come with a Launch capacity for for FOUR Gates.

    Rules for Dreadnoughts can be found in Battle for Earth.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a multi-part plastic base. Note that this is an advanced modelling kit and may need small gaps filling and pieces gently heated and bent to fit.

    MSRP $70.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • Cruisers are the most common size of capital ship and form the backbone of almost every fleet fighting in the Reconquest. They offer an excellent and flexible combination of speed, firepower and versatility. The standard cruiser hull is so ubiquitous that its design has been redefined many times for a wide variety of roles.


    2 x Shaltari Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to ten different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and motherships!

    Typical length 109mm.

    25 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    2 x Shaltari Voidgates: One of these lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale single part hard plastic miniatures is included with each Shaltari cruiser. Radius 38mm.

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain

    Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • The bizarre nature of these 'ships' has resulted in the unique classification of 'Voidgate', devoid as they are of unique character. Indeed, the Shaltari seem to share this opinion, rarely naming them and/or giving them more than a skeleton crew.

    This set contains 6 Shaltari Voidgates. You needed more? Well here you go!

    Voidgates are essential to the Shaltari method of dropping troops in Dropfleet, and now you no longer have to buy more Cruiser sprues if you want a few extra in your fleet.

    Contains 6 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on Jan. 2, 2021


  • Dinah Lance was born into a family of crime fighters: her father Larry Lance, was a police officer and her mother was the original Black Canary.

    When Dinah was nineteen, she decided to become a crime fighter, taking on her mother's costume and identity as the Black Canary. Due to a curse placed upon her at childhood by the Wizard, Dinah developed a 'Canary Cry'.

    Shortly after doing so, Dinah became a founding member of the Justice League of America. Dinah recommended the name in remembrance of the team her mother was part of: the Justice Society of America. It was during this time Dinah first met Green Arrow (Ollie Queen).

    Black Canary worked with the JLA for many years. Her friendship with Oliver soon blossomed into a romance. When Oliver left the JLA and moved to Star City to work on his own, she soon followed him. She continued to work solo and with the JLA until Green Arrow decided to settle down in Seattle.


    • 1x Black Canary


    MSRP $19.98

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Oliver Queen is a vigilante who uses archery and a Robin Hood gimmick. He is an occasional superheroic partner to Batman. He teamed up with him when they were members of the Justice League of America.

    During his original golden/silver-age appearances, Green Arrow was created to serve as an analogue to Batman with a very similar modus-operandi to the Dark Knight. Over time, he developed more on his own as a modernized Robin Hood figure who uses vigilantism to enforce revolutionary leftist movements outside the law.


    • 1x Green Arrow


    MSRP $19.98

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • "Well. If you two are the jokes and trust me, I've been watching you. You are the jokes, then I'm the Punchline. I'm where you end." - Punchline

    Alexis Kaye was a student at Gotham's Snyder College where she was infatuated with the Joker. Eventually, she came to meet Joker through the internet with him even teaching her how to create Joker Venom.

    With her new toxins, Alexis went about murdering homeless people in Gotham for fun. At the college's superhero appreciation day she decided to dress in Joker-inspired paraphernalia. Due to this, the dean tried to talk to her in private only for her to murder him and complete her transformation into "Punchline". Joker seemed to regard her as "the funniest person he'd met in his life".


    • 1x Punchline

    1 Available

    MSRP $23.75

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $21.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Heracles or Minos class battleship. The manoeuvre fins can be posed, providing modelling flexibility. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Length 177mm. 14 Resin Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The Heracles Class battleship is a truly awesome vessel and one of the most resilient battleships yet encountered in the Reconquest. Its vast and stocky hull is built around an enormous broadside array of heavy calibre mass drivers, its beam is wide enough to conceal these massive weapons within. The ship’s characteristic and ominous silhouette is increased by a complex series of manoeuvre fins, lending this leviathan a surprisingly graceful appearance for such a brutal tool of destruction. In addition to its broadsides, the Heracles also features the dreaded Dark Matter Cannon, an enormous prow mounted weapon as monumentally destructive as it is advanced. In addition to the extensive damage it can inflict, a single shot is dangerous enough to cause crippling effects to the largest of vessels, making it an awesome foil to enemy battleships.


    The Minos Class battleship is just as formidably vast and deadly as its related class, the Heracles but features an entirely different prow armament. Primarily and most obviously, it carries a pair of Nightfish torpedoes, massive ordnance the size of small ships designed to resist all point defence with sheer armour thickness and mass. Once its torpedoes are launched, the Minos usually adopts an ultra-aggressive approach in order to bring its secondary prow weapons into play. These are the ultra-advanced neutron missiles, perhaps the most dangerous close action weapons yet encountered by the UCM. These are designed to inflict appalling carnage once an enemy ship is penetrated, damaging core systems and causing crippling effects that would normally only be encountered with massive hull damage.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either an Akuma or Banshee class battlecruiser. It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale. Length: 131mm. 9 Resin Parts total (including optional components). NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The dreaded Akuma class battlecruiser features a combination of speed, heavy firepower and ability to mask its own energy spikes. The last attribute is the most crucial, enabled by its massive cloaking tailfin - the most effective of its kind in the Scourge navy. These qualities make the class the preeminent cause of civilian shipping loss, where poorly defended supply vessels are frequently annihilated far too quickly for any response.


    The Banshee class also features an awesomely potent cloaking tailfin, making it virtually impossible for them to register energy outputs to enemy scanners. This allows them to unleash their considerable firepower and manoeuvre violently with no negative consequences - a formidable advantage to any captain in a heated engagement. The Banshee differs from the Akuma by dispensing with much of its oculus cannon loadout in favour of lethal close range plasma weapons. Utilising its cloak, these ships can approach a target silently before suddenly unleashing superheated hell. Even once it has done so, the Banshee will not pay for its aggression by becoming more visible to the enemy. It is also armed with a massive torpedo, designed to blast a significant chunk from even a capital ship's hull before injecting hundreds of Razorworms into the wound - deadly killing machines more than capable of eviscerating what's left of the unfortunate crew.

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • This blister pack can be assembled as either a Dragon or Daemon class battleship. The hull consists of multi-part segments and the fins are set on ball joints, allowing a massive degree of modelling flexibility! It is cast in exceptionally tough impact resistant resin and features extraordinary detail. 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale.

    Typical Length 120mm (depends on pose). 17 Resin Parts total (including optional ones).

    NOTE: Provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted.


    The Daemon class battleship and its sister class the Dragon are undoubtedly the oldest designs of starships still in service with the Scourge navy, behind the rarely seen Super Dreadnoughts. Their segmented hulls and undulating forms are quite different from most modern Scourge ships and the extent of their pitting, battle scars and general ageing have resulted in dating estimates of between 500 and 2000 years old for some examples. The disturbingly organic prow of the Daemon class is laced with oculus weapons and tipped with a pair of furnace cannons, making these veteran slaughterers among the most potent ships the hated aliens have to throw at mankind.


    Similar to the Daemon, the Dragon class battleship is a truly ancient behemoth that has weathered the centuries to visit devastation and misery on countless subjugated races. While the Daemon is equipped solely with conventional ship-to-ship weapons, the Dragon includes a pair of cavernous hangar bays, lairs for roosting fighters and bombers. It also carries a pair of enormous Scourge torpedoes - capital ship killing superweapons against which there is little defence save fleeing the Dragon’s inexorable advance.

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Cruisers are the most common size of capital ship and form the backbone of almost every fleet fighting in the Reconquest. They offer an excellent and flexible combination of speed, firepower and versatility. The standard cruiser hull is so ubiquitous that its design has been redefined many times for a wide variety of roles.


    2 x Scourge Cruisers: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to nine different classes, including cruisers, heavy cruisers, fleet carriers, light cruisers and troopships!

    Typical length 112mm. 25 Parts per ship (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain

    Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Frigates are small, fast combat vessels designed primarily for flanking and first strike missions. They are the most common fighting ship type present in most fleets in the Reconquest. Some variants also provide vital support roles complementing the efforts of the main fleet.


    8 x Scourge Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to five different classes, including frigates and strike carriers.

    Typical length 58mm.

    24 Parts for all four ships (including optional ones).

    NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. A maximum of 4 of the same class of ship can be built from this set.

    Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain

    Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


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