• Medic for hire, Arabelle prefers not to talk about her age, but it is clear that she is not yet fully grown. A precocious child, from the mountain city of Kajin Kai, Arabelle was studying modern medicine when most of her peers were still learning their letters. Nonetheless, she made a personal study of traditional methods, always eager to stop by any local healer, and share knowledge. As a lover of nature she spends much time researching new herbal cures and remedies. Her eagerness for medical knowledge is rivalled only by her sense of adventure. She is highly selective about the sorts of Wayfarer jobs she will take, but despite her aversion to cruelty she can sometimes be seen helping the Bondsmen, Firm and other such unsavoury people and organisations. Her reasons for doing so remain mysterious.


    • 1x Arabelle: Wayfarer Medic
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    1 Available

    MSRP $13.83

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Dilos are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of the rulebook.


    • 2x Dilos
    • 2x 30mm Bases
    • 1x Profile Card

    2 Available

    MSRP $13.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Forek just isn't the kind of guy to run around on someone elses legs, or to trust his safety to a belligerent animal! He likes to trust his own reflexes and skill, and needs a suitable conveyance which will fulfil these foibles.

    It took Kraytssk three months of solid work to cobble together Forek's load-lifter from an ancient chassis he found in a cave at the fork of the Red River. It took another four months to hone the vehicle to Forek's exact specifications!


    • 1x Makko: Firm Tough
    • 1x 50mm Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $34.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Renowned as traders and travelling mechanics, Ponya are not often found in fighting bands such as the Militia. However, Ulaya is a dangerous place, and those unwilling to protect themselves against its dangers soon find themselves victims of it. Kalen was born into a trading caravan which roamed much of the Five Lakes District and The Wash. But the life of a merchant was never truly in her soul. Every time her family passed through Skyton she was awed by the casual cool of the town Militia, far more professional and better equipped than the town militias of most other places of similar size.

    Mischievous, adventurous and fearless, Kalen is something of a daredevil, favouring a rocket pack to aid her in leaping great distances, grabbing treasures or setting devious traps where necessary. However, the life of a soldier is a life of violence, and as a gentle soul, Kalen only kills as a last resort. Because of this, her favourite weapon is a large Glop Cannon, which fires a quick expanding, sticky substance which glues her enemies to the ground, slowing their movement until they fight their way out of the gluey mess.

    A valued member of the Militia Crew, Kalen is usually first to volunteer for any dangerous retrieval or scouting mission, and has been integral in the success of a number of Militia operations.


    • 1x Kalen, Militia Trickster
    • 1x 30mm Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $13.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Proud, resentful, arrogant; all of these words could be used to describe Kaneda Griss, the leader of The Firm's notorious "River Crew". But Kaneda is merely an underling, in the grand scheme of things. Disappointing son of a powerful Underboss, Kaneda was sent to Skyton to keep him out of the way.

    If there was one aspect of Kaneda's personality his father was truly proud of it was that his son was tough, but in every other respect he was a disappointment.

    His father wanted to train him as a successor, but it was clear from early on that the best kind of intelligence Kaneda could master was a kind of low cunning.

    His father was the master of control by selectively applied violence. Kaneda was an angry thug.

    Underboss Griss was a subtle tactician, carefully calculating how to improve his position and leverage his opportunities. Kaneda was impulsive and greedy.

    Perhaps worst of all in his father's eyes, Kaneda never had the ambition or vision to step outside his father's house and make something for himself. Instead he lazed around, started fights, engaged in petty thievery and murder over trivial matters.

    So to the River Crew with him - a gang of misfits and psychopaths who, while useful, have to be kept at arms length. Kaneda recognises the sleight only too well, and takes it out on his people all too often.

    For all his faults as a leader though, Kaneda is a cunning fighter, and well suited to the command of a group as wild and dangerous as The River Crew.


    • 1x Kaneda Mounted, Leader of the Firm
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card


    MSRP $41.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • How Lakassk ended up with the "misfit crew" is a question he constantly asks himself. By the standards of the rest of them, he’s actually quite sane. It's probable that, considering their reckless nature, Lakassk was seen as a tactical necessity: His Nova Cannon is certainly not the most subtle of weapons, but it's definitely a useful one. Firing flash-bang grenades, Lakassk is capable of shoring up even the most reckless of charges with a covering fire: and considering the Firm's general eschewing of heavy armour, that's a boon indeed.

    Not, of course, that Kaneda has any awareness of this fact whatsoever. As usual his arrogant self-obsession means he gives Lakassk no credit for saving his over-privileged behind time and time again. This fact grates on Lakassk about as much as one could expect, but it is Lissz' appreciation he truly craves.

    There too, unfortunately, he is unappreciated. Lissz is stealthy enough not to need his protection, although sensible enough to recognise his important role within the crew. Whether she notices and ignores his romantic advances, or is oblivious to them, is something Lakassk spends far too much time thinking about.


    • 1x Lakassk, Firm Mech
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.05

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Wayfarer models can be used with other factions, as mercenaries.


    • 1x Lliana, Wandering Wayfarer
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    2 Available

    MSRP $11.13

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Chasmids are reasonably uncommon in The Drowned Earth, but where they are found, usually they are employed as thugs, guards and enforcers. Makko grew up in The Firm, son of a famous Prize Fighter and Bodyguard, and his profession as Firm Enforcer was never in doubt. Capable of whatever kinds of violence are asked of him by his superiors, Makko is dispassionate, even cold. He does not rise to anger, instead, viewing violence and combat with a cold, analytical eye which makes him even more frightening than if he bellowed and shouted in rage. Instead, an air of laser focus comes over him, and he demolishes his opponents with an intense aggression which is terrifying to behold. Some who have looked deep into those eyes have said they see a gentle spirit wishing to escape a life of chaos and destruction, but nobody has ever been brave enough to reach out to him.


    • 1x Makko: Firm Tough
    • 1x 40mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Oviraptors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of the rulebook.


    • 2x Oviraptors
    • 2x 30mm Bases
    • 1x Profile Card

    2 Available

    MSRP $13.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Civilisation just doesn't suit everyone. Ravanna grew up in Tartouf, running with the gangs there, before leaving for a solitary life in the wilderness. Most city dwellers consider that tantamount to suicide, and for most city dwellers, that'd be correct. However, Ravanna had an almost animalistic talent for silent, stealthy movement. In the jungle she truly came alive, connected to every sound and subtlety, feeling connected to the jungle at a primal level, as comfortable as if she were born into it.

    But to say she was "one with nature" would be to overlook her voracious, predatory instinct! Her favourite way to be "at one with nature" would be to have a stomach full of it. Preferably, something she’d brutally killed! For several years she avoided all contact with other people, tending the medicinal and recreational herbs and fungi, guarding her territory jealously, and attacking anyone - animal or sentient, who ventured into it.

    And so it was that she killed a group of slaves, who were running from the Plantation Council, with Limossk and his crew hot on their heels. They arrived to find Ravanna standing amidst a literal pile of corpses, and by way of thanks, Lakassk made her an offer she couldn't refuse: an offer of employment.


    • 1x Ravanna, Bondsman Mech
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.13

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Earning his freedom from the Slave pits of Thuule, Shanatt was, in his time, a famed gladiator. His speciality was the chain and hook, and to this day it is the weapon he favours, eschewing ranged weapons.

    Nobody knows from where Shanatt originated exactly, but his accent suggests his homeland was somewhere in the Khermian League - one of the great empires vying for supremacy in the Thousand Isles. Before his fame as a pit fighter he was probably an ordinary slave, traded to the Thuule masters when he showed physical promise or prowess. Considering his bulk, he is surprisingly quiet and light on his feet, and his fighting style is one of avoidance and cobra strikes.

    On leaving the slave pits, he was not afforded the privilege of keeping his favoured weapons. Instead, he fashioned a new chain and hook from a stolen anchor chain, and the claws of a great Yuttaraptor like beast he claims to have bested with his bare hands, in the Eastern Highlands.

    The truth of this is a matter of speculation, but it would be unwise to voice such doubts within ear-shot of Shanatt, who is not known for an easy going attitude.


    • 1x Shanatt: Bondsman Scout
    • 1x 30mm Base
    • 1x Profile Card

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.13

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • This unit forms the support backbone of the Japanese Sectorial Army Forces. The Engineer and Doctor are each assisted by their own drones to enable them to perform their functions in the middle of a fire fight without putting themselves in the line of fire.

    This product contains 1 Engineer, 1 Doctor and 2 Drones.

    MSRP $35.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • To the average citizen of the Human Sphere, daily life is a neon-infused saunter along physical and quantronic highways that blur the borders between actual reality, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Even the commonplace technologies of humanity's bright future would likely overwhelm the mind of an inhabitant of 21st century Earth.

    Corvus Belli's rich and detailed Infinity setting has been fused with the 2d20 system to provide a roleplaying experience that perfectly recreates the wonders, intrigues, and nuances of the 1st century of the New Calendar. Choosing to run any roleplaying game, however, can seem as daunting as attempting to interpret the code that governs the Human Sphere's benevolent AI, ALEPH.

    The Infinity RPG Gamemaster's Guide decodes the mysteries of the Gamemaster's role, offers insight and advice for organising groups, designing campaigns, and running games, and introduces optional rules designed to offer new layers of immersion in the quantronic age.

    • Twelve comprehensive chapters designed to offer advice and tips to GMs both old and new, with topics ranging from establishing a group to warfare amongst the stars.
    • An in-depth look at NPCs and adversaries, including their role as both friends and enemies to the PCs.
    • Stats for eight major players drawn from across the factions of the Human Sphere, from Achilles to Van Zant
    • Advanced rules for vehicular and starship combat, plus options for running battles that encompass entire regiments and divisions on the battlefield.
    • Practical advice for Heat, Zone creation, and the three aspects of conflict - Warfare, Infowar, and Psywar - plus a deeper delve into Maya and Arachne


    MSRP $27.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • In the twisted jungles of Paradiso, humanity fights for its survival. The fierce, alien warriors of the Combined Army have poured through the Acheron Gate, descending upon the emerald jungles of the newest colonial world in a seemingly unstoppable torrent. The bestial Morat pound the Paradiso front, where brave men and women fight ceaselessly to maintain a defensive line which the sly Shasvastii penetrate with devastating ease. In the star-swept skies above, the collected might of humanity's armadas maintain a life-or-death blockade to cut off an endless horde of alien reinforcements. And if any of humanity's fractious forces falter, then all may be lost...

    But beyond the terrifying holding action, the intrigues and adventures of the human sphere spin on. Space pirates cruise through the shattered planetoids of Human Edge. Scientists and adventurers delve the oceans of Varuna. Merchants guilds scheme amidst the scourging sands of Bourak. From Yutang, the Emperor gazes forth from an uneasy throne. Titanic war machines stride across the icy plains of Svalarheima. Byzantine hypercops struggle for dominance amidst the chrome towers of Neoterra.

    For the last ten years, players have tested their mettle upon the battlefields of the Human Sphere in Corvus Belli's hugely-popular Infinity skirmish game. Now you can expand your adventures, diving deep into the amazing, never-before-seen depths of the Infinity universe with the ultimate science-fiction roleplaying game.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.79

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • One of the most exciting and dynamic elements of Wild West Exodus and Lost World Exodus is the interplay between the Action and the Adventure card decks. This set contains a complete 60 card Adventure deck and a full 48 card Action deck.

    This product contains

    • 1x Action Deck
    • 1x Adventure Deck


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • Born in 1854, Theodore Roosevelt was somewhat of a sickly child. To the young Teddy, as his parents called him, his weak constitution was something that needed to be challenged and overcome. In the aftermath of the Ore War, Roosevelt applied himself to a life of service, joining the Union military at seventeen. It was there that his exuberant personality, keen and varied interests, and robust masculinity quickly made him a favourite amongst the men and women he served alongside. Roosevelt was deployed to fight against Latin Alliance insurgents in Cuba as part of 273rd Cavalry Regiment, in a platoon known as the Rough Riders.

    Roosevelt's success with the Rough Riders saw him promoted to First Lieutenant and platoon leader under Colonel Leonard Wood. Three years later, Roosevelt was a Major when the Rough Riders were deployed to Antarctica as part of the 12th Expeditionary Force.

    After the Union was defeated at Shirase Valley by a Japanese detachment, With their horses maimed or killed in the clash, Roosevelt provided an ingenious solution. He had studied the attempts by expeditions to domesticate a native saurian species know as Trodon. He agreed they would be suitable mounts for his cavalry and put his Rough Riders to the challenge. After several months of wrangling, Roosevelt led his first detachment of Trodon cavalry to repel a small skirmishing force of Canadian Blackhoofs that were attempting to break through to the Ross Ice Shelf.

    “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” - Major Roosevelt at the Battle of Mount Erebus.

    The Theodore Roosevelt - Lost World Explorer kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

    • 1x Theodore Roosevelt - Lost World Explorer
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $19.83

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • This pack contains all 23 stat cards updated in the 2021 errata, with a bulk discount over individually purchase cards.

    It contains:

    • Mama Gimble V2
    • Quarrel V2
    • Muridae V2
    • Joanna V3
    • Loci V2
    • Brunhilde V2
    • Zorya, Dawn Witch V2
    • Antonia, Noon Witch V2
    • Gwendoline V2
    • Boulder V3
    • Bristlenose V2
    • Boris the Bunny Summoner V2
    • Murder Bunny 1 V2
    • Murder Bunny 2 V2
    • Murder Bunny 3 V2
    • Jackalope V2
    • Gloom V2
    • Kavanagh, the Jongler V2
    • Kalista V2
    • El Capitano V2
    • Swiggarty Swooty V2
    • Grub V2
    • Agatha Taverfrau V2

    For more info on the 2021 Errata visit MoonstoneTheGame.com

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • They’re here! We heard our fans, and have brand new dice!

    The Deluxe Dice set contains:

    • 5 Copper dice
    • 5 Silver dice
    • 4 Gold dice
    • 2 Red Crowd dice

    These dice are custom moulded with engraved symbols on each face, made in pearlescent colours. Now you can roll Gold, Silver, and Copper dice like never before!

    2 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • It's time to RUUUUUUUMBLE! Bring out your Superstars! The Superstar Ring is here for them! Bedecked with 152 stars (yes, I counted), and plenty of space for stencils (hint hint), the Superstar Ring is what all Superstars – existing or promising – need for their RUMBLESLAM madness.

    Turn every wrestler into a Superstar on a fully 3D laser cut MDF board. With the exact measurements as the flat play mat, this ring makes an excellent upgrade to your RUMBLESLAM matches. Also included are two heavy turnbuckle platforms for when a WEIGHT 3 wrestler has climbed the turnbuckle.

    The RUMBLESLAM Superstar Ring is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. We recommend wood glue to piece the set together. All you need to complete the set are ropes. We recommend using either nylon thread, wool, or - for a more vicious match - Army Painter barbed wire.

    MSRP $20.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


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