• Kraken play mats were built as real plates and were photographed and digitally reworked. As a result, they achieve a much higher level of detail than any computer-generated graphics. This technique allows the sharpest details to be displayed with minimal repetition of textures. The mats are 2mm thick and have an anti-slip coating on the back. The storage is simple, the mats can be rolled easily without accepting the shape. They roll without problems wonderfully flat, again and again. The Lotus effect protects against moisture, spilled drinks and other dirt. The mats are scratch resistant. The print quality is 720dpi. The dice rolling is dampened by the material. The cards can be easily gathered from the play mat. We use these mats at Conquest and believe they are of the highest quality for Conquest play! Huge table mat with 720 dpi scratch resistant print on 2mm with anti slip coating on the back, and lotus effect that repels liquids

    MSRP $65.00

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 23, 2021


  • Kraken play mats were built as real plates and were photographed and digitally reworked. As a result, they achieve a much higher level of detail than any computer-generated graphics. This technique allows the sharpest details to be displayed with minimal repetition of textures. The mats are 2mm thick and have an anti-slip coating on the back. The storage is simple, the mats can be rolled easily without accepting the shape. They roll without problems wonderfully flat, again and again. The Lotus effect protects against moisture, spilled drinks and other dirt. The mats are scratch resistant. The print quality is 720dpi. The dice rolling is dampened by the material. The cards can be easily gathered from the play mat. We use these mats at Conquest and believe they are of the highest quality for Conquest play! Huge table mat with 720 dpi scratch resistant print on 2mm with anti slip coating on the back, and lotus effect that repels liquids

    MSRP $49.00

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 23, 2021


  • Kraken play mats were built as real plates and were photographed and digitally reworked. As a result, they achieve a much higher level of detail than any computer-generated graphics. This technique allows the sharpest details to be displayed with minimal repetition of textures. The mats are 2mm thick and have an anti-slip coating on the back. The storage is simple, the mats can be rolled easily without accepting the shape. They roll without problems wonderfully flat, again and again. The Lotus effect protects against moisture, spilled drinks and other dirt. The mats are scratch resistant. The print quality is 720dpi. The dice rolling is dampened by the material. The cards can be easily gathered from the play mat. We use these mats at Conquest and believe they are of the highest quality for Conquest play! Huge table mat with 720 dpi scratch resistant print on 2mm with anti slip coating on the back, and lotus effect that repels liquids

    MSRP $89.99

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 23, 2021


  • Kraken play mats were built as real plates and were photographed and digitally reworked. As a result, they achieve a much higher level of detail than any computer-generated graphics. This technique allows the sharpest details to be displayed with minimal repetition of textures. The mats are 2mm thick and have an anti-slip coating on the back. The storage is simple, the mats can be rolled easily without accepting the shape. They roll without problems wonderfully flat, again and again. The Lotus effect protects against moisture, spilled drinks and other dirt. The mats are scratch resistant. The print quality is 720dpi. The dice rolling is dampened by the material. The cards can be easily gathered from the play mat. We use these mats at Conquest and believe they are of the highest quality for Conquest play! Huge table mat with 720 dpi scratch resistant print on 2mm with anti slip coating on the back, and lotus effect that repels liquids

    MSRP $54.99

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 23, 2021


  • Contains 5 multipart, plastic Citadel Miniatures. A reimagining of a beloved sculpt packed with assembly options and individuality. This fan favourite can be a Battleline option for use in Soulblight Gravelords armies.

    1 Available

    MSRP $70.00

    Released on May 22, 2021


  • Contains 20 multipart, multi-option plastic Deathrattle Skeletons for the Soulblight Gravelords. Multiple purchase item – the core unit of the army. Includes alternative weapon and champion options.

    MSRP $62.50

    Released on May 22, 2021


  • A terrifying update on the classic model. Contains 3 multi-part, multi-option plastic Citadel Miniatures for use in Soulblight Gravelords. Interchangeable heads across all three miniatures.


    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 22, 2021


  • Contains 1 multipart, single pose, Vampire Lord equipped with Soulbound Blades. A Hero, Wizard, and excellent choice to command the undead legions of the Soulblight Gravelords.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on May 22, 2021


  • Throughout your Innsmouth investigations, you have ventured into tide-hollowed caves and dripping tunnels—but these watery caverns are only the antechamber of the Deep Ones’ domain. A hidden city rests beneath the choppy waves of the North Atlantic, slumbering at the bottom of the ocean. If you’re going to protect the world from suffering the same fate as Innsmouth, you’ll need to venture into the heart of the storm. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Into the Maelstrom, the sixth Mythos Pack in The Innsmouth Conspiracy and the climactic conclusion of the cycle!


    MSRP $16.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • The faith that the King’s Men have in The Seven is only matched by their faith that Stannis Baratheon should be the next one to sit upon the Iron Throne. Through rigorous training with their greatswords and heavy armor, they are headed to the field of battle in service of the older Baratheon brother. Will their actions see him through to victory?


    • 12 Miniatures
    • 1 Unit Card
    • 1 Movement Tray

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • Most of the soldiers marching to battle in Westeros' wars are men. Many people feel that a woman's place is back home, running things there. But for House Mormont, their She-Bears gladly head to war, taking up arms just like any other soldier. Drawing inspiration in armor and weaponry from legendary warrior Lady Alysane Mormont, they are a rough and rugged fighting force that will stand toe-to-toe with some of the heaviest units other Houses can field.


    • 13 Miniatures
    • 1 Unit Card
    • 1 Attachment Card
    • 1 Movement Tray

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • This set contains 1 PHR Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Pompeius or Agrippa class.

    Taking inspiration from the PHR Monitors, these Battlecruisers trade the PHR's typical broadside arrangements for something a little more forward facing. Or a lot more in the case of the Pompeius.

    The Pompeius is all about those four massive guns. The Heavy Quad Battery is an upscaled version of the weapons found on its little sister the Castor, and they're even more deadly. Able to hunt large enemy ships extremely well, the Pompeius is a hard counter to any players that think they know how to beat PHR! The Agrippa is maybe one of the strangest ships in Dropfleet Commander. Its offensive capacity is small, but it uses its Holographic Drones primarily in a defensive role, able to generate Debris Fields when it moves - and they only negatively affect your opponent!

    Contains 1 resin miniature and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • This set contains 1 Resistance Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Senator or Triumvir class.

    Sleek yet clunky, these Battlecruisers exemplify the Resistance's theme of "bloated military budget gone wild". Covered with thick armour and an array of exotic structures and weapons, the Resistance style shines through.

    Armed with loads of missiles, a scanner, and some big bombs, the Senator does a bit of everything. Its Close Action weaponry is extremely potent, which is a threat to anyone getting close. Thanks to its scanners it has Detector, so you can actually keep back to provide support. The VX Bombs are the thing to write home about though. While they don't do a colossal amount of damage to Sectors, their nerve agent will kill all life in the surrounding area - whether they're friendly or enemy! On the other end of the spectrum entirely, the Triumvir is all about defence. It is able to help repair any ships close by, aiding their Damage Control rolls. It's also able to pull apart scrap from friendly destroyed ships, using it to repair Hull damage from other friendlies that are close by. Very handy!

    Contains 1 resin miniature and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • This set contains 1 Scourge Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Shadow or Umbra class.

    Working with the infamous Scourge profile, these Battlecruisers start off sleek at the prow before opening out at the back into a mass of fins and tentacle-looking extrusions. The prow features a dizzying array of weaponry, while the fins house launch bays for added threat.

    The Shadow's Magnetron Lash cements it as the Close Action killer in a fleet full of Close Action killers. With the Mauler special rule, this unique weapon combines Close Action Burnthrough damage with the Scourge's typical Scald, making a weapon that is as dangerous as can be. The Umbra takes a more back-field approach. Its Oculus Booster provides a bonus to friendly ships firing at a target that it has softened up. Increasing the range and potency of Scald on other Oculus weapons, this ship is a true force multiplier.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.


    MSRP $28.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • This set contains 1 Shaltari Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Hematite or Goethite class.

    These Battlecruisers continue the classic Shaltari style of being almost impossible to understand until you physically pick them up (and then woosh them around making spaceship noises). With fins in weird shapes all over the place and plenty of dots to paint, you know it's Shaltari.

    The Hematite provides a surprisingly straightforward ship for Shaltari. It has one main weapon profile: the Quad Thermal Lance Cannon. Literally four times better than a single Chromium, this is one Burnthrough weapon your enemies will not want to be in the same star system as. The Goethite is more subtle, offering a mixture of weaponry and Launch capability. Its Twin Hyperwave Cannons provide strong firepower and also Corruptor, which ensures the damage will keep going long after the Goethite has darted off across the board.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • This set contains 1 UCM Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Rome or a Venice class.

    Opening up some interesting new design space, these Battlecruisers offer something visually different to the rest of the UCM fleet. The Rome champions the triple prow first seen on the Kiev, and the Venice opts for an open prow, leaning into the antennae style in the rest of the range.

    The Rome is your answer to a hard-as-nails escort. With 2 Heavy Torpedoes, even the largest ships can be split apart with ease, and its massive banks of point defence lasers aid their assistance to nearby ships. Meanwhile the Venice is your answer to a light command ship. House your Admiral in there to gain Command Card bonuses, and recycle those Command Cards into powerful additional bonuses to Battlegroup orders.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: December.


    • Rasputina
    • Wendigo
    • Snow Storm
    • 3 December Acolytes

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • Deploy your troops into the heart of battle with the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion for Star Wars: legion! A frequent sight in the Outer Rim Territories, the A-A5 speeder truck is both rugged and reliable - traits that make it perfect for conversion to a combat transport. Able to be fitted with armor plating and a turret-mounted weapon while possessing ample room for passengers, cargo, or even emergency medical equipment, the versatility of the A-A5 is second to none.

    This expansion contains one finely sculpted, unpainted hard plastic A-A5 Speeder Truck miniature, enough for one heavy unit, that can be assembled with its side door open or closed and outfitted with either a quad laser or a heavy laser retrofit. In addition to these cosmetic customizations, 16 upgrade cards invite players to modify how your A-A5 Speeder Truck operates in battle by adding new pilots, weapons, and comms systems.

    2 Available

    MSRP $71.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • Scour the battlefield with the LAAT/Ie Patrol Transport Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion! First seeing use by Republic police forces during the height of the Clone Wars, this transport is sufficiently armed and armored to contend with criminal enterprises or insurgent cells. Whether dropping clone troopers into urban battlefields or pinning down Rebel soldiers, both the Republic and Empire can use the LAAT/Ie for both transport and air support.

    Within this expansion, players will find everything needed to add a LAAT/Ie Patrol Transport to their Republic or Imperial armies. The beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic miniature can be assembled with either Phase II clone pilots or Imperial TIE pilots, and unit cards for both factions help players fully integrate them into their forces. In addition to these cards, 12 upgrade cards invite players to customize their LAAT/Ie with unique pilots from both factions as well as ordinance and comms systems.

    1 Available

    MSRP $64.99

    Released on May 21, 2021


  • Set on the continent of Ulaya, The Drowned Earth is a tropical world, thick with jungle, swamp and tropical archipelago.

    Once, The Drowned Earth was the home of a great, futuristic civilisation. Their cities spanned the globe, and they were beginning to conquer the solar system.

    A terrible cataclysm ended that civilisation. For hundreds of years nature reclaimed the earth, prehistoric monsters ruled the wilds, while the survivors of the cataclysm known as "The Event" struggled to survive.

    Now, a new Enlightenment has dawned. The fragile glimmer of civilisation has begun to shine, and the fight is on for who will control the knowledge being discovered in the ruins of the ancient world...


    • 1x Feat Die
    • 1x Attribute Die
    • 4x Armour Dice

    1 Available

    MSRP $18.13

    Released on May 21, 2021

    $18.13 $14.95

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