• Frigates are small, fast combat vessels designed primarily for flanking and first strike missions. They are the most common fighting ship type present in most fleets in the Reconquest. Some variants also provide vital support roles complementing the efforts of the main fleet.


    8 x PHR Frigates: These multi-part hard plastic lavishly detailed 1:9150 (0.2mm) scale miniatures can be assembled as up to five different classes, including frigates and strike carriers.

    Typical length 73mm. 72 Parts for all eight ships (including optional ones). NOTE: All ships are provided with a multi-part Dropfleet flight stand, designed to track in-game status without the use of tokens. A maximum of 4 of the same class of ship can be built from this set. Miniatures made in Great Britain, printed in Great Britain. Models supplied unpainted and unassembled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • The general performance profile of a typical defence monitors fits the PHR well – that of high armour and low speed.

    The Castor, much like its Colonial opposite number - the Istanbul - features heavy calibre mass drivers, able to lay down considerable cross-orbital defensive fire. Its vertical hull is quite unusual for a PHR ship, and allows these weapons to pivot around a central arc.

    Although based on the Castor class monitor’s superstructure, the Pollux is officially classified as an escort frigate, due to its mission profile. This class was designed exclusively for close-protection missions around bulky, high value targets, where its low speed would still be sufficient to keep up. The Pollux excels at this mission through extensive point-defence arrays – enough to make it extremely difficult for any strike craft or close action attacks to get through.

    This set contains 3 PHR Monitors. These small ships are slow moving, and struggle to manoeuvre, but make up for that by targeting between Low and High Orbit without penalty, and having unparalleled armour for that size of ship.

    This pack makes three ships, buildable as either Castor class Monitors or Pollux class Escort Frigates. The Castor's Quad Battery is incredibly dangerous, outputting 4 shots that can double when the small ship goes Weapons Free. The Pollux has very limited offensive capabilities, but brings a massive Aegis (7), which makes it the premiere escort in the PHR fleet.

    Contains 3 resin miniatures with parts to assemble two variants, and 3 plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • The Resistance - the grown-up version of yelling "just leave me alone!" at the top of your lungs. With guns. Big guns.

    These dice have been cobbled together out of anything we could find lying around, and stuck together with bits of gum we found under our desks. All the more fitting for Resistance players!

    Just kidding! They're high quality plastic, made in Resistance blue with an opalescent finish, these dice have the Resistance logo etched on the "6" facing to remind you what you're fighting for (freedom).

    This pack contains 10 six-sided dice, perfect for games of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020

    $11.20 $8.96

  • PHR Dreadnoughts are paradigms of technology. Nearly 2000 metres long, they’re built around a next-gen intermeshed power management system. Virtually all the ship’s gunnery, core systems and drives are integrated seamlessly into it. This allows unique and advanced weaponry. The Romulus packs Energy Glaive broadsides and the dreaded Hypernova Laser. The Remus boasts the Apocalypse Cannon - one of the most potent bombardment weapons ever conceived. Any of these can be overcharged when fired alone, upping the devastation to biblical proportions.

    Introducing the biggest ships that Dropfleet Commander has ever seen. The PHR Dreadnought comes in at a massive 215mm long (from nose to manoeuvre fin), putting it as the biggest - and bulkiest - PHR ship.

    This set includes parts to make either the PHR Romulus or the PHR Remus Dreadnoughts. With 30 Hull Points and 2+ Armour, the PHR Dreadnoughts are the toughest ships in the game, with potent weaponry to boot. All of their main weapons also have the option to be overcharged, doubling their damage.

    Rules for Dreadnoughts can be found in Battle for Earth.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a multi-part plastic base. Note that this is an advanced modelling kit and may need small gaps filling and pieces gently heated and bent to fit.

    MSRP $70.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • A parasitic race, the Scourge arrived on Earth 150 years ago. They hit humanity’s home and the Cradle Worlds hard, destroying or enslaving billions of souls within mere hours of planetfall. One lone Scourge is an unformidable opponent, existing as a mass of tar-like black tendrils, barely able to lift its own weight. However, they insert themselves into living creatures and their grown vehicles alike, their limbs stretching out to cover every nerve, fully taking control of their host.

    The Scourge fleet is made up of such creatures, part living, and part machine. Yet these massive starships are too big for a single creature to control alone; the walls run thick with the sinewy nervous systems, interlocking and working together.

    The Scourge took over the majority of humankind with extreme speed, and live to enslave any creature that crosses their paths. Either that or they bombard them with devastating plasma weaponry until whatever is left concedes victory to their future masters.

    This box contains an entire Scourge Battlefleet, with (almost) everything you’ll need to raise a fleet for your games of Dropfleet Commander. This set contains a mix of plastic and resin ships, which provide a solid core for your fleet and some more advanced ships to fill particular roles.

    The plastic Cruisers and Frigates can be assembled in dozens of ways, each with a very specific place in the fleet. From the colossal Furnace Cannons of the Raiju Heavy Cruisers, all the way down to the esoteric Reverse-Grav Cannons of the Scylla Frigates.

    Each ship comes with a multi-part plastic base and flight stand to keep track of your damage, orbital layer, fire arcs, energy status and ship names.

    Scourge ships are fast and stealthy, dealing overhwelming damage up close.

    This box contains:

    • 1 Resin Scourge Battlecruiser, which can be built as either an Akuma or Banshee. Typical length 131mm, 9 parts per ship (including optional ones).
    • 6 Plastic Scourge Cruisers. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 28 parts each (including optional ones), and can be assembled in 9 different classes, including Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Fleet Carriers, Light Cruisers, and Troopships! Typical length 107mm.
    • 8 Plastic Scourge Frigates. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 4 Frigates, which - using the 38 parts on each sprue (including optional ones) - can make up to 5 different classes, including Frigates and Strike Carriers. Typical length 65mm.
    • 3 Resin Scourge Corvettes, in a single piece with typical length of 49mm.
    • 56 Scourge Command Cards & 33 Activation Cards.
    • 2 Fastplay cards.

    Contains 14 multi-part plastic miniatures and 4 resin miniatures, all with multi-part bases, 89 playing cards, and 2 fast play cards. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $140.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • The alien Shaltari are a race unlike any encountered by humankind. Though short in stature, they are wise beyond anything known. Their technology is so far advanced to be almost indistinguishable from magic, utilising teleportation, gravitic distortion, and even the ability to bypass death.

    It is this last detail that is most curious to the United Colonies of Mankind. The Shaltari are able to pass their consciousness into a another body, grown specially for the purpose. They are essentially immortal, provided their warlike nature doesn’t kill them first. For the Shaltari a species of duality, where sometimes serene and intelligent beyond measure, they can turn into war hungry creatures, desperate to prove their martial prowess.

    In void combat their fleets are equally hard to predict. While they have little need for primitive armour, they protect themselves through energy shields and incredible manoeuvrability. To fall into a Shaltari trap is common - and due to their weapons of immense power - deadly.

    This box contains an entire Shaltari Battlefleet, with (almost) everything you’ll need to raise a fleet for your games of Dropfleet Commander. This set contains a mix of plastic and resin ships, which provide a solid core for your fleet and some more advanced ships to fill particular roles.

    The plastic Cruisers and Frigates can be assembled in dozens of ways, each with a very specific place in the fleet. From the stranger Emerald Motherships, all the way down to the unique Voidgates - anchors of a vast teleportation network.

    Each ship comes with a multi-part plastic base and flight stand to keep track of your damage, orbital layer, fire arcs, energy status and ship names.

    Shaltari ships lack armour, but boast a tactical acumen that rewards the most cunning players.

    This box contains:

    • 1 Resin Shaltari Battlecruiser, which can be built as either a Ruby or Sapphire.
    • Typical length 139mm, 13 parts per ship (including optional ones).
    • 6 Plastic Shaltari Cruisers & 6 Shaltari Voidgates. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 28 parts each (including optional ones & Voidgates), and can be assembled in 9 different classes, including Cruisers, Fleet Carriers, and Troopships! Typical length 107mm.
    • 8 Plastic Shaltari Frigates. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 4 Frigates, which - using the 38 parts on each sprue (including optional ones) - can make up to 5 different classes, including Frigates and Strike Carriers. Typical length 65mm.
    • 3 Resin Shaltari Corvettes, in a single piece with typical length of 49mm.
    • 56 Shaltari Command Cards & 33 Activation Cards.
    • 2 Fastplay cards.

    Contains 14 multi-part plastic miniatures and 4 resin miniatures, all with multi-part bases, 89 playing cards, and 2 fast play cards. Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    MSRP $140.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • PHR - when being human isn't quite enough.

    The Republic is the strongest and most powerful of all humans, even if it's sort of a weird place where "human" isn't really a definitive factor. Still, if you want to upgrade yourself to judge all probabilities at a glance, it's the place to be! For the rest of us, we have some cool dice.

    Made in PHR yellow with an opalescent finish, these dice have the PHR logo etched on the "6" facing, showing your allegiance to the White Sphere every time you roll.

    This pack contains 10 six-sided dice, perfect for games of Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander.

    1 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Hive pocket is the very same wonderful game we all love, but in a compact version.

    With all its pieces in a portable small cloth bag, this game can provide fun just about anywhere!

    This edition includes two bonus pieces, "The Mosquito" and "Ladybug," expansions to the game which provide additional hours of fun!

    The object:

    To surround your opponent's queen bee while trying to block your opponents from doing the same. Each player has 13 tiles; representing different insects. Each insect has a unique way of moving (as in chess) and resembles the movement of the insect depicted on the tile. Game with simple rules yet challenging in depth.


    • 26 Hexagonal tiles
    • Rules
    • Cloth bag

    1 Available

    MSRP $32.15

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • The Anaconda is a Nomad mechanized squadron that was at one point disbanded and successfully re-purposed as an independent mercenary unit, eventually signing contracts all over the Sphere. It was the Anacondas who served as an armed escort for the famed Alcinoe Expedition that managed to open the Gantvoort Route by successfully warding off the constant attacks of that satellite’s separatist groups. The Squadron saw action in each stage of the NeoColonial Wars, during which they worked for nearly every side, and in the Ariadnan Commercial Conflicts, where they entered into a fruitful collaboration with the FRRM (the Merovingian Rapid Response Force) that lasts to this day. But despite the Squadron’s undeniable achievements, the very existence of an independent, private mechanized unit beggars belief, unless it receives support from a hidden hand. A hand that might very well be clad in black...

    Box with 2 miniatures: Anaconda TAG (Spitfire), Anaconda Operator (Spitfire)


    MSRP $67.50

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Here comes the necessary heavy support for the Bakunin Jurisdictional Command. Thanks to his elevate Armour value and his HMG the Taskmaster will be a retaining wall for the enemy offensives. If only one of this Heavy Infantry trooper is a killer beast, using their Fireteam: Duo skill they become the hammer that will break the enemy's frontline.

    MSRP $30.99

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Faction: Arcanist. Keyword: December, Elemental. Contents:

    • Ice Golem
    • 3 Ice Gamin


    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Faction: Bayou. Keyword: Big Hat. Contents:

    • Old Cranky
    • 3 x Gremlin Criers


    MSRP $35.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Keyword: Elite, Mimic. Contents:

    • Lucius Mattheson
    • The Scribe
    • Agent 46
    • 3 Guild Lawyers

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.50

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Keyword: Savage. Contents:

    • Euripides
    • Primordial Magic
    • Thoon
    • 3 Gigants

    1 Available

    MSRP $65.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunder. Keyword: Monk, Qi and Gong. Contents:

    • 3 Charm Warders


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Monk. Contents:

    • Shenlong
    • Sensei Yu
    • 2 Aspiring Students
    • 3 High River Monks

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.50

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Faction: Ten Thunders. Keyword: Last Blossom, Monk. Contents:

    • 3 Thunder Archers


    MSRP $22.00

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


  • Battle evil in style with the Captain Marvel Game Mat for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!

    This 24”x 12 slip-resistant game mat gives you plenty of space for your hero’s deck, identity card, upgrades, supports, and more while showing off beautiful art! The villains don’t stand a chance with the Captain Marvel Game Mat at your side!

    WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Benzopyrene, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer. For more information, go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov.


    MSRP $19.95

    Released on Jan. 1, 2020


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