• The Watchers have been observing humanity for thousands of years. A pan-galactic group they consist of dozens of species all working together to a common cause. Their standing order is not to involve themselves in the affairs of a sentient species until they reach a level of technological and cultural sophistication. Once this level is reached, the Watchers reveal themselves and the world is honoured by joining the Watcher Hegemony.

    On Earth there is something wrong. Outside and alien influences are interfering with humanity's development. Technologies are available that are decades, if not centuries, beyond their time.

    A small force of Watchers has been dispatched to the Earth to investigate and deal with the alien threat. Humanity must be protected from outsiders at all costs. But what is humanity to make of their would-be saviors?

    This product contains

    • 1x Cerulean Prime Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The greatest scientific minds of a generation have allied themselves into the Covenant of the Enlightened. A powerful coterie of genius that spans the globe.

    Humanity is facing countless dangers from the avarice of powerful individuals, the ambition of emerging superpowers and the influence of extra-terrestrial entities. It is the Enlightened who apply their brilliance to unlock the secrets of their enemies and harness the incredible to the service of mankind.

    Through science, death is held at bay with the mortally wounded restored as a construct in service to the Lords and Ladies of the Enlightened.

    Through science, energy is brought to the masses with the discovery of superconductive materials and the commercial availability of RJ-1027 power cells.

    Through science, the simple morality of good and evil is shown to be meaningless. Only by embracing all the possibilities that scientific endeavour offers can humanity truly be freed and safe.

    This product contains

    • 1x Construct with Manreaper Shotgun Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $11.12

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Watchers have been observing humanity for thousands of years. A pan-galactic group they consist of dozens of species all working together to a common cause. Their standing order is not to involve themselves in the affairs of a sentient species until they reach a level of technological and cultural sophistication. Once this level is reached, the Watchers reveal themselves and the world is honoured by joining the Watcher Hegemony.

    On Earth there is something wrong. Outside and alien influences are interfering with humanity's development. Technologies are available that are decades, if not centuries, beyond their time.

    A small force of Watchers has been dispatched to the Earth to investigate and deal with the alien threat. Humanity must be protected from outsiders at all costs. But what is humanity to make of their would-be saviours?

    This product contains

    • 4x Drain Myriad Miniatures
    • 6x Pulse Myriad Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019

    $19.83 $21.00

  • The greatest scientific minds of a generation have allied themselves into the Covenant of the Enlightened. A powerful coterie of genius that spans the globe.

    Humanity is facing countless dangers from the avarice of powerful individuals, the ambition of emerging superpowers and the influence of extra-terrestrial entities. It is the Enlightened who apply their brilliance to unlock the secrets of their enemies and harness the incredible to the service of mankind.

    Through science, death is held at bay with the mortally wounded restored as a construct in service to the Lords and Ladies of the Enlightened.

    Through science, energy is brought to the masses with the discovery of superconductive materials and the commercial availability of RJ-1027 power cells.

    Through science, the simple morality of good and evil is shown to be meaningless. Only by embracing all the possibilities that scientific endeavour offers can humanity truly be freed and safe.

    Created as guard dogs and sentries during the early days of Payson's growth from small town to impregnable fortress city, the K9 automata are unusual in that they were and still are entirely mechanical. As the Enlightened moved towards using more esoteric materials in their inventions the K9 has remained as one of their few creations that have not been in some part made partly of living tissue. This is a testament to its reliability.

    Though the secrets of their manufacture were eventually given over to the Union by the defector Nikolai Tesla the Enlightened were unwilling to allow a rival to have access to superior technology so created a new K9 model, the H311, colloquially known as ‘the gun dog’. Built to serve as guardians to the heavily fortified Promethean Complexes this up armoured and more heavily armed version of the K9 sacrifices speed for armour and boasts a Gatling gun as well as the standard issue steel jaws. A pack of these beasts is more than a match for even a hardened unit of men with the weight of fire they can lay down. The gun dog also benefits for more advanced cranial engines enhanced with predictive modules that are programmed to mimic aggressive animal behaviour patterns whilst allowing for intuitive target requisition.

    Despite Union embargoes the Enlightened sell copious quantities of K9 units on the black market so that it is not only the Union army or sanctioned Lawmen that are accompanied by a pack of these metal mutts. Outlaws, Hex Cultists, even farmers or barkeeps can buy a new best friend if they can afford it. Failing that they can steal them as only the most expensive models have voice recognition keyed to one owner meaning a hard reset in a workshop is usually enough for a change of ownership.

    This product contains

    • 2x K9 Attack Dogs Miniature
    • 2x Bases


    MSRP $12.83

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Hex just want to be left alone. Hunted across the galaxy, the Hex has come to Earth to find a new home for itself. It calls out to those similarly abused and victimised so that it might find companionship and learn from their culture and endeavours.

    The Hex has no sense of right and wrong, it only knows survival and the loneliness that eons of persecution have brought about. On Earth it has made new allies and bonded with many who are similarly abused.

    But the Hex's gift of power is misused by humanity. Those who were the victim now have the strength to strike back at those who made them suffer. The greatest minds of them all have embarked on the formation of a Dark Council to, manipulate and inveigle themselves in the great nations of the world. For only through control can they truly be safe...

    This product contains

    • 1x Nazombu Snake Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $26.83

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • Protected by the Great Spirit, the Warrior Nation are the indigenous peoples of the Earth. In this new age of scientific discovery, it is the Warrior Nation who must confront the twisted monstrosities that such endeavours produce.

    The Warrior Nation has taken up the mantle of protector of the land, and will stop at nothing to eradicate the threat that their fellow men bring with their greed and delusions of grandeur.

    The Great Spirit gifts them psychic energies that were once the stuff of myth and legend. The Warrior Nation harness this power to fight against the horrors of this dystopia that they now face.

    This product contains

    • 5x Plains Warrior Miniatures
    • 5x Plains Stalker Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Outlaws are a rag-tag mix of men and women. Each forging their own path in the world, each fiercely independent. To the Union and Lawmen, they are viewed as desperate and dangerous criminals. People who have turned their backs on the very concept of decency and honour.

    For some this is true, their path of sees them struggle for a moment in the spotlight, caring only for the recognition of infamy. For others, particularly those with a cause, their egos drive body counts higher and higher with each town they pass through. From bio-mechanical implants to stolen experimental weaponry, only death may stop their headlong quest for fame and wealth. Powerful weapons and a reckless way of life have made the Outlaws a force to be reckoned with.

    This product contains

    • 5x Raider/Hex Cutthroats Miniatures
    • 5x Raider/Hex Gunmen Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Hex just want to be left alone. Hunted across the galaxy, the Hex has come to Earth to find a new home for itself. It calls out to those similarly abused and victimised so that it might find companionship and learn from their culture and endeavours.

    The Hex has no sense of right and wrong, it only knows survival and the loneliness that eons of persecution have brought about. On Earth it has made new allies and bonded with many who are similarly abused.

    But the Hex's gift of power is misused by humanity. Those who were the victim now have the strength to strike back at those who made them suffer. The greatest minds of them all have embarked on the formation of a Dark Council to, manipulate and inveigle themselves in the great nations of the world. For only through control can they truly be safe...

    This product contains

    • 5x Reaver Headhunter Miniatures
    • 5x Reaver Harrier Miniatures
    • 10x Bases


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Hex just want to be left alone. Hunted across the galaxy, the Hex has come to Earth to find a new home for itself. It calls out to those similarly abused and victimised so that it might find companionship and learn from their culture and endeavours.

    The Hex has no sense of right and wrong, it only knows survival and the loneliness that eons of persecution have brought about. On Earth it has made new allies and bonded with many who are similarly abused.

    But the Hex's gift of power is misused by humanity. Those who were the victim now have the strength to strike back at those who made them suffer. The greatest minds of them all have embarked on the formation of a Dark Council to, manipulate and inveigle themselves in the great nations of the world. For only through control can they truly be safe...

    This product contains

    • 1x Reaver with Heavy Electrocoil Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $9.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The Order are an ancient sect that has been maintaining a vigil for the emergence on the Earth of the accursed Hex.

    Though their understanding of the powers they serve is shrouded in mystery and doctrine, the Order know that their cause is just and that the very fate of humanity rests with them.

    The Order strive to put themselves above their human frailties and morality. They know that should their crusade fail; the world will burn...

    The Spica are the militia of The Order. Each trained relentlessly for the crusade against the Hex, the Spica are an elite fighting force of men and women.

    This contains

    • 10x Spica Cohort Miniatures
    • 10x Bases

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


    MSRP $23.33

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • The law is an elusive animal in the frontier. After the brutal culmination of the Civil War, the western territories began to experience an age of such violence and upheaval that there was almost no hope for ordinary men and women to survive, let alone prosper. Those who rose up to defend them were the Lawmen.

    This heavily armoured robotic sheriff brings the law to his town with the aid of one massive gun. Blasting away any criminal who thinks they are above the law.

    This product contains

    • 1x UR-31C Heavy Lawbot Miniature
    • 1x Base


    MSRP $11.67

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • Having crushed the Confederacy in the Civil War a decade ago, the Union has retained its war-footing and now turns its hungry eyes westward. Fuelled by the full destructive potential of the scientific technologies obtained during the war from the Enlightened, the Union's might seem unstoppable. It seeks to defend itself against any threat that might rise up against it by crushing all those who could oppose their manifest destiny.

    This product contains

    • 1x Willa Shaw on foot Miniature
    • 1x Willa Shaw mounted Miniature
    • 2x Bases

    1 Available

    MSRP $27.06

    Released on Jan. 1, 2019


  • A unit of Basotho Cavalry, which includes the unit card and 6 models comprised of 3 different sculpts. They come on 50mm plug bases, which slot into the two 120mm Fireteam bases provided.

    MSRP $55.00

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018


  • The Dreadnought is one of Abyssinia's machines of war. Manned by multiple gunners, the Dreadnought can wade into the battle and lay down an impressive amount of gunfire.

    The Crushing Legs ability gives the Dreadnought an attack by simply moving, giving the chance to crush Squads under its feet. The Mounted Gatling Guns attack is the Dreadnought's main attack, coming in at a solid Strength 3. The Action gives out a Pinned Token, slowing the enemy down and cutting off their reinforcements. The Mask Trigger, Nimble, on the shot makes the Dreadnought have a good potential speed, allowing it to capitalize on its Crushing Legs.

    This Abyssinia Titan Box includes the Dreadnought unit card, the Titan Assets, and 1 model on a 120mm plug base.


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018


  • The Other Side uses a standard deck of cards, known as a Fate Deck, in order to resolve conflict. It’s as simple as flipping a card, adding your stat, and comparing it to a target number.

    The Fate Deck gives players control over their Companies in the form of the Control Hand. Cards in your Control Hand can be used to replace flipped cards, ensuring that the actions you want to succeed won’t fail at a critical moment. Say farewell to all those rolled 1s!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.50

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018

    $10.00 $3.99

  • The Goryshche is a massive, twisted creature. Like the hydra, it spouts many heads and has the ability to quickly replace that which it has lost. This means that while the Goryshche is easier to hurt than most Titans, it is also better able to withstand prolonged assault.

    Its Hungry Maw action is a potent attack at Strength 4, and it puts a great amount of fear into the enemy. It can also be used, with the Swallow Whole trigger, to deal a great amount of damage to an enemy Champion — particularly a Commander. This is not the sort of creature you want to have as your enemy.

    Includes the Goryshche unit card, the Titan Assets, and 1 model on a 120mm plug base.


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018


  • The Other Side uses a standard deck of cards, known as a Fate Deck, in order to resolve conflict. It’s as simple as flipping a card, adding your stat, and comparing it to a target number.

    The Fate Deck gives players control over their Companies in the form of the Control Hand. Cards in your Control Hand can be used to replace flipped cards, ensuring that the actions you want to succeed won’t fail at a critical moment. Say farewell to all those rolled 1s!

    MSRP $12.50

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018

    $10.00 $3.99

  • The Other Side uses a standard deck of cards, known as a Fate Deck, in order to resolve conflict. It’s as simple as flipping a card, adding your stat, and comparing it to a target number.

    The Fate Deck gives players control over their Companies in the form of the Control Hand. Cards in your Control Hand can be used to replace flipped cards, ensuring that the actions you want to succeed won’t fail at a critical moment. Say farewell to all those rolled 1s!

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.50

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018

    $10.00 $3.99

  • A King's Hand is a massive Titan built for war by combining the knowledge of the Guild with British manufacturing.

    Taking advantage of high functioning parts, the King's Hand is able to have advanced Targeting Parameters. This makes sure it hits its target when firing into an engagement.

    It adds to this its Superheavy Gatling Gun. Though this gun's Strength is only a 2, its impressive AV 6 and 18" range means that many shots will connect. The Powerful Shot Trigger also increases the gun's Strength more quickly than the standard Margin 5 that other attacks need.

    King's Empire Titan This includes the King's Hand unit card, the Titan Assets, and 1 model on a 120mm plug base.

    3 Available

    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Dec. 26, 2018

    $60.00 $39.99

  • Gundam RG Real Grade. Unicorn Gundam Full Psycho-Frame Prototype Mobile Suit RX-0. Bandai Spirits 2018. Made in Japan.

    2 Available

    MSRP $64.00

    Released on Dec. 22, 2018


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