• The Saif Traders Coliseum is the HexaDome where the battles of Aristeia! are held in the city of Saif, caliphate of Al-Medinat (one of the regions of the planet Bourak). Al-Medinat is home to Haqqislam's powerful medical, biotechnology, and pharmacological industry - so it is common for this HexaDome to be the setting where biosanitary corporations present their champions and set up new medical or military personnel. The most recent case is that of Aleasara Laboratories and the stars Bachmann and Hammerhead.

    The Saif Traders Coliseum is an official and fully compatible HexaDome, designed with a new arrangement of the Blocked Boxes with respect to the Praesidio Corregidor Arena, offering new challenges to players in both the deployment of their teams as in the development of scenarios.


    MSRP $23.99

    Released on Oct. 25, 2019


  • This MDF Wartracker is ideal for use in your Warcry games. It will keep track of your Ability dice, turns and victory points as well as holding your faction cards for easy reference. The tracker is layered allowing for interesting painting schemes to match your warband.

    The Battlecry Wartracker contain

    • 1x Battlecry Wartracker


    MSRP $9.87

    Released on Oct. 25, 2019


  • In Fog & Friction, your High Command has given you a single key objective: take more ground than the enemy!

    You have been given the resources to prosecute this war - but it is up to you to determine how you will use them. Will you use cunning and deception to out-fox your enemy, or rely on mighty tanks and guns to smash through enemy lines in a storm of steel and iron? One thing is certain, however: war may be unpredictable, but with careful planning and the steady application of force, your victory will be assured!

    In Fog & Friction: Western Front you assume the role of either an Allied or Axis commander and wage war across numerous battlefields inspired by the historical campaigns of World War Two. You will contest bridges, towns, and rolling farmland until only one side's force remains, leaving you in possession of the field.

    The Fog & Friction: Core Game contains everything you need for two players including;

    • 1x Fog & Friction Rulebook
    • 168 Cards
    • 156 Unit cards
    • 78x Allied Units
    • 78x Axis Units
    • 10x Battlefield cards
    • 5x Allied Battlefield cards
    • 5x Axis Battlefield cards
    • 2x Sequence of Play cards

    Please note: One copy of the Fog & Friction: Core Game supplied. Rulebook and cards are printed in English.


    MSRP $29.17

    Released on Oct. 25, 2019


  • They do not call us "Nahab," marauders and predators, by accident; it’s an earned name. We are dangerous because we are unforeseen, because we appear when and where we are least expected.

    This box includes three miniatures: One Nahab with Red Fury, one Nahab with Boarding Shotgun and one Nahab Killer Hacker with Submachine Gun. The incorporation of these supersoldiers into your Haqqislam army, will give you great table control because you can choose to deploy them with Infiltration or with Airborne Infiltration.


    • 1x Nahab with Red Fury
    • 1x Nahab with Boarding Shotgun
    • 1x Nahab Killer Hacker with Submachine Gun


    MSRP $39.49

    Released on Oct. 25, 2019


  • To the common man, the Covenant of the Enlightened are little more than an exclusive club of intellectuals and aristocrats who sit in grand drawing rooms talking much and doing little. While the Covenant are at great pains to show that the reality is far removed from this, it must be acknowledged that there are some groups within the Enlightened who more closely resemble this stereotype than they would like to admit.

    One such group of these is the Hook and Ladder Club in New York City, so named due to their premises being located in a building that was originally destined for the nascent Fire Department. The club members specialise in the emergent field of parapsychology, a subject that the common man might call supernatural.

    The club's current Auger, Warwick Hudson, leads all manner of discussions and theorising into matters ephemeral and improbable. Like the club's founders, Hudson believes that all things can be explained by applying the scientific method. He maintains that they are in an age of Industrial 'super-science' and that any reports of strange and mysterious happenings from the "Wild West" of America or the "Lost World" of Antarctica are simply exaggerated or misunderstood by unreliable witnesses.

    Under the terms of his sponsorship by the British aristocrat, Lord Buckland, Auger Hudson is required to have his scientific merits officially recognised and that will require fieldwork. Hudson has been working for many months to assemble his team and to prepare them with such equipment as the most dangerous of environments and situations require. Armed with an array of esoteric and highly experimental weaponry, Hudson is set upon venturing forth and collecting enough data to present to the Hook and Ladder Club, therefore securing himself a position as a Peer of the Covenant in his own right. Hudson and his Soul Hunters (as the lurid press would daub them) follow up reports of 'spectral etherics' around the globe. Major expeditions are underway to both the Badlands of the Union as well as the Antarctic interior.

    At Auger's right hand is Erin Meltzer, a scientist and researcher with a passion for uncovering the unknown that almost burns as bright as his own. She is particularly fascinated by reports in the Badlands of Montana of animals growing to an almost impossible size and imbued with some etheric properties. Ernesto Volk is similarly obsessed with the physical, though more often his thoughts are of his own impressive physique and he has a reputation in the club as a pugilist of some renown, a skill he developed while he studied at University in Greenwich Village.

    Hans Spelmann is the quiet, contemplative member of the group and will often only contribute to a discussion when he deems it a necessity. The newly discovered flora and flora of the Lost World is of great interest and he believes that the energies that have brought about such fantastical evolution are linked to the spectral anomalies found elsewhere. Jocasta Tobin is the writer and archivist of the Hook and Ladder Club, she documents all of their research and theories and promises to one day publish them as a guide to future investigators into the unexplained. Finally, Katherine Holst is the engineering risk-taker and the most outgoing of them all. It was Holst who collaborated with the French scientist Girauld Eres (before his terrible accident) and made possible the spectral containment technology on which their research now relies so heavily upon.

    The Soul Hunters Detachment kit builds six multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Auger Warwick Hudson
    • 1x Erin Meltzer
    • 1x Ernesto Volk
    • 1x Hans Spelmann
    • 1x Jocasta Tobin
    • 1x Katherine Holst
    • 6x Base

    The Soul Hunters Detachment can be used in games of both Lost World Exodus and Wild West Exodus.

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website. Scenic base toppers are not included and are for display purposes only.


    MSRP $40.83

    Released on Oct. 25, 2019


  • This version of the most difficult Character to master from the Core Box is the choice resulting from an internal vote among all Corvus Belli staff. Alberto Abal's design maintains the character's distinctive elements, such as an antler weapon, the tattoo of an octopus turned pet, and the famous black ball with the number 8.

    This high-quality metal version of 8-Ball offers an alternative design, perfect for both players and collectors.


    • 1x 8-Ball, Greenskin Oni


    MSRP $40.50

    Released on Oct. 24, 2019


  • The USS Constitution was one of six Heavy Frigates commissioned by the United States Congress in 1794 to protect American shipping against Barbary Pirates in the Mediterranean. These frigates were designed to outmatch the frigates of any other nation while remaining nimble enough to slip away from larger ships-of-the-line.

    These six frigates (Chesapeake, Constitution, President, United States, Congress, and Constellation.) were armed with 44 guns, normally a mix of long 24-pounders and 32-pound carronades. Across their service life, these ships would often end up over gunned, carrying upwards of 50 guns into battle.

    Revolutionary construction techniques gave the six frigates much thicker hull planking than their British or French equivalents, allowing them to soak up a tremendous amount of punishment. It also allowed them to carry a much heavier armament relative to their size, as seen by the arrays of 24 and 32-pounders carried on the 44 gun vessels.

    Second Battle of Tripoli Harbour

    'Old Ironsides' as she would become known, launched in Boston on October 21, 1797. She first saw action during the First Barbary War, serving with a squadron of American frigates in the Meditteranean under Captain Edward Preble. While blockading Tripoli, the USS Philadelphia ran aground and was captured by the Corsairs. Constitution's broadsides provided vital fire support for the squadron during the attempts to rescue the Philadelphia.

    Eventually, the Preble would resort to using a captured ketch loaded with 100 tonnes of black powder to destroy the Philadelphia in Tripoli harbour - a plan which failed when the fireship was destroyed prematurely by fire from the Ottoman shore batteries. Despite an inconclusive naval campaign, the war was eventually won by the heroic actions of the US Marines at Derna.

    The War of 1812

    When war broke out between Great Britain and the United States Constitution attempted to join a five-ship squadron off New Jersey. Unfortunately, she ran afoul of a British squadron which immediately began pursuing her.

    Initially finding himself becalmed, things were looking bleak for Captain Hull and the Constitution. However, an inspirational idea found him using rowboats to tow the ship away from his pursuers, allowing him to escape after a 57-hour chase.

    During the war, the Constitution was employed as a commerce raider, indiscriminately capturing and burning British naval vessels. Twice she came up against British frigates, and twice she reduced them to matchsticks, her reinforced hull shrugging off repeated close-range broadsides, earning her the nickname "Old Ironsides."

    In the Game of Black Seas

    USS Constitution should be in the thickest fighting on the table, leading the charge into the enemy battle line, using her exceptional survivability to weather the storm of shot and shell while blasting away with her own guns.

    While she might not be able to tangle with larger First Rates like Victory, she can hold her own in frigate actions, tying up the enemy fleet while the remainder of your ships go after other objectives or gain a more advantageous position.

    This is your opportunity to get one of the first batches of this famous ship - We will have 250 ready to ship early October alongside the release of the main game and French & British fleets.

    This box set contains:

    • Components for 1 resin USS Constitution ship hull
    • Metal components for masts
    • Printed sails
    • USS Constitution ship card
    • Wake markers
    • Bobbin for rigging
    • Acetate Ratlines
    • A sheet of flags & pennants

    1 Available

    MSRP $50.00

    Released on Oct. 24, 2019


  • The Cadmus are the pinnacle of malleability, able to scan any enemy trooper nearby and copy their capabilities, a frighteningly fast and effective way to create elite troops.

    This blister includes one miniature: A Cadmus Hacker. This slippery Shasvastii will be able to deploy anywhere on the table thanks to its Airborne Deployment and to damage the enemy from behind the lines, either with its Boarding Shotgun or via hacking. A lethal addition to your Shasvastii force from the Operation: Wildfire Battle Pack.


    • 1x Shasvastii Cadmus (Hacker)


    MSRP $15.49

    Released on Oct. 24, 2019


  • Featuring the 109 enemies from Mordekainens Tome of Foes™, this set expands on the previous Monster Cards, including all the creatures from Mordekainens Tome of Foes™ with a Challenge Rating 1-16. These cards are a welcome addition to any Dungeon Masters collection. Contains 38 regular and 71 double sized cards.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 23, 2019


  • Consisting of 81 cards from Volo’s Guide to Monsters™, this set expands on the previous Monster Cards, including all the creatures from Volo’s Guide to Monsters™, with a Challenge Rating 1-16. This allows Dungeon Master’s to bring even more enemies to their tabletop in card form.


    MSRP $20.00

    Released on Oct. 23, 2019


  • House Bolton's reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy twohanded flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause enemies to break and run before the battle has begun. The Bolton Blackguards unit box gives commanders a terrifying new unit to employ on the battlefield. Heavily armored, the Blackguards' reputation and looks alone will cause enemies to make a Panic Test whenever they want to attack them in melee. Adding a Bolton Flayer unit attachment to the unit only increases their effectiveness, as they'll restore Wounds each time an enemy fails a Panic Test while engaged with them.


    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Most of the Free Folk's forces arm and armor themselves with whatever they can craft along the way to battle or steal off of their fallen enemies. The Thenn Warriors are different. They have forged their own bronze weapons and armor, making them the most heavily-armed troops in the Free Folk army. The Thenn Warriors unit box gives Free Folk commanders their arguably hardiest troops on the battlefield. Their increased armor has given them a sense of invulnerability, calling out Taunts to their enemies, causing charges to be targeted at them instead of other units. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    1 Available

    MSRP $37.99

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night's Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things roaming beyond the Wall. The Builder Stone Thrower is an artillery piece that Night's Watch commanders can bring with them to battle. Extremely cumbersome to move, and poorly armored, the StoneThrower more than makes up for it in offensive power. The Thrower has no upper limit to its range, lobbing boulders over troops and terrain to land where needed. This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

    MSRP $41.99

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Faction: Neverborn. Keyword: Qi and Gong; Neverborn Versatile. Contents:

    • Hinamatsu


    MSRP $15.00

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Containing all the stat cards and upgrades needed to play Outcasts within Malifaux Third Edition. Each faction book also includes new stories furthering the rich background of Malifaux, including descriptions of each model within the faction.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Faction: Outcasts. Keyword: Mercenary.


    • 2 Viktoria Chambers
    • Vanessa Chambers
    • 3 Ronin

    1 Available

    MSRP $52.50

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Containing all the stat cards and upgrades needed to play Resurrectionists within Malifaux Third Edition. Each faction book also includes new stories furthering the rich background of Malifaux, including descriptions of each model within the faction.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • Containing all the stat cards and upgrades needed to play Ten Thunders within Malifaux Third Edition. Each faction book also includes new stories furthering the rich background of Malifaux, including descriptions of each model within the faction.


    MSRP $25.00

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • The Republic’s Clone Troopers may be bred for battle, but even the finest soldiers eventually break under the crushing weight of legions of B1 Battle Droids. Despite possessing little cunning or tactical intelligence, these droids march heedlessly forward to crush any resistance through raw attrition alone. Mindlessly loyal and eminently expendable, the Separatist Alliance has few qualms about sacrificing endless waves of B1 Battle Droids to subdue a planet.

    The B1 Battle Droids Unit Expansion gives you the chance to supplement your Separatist Alliance forces with even more battle droids. Nine unpainted and finely sculpted B1 Battle Droid miniatures, identical to those found in the Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars Core Set, stand ready to form the backbone of your army, including two miniatures carrying heavy weapons. Joining these miniatures are a unit card and a variety of upgrade cards inviting you to make your own personal refinements to your battle droids.


    MSRP $29.99

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


  • War has engulfed the galaxy. The vast forces of the Separatist Alliance, bolstered by seemingly endless ranks of battle droids, have pushed the Galactic Republic to the brink of dissolution and defeat. The Republic’s only hope is its army of elite clone troopers, led into battle by noble, Force-wielding Jedi Knights. The war between them is an epic struggle where every battle could turn the tide and change the fate of the galaxy. You can immerse yourself in this epic conflict, assembling your forces and leading them against your opponents in the legendary ground battles of Star Wars with the Clone Wars Core Set for Star Wars™: Legion!

    This Core Set invites you to enter a completely new era of infantry battles in the Star Wars galaxy, pitting the overwhelming Separatist droid forces against the Republic’s crack armies of clone troopers and Jedi Knights. As you do, you’ll assemble a force of the Clone Wars’ most iconic heroes, villains, troopers, and vehicles, including Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grievous. In addition to introducing the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance to the game as new factions, this Core Set contains all the cards, tools and tokens you need to begin staging your own Star Wars battles right away, making this the perfect starting point to begin building your Star Wars: Legion collection!

    2 players. Ages 14+. 1-2 hour play time

    1 Available

    MSRP $119.99

    Released on Oct. 18, 2019


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