Showing 1181 to 1200 of 1589 results

  • Sharing many superstructure elements with the smaller Centurion Grand Cruiser, the Phalanx was one of the largest standardised classes produced by Trident Industrial, though today it’s only built in Kalium’s yards. Pre-war Battlecruisers differ from modern types in that they are slower and offer less firepower in manoeuvre, but far superior toughness. Indeed, it’s best to think of them as pocket-battleships rather than specialist, aggressive ships.

    The Phalanx is armed with long broadsides of transition mass drivers and four Titanmetall 9K mass drivers in two traversable turrets. In combination, the class can unleash withering fire against multiple targets, given the right positioning.

    The Tribune's firepower comes from two conventional artillery cannon turrets and an increased close action capability, as well as a single mass driver turret. However - unusually for a full combat ship of this size - it features capacity for bulk landers and a flight deck, making it a fleet carrier as well. In combination, the Tribune is a jack of all trades, able to adapt to fluid combat situations better than most ships.

    This set contains 1 Resistance Battlecruiser, able to be built as either a Phalanx or Tribune. With armour heavy enough to make a Battleship blush and loads of Hull Points, these Battlecruisers will stick around to the end of the battle.

    The Phalanx has the role of a traditional Battlecruiser, with loads of firepower from its Mass Drivers and Hybrid Gun Batteries. Anything you point this at will definitely feel the pain. The Tribune however has a much more varied loadout, able to be used in offensive or defensive roles with Bulk Landers & Fire Ships, Fighters & Bombers, Missile Banks, Low Power Artillery Cannon Turrets and even a Mass Driver Turret. It can do it all!

    Contains 1 resin miniature with parts to assemble two variants, and a plastic Dropfleet Commander base and flight stand.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • The Scourge possess a truly alien cunning. Destroying their enemies with devastating close ranged weaponry, many a UCM admiral's last moments have been a blinding mass of plasma fire. Often Scourge ships will advance in secret, their admirals only revealing the full might of the ships when it's too late to fight back.

    This pack contains 56 Command Cards to use during your games. From the unpredictable Leviathan of the Void to the ground supremacy of Assimilated Bioforms, the DFC Scourge Command Cards provide great fun and a huge amount of unique feeling to playing a Scourge Fleet.

    With distinct Dropfleet styling and easy to read rules, this deck is the ideal purchase for any aspiring Scourge admirals, to help them retain control of Earth and the Cradle Worlds.

    Made from high quality playing card material, these cards are standard playing card sized, fitting into regular card sleeves.

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • "Closing in on target. The city looks awful, even from up here. Get ready to launch ground assets. Take that city, men - show those Scourge who is in charge round here!"

    This set contains a whole load of Sector tokens! In 3 different styles, these fully 3D tokens are a great upgrade to your cardboard ones.

    There are three designs of token, in Industrial, Military, and Commercial style. The Industrial token has a series of factories, showcasing some futuristic industry. The Military design features a heavy-set bunker with vast walls. Finally the Commerical sector has towering skyscrapers, with all their individual floors shown off with inset detail - these really are ridiculously detailed for such tiny items!

    Contains 28 sector tokens, with a 20mm diameter. There is a mix of tokens, usually 12 Industrial, 10 Military, and 6 Commerical, although contents may vary.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    2 Available

    MSRP $49.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • Though lacking in military resources, most fleets scattered by the Scourge invasion had a high proportion of merchantmen - rightly more likely to run than engage. Forced to be inventive, ragtag Resistance groups sought to repurpose civilian vessels to military ends. Haulers often make poor gun platforms but offer capacious internal holds. When combined with ‘repurposed’ shuttles, yachts and small transports, a formidable weapon can result: the Detonator, a hive of remote-operated, explosive-packed fire ships. The most common vessel is a Seneca class - unweildy and utilitarian, it offered pre-war traders the largest storage for the lowest cost, although many other patterns are in service in this unlikely role.

    Crewing a repurposed flimsy brick fizzing with improvised time bombs is not for the sane and/or skittish. These individuals are treated with wary respect when on shore leave, notable in the bar due to singed hair - if they’ve survived to douse their burns in booze. In the service of Kalium, Detonators are employed in an altogether more sinister, regimented fashion, which says a lot of how much the Kabal values flesh and blood.

    This set contains 6 Resistance Seneca Detonators. Its chunky design shows an indomitable design ethos - this thing isn't going to be interrupted!

    Cast in a single piece, the model has fine detail and the angular armour plates for which the Resistance are well known. A Seneca Detonator has traded its cargo storage for explosives, able to send out loads of Fire Ships to enemy vessels. Of course a ship so full of bombs isn't going to go down quietly - it'll explode on death, causing a much bigger blast than other ships its size!

    Contains 6 resin miniatures and plastic Dropfleet Commander bases and flight stands.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Other ships and gaming mats are for scale purposes only.

    1 Available

    MSRP $28.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • Of all the alien races encountered, none are quite as enigmatic as the Shaltari. For every piece of information the UCM have gleaned, there are a thousand unknowns. For every truth uttered by the aliens, a thousand lies are also told. What is known is that their race's old age and warlike temperament make them formidable adversaries.

    This pack contains 56 Command Cards to use during your games. From Fales Diplomacy's activation messing shenanigans to the further shenanigans of Concealed Gate Network, the DFC Shaltari Command Cards provide great fun and a huge amount of unique feeling to playing a Shaltari Fleet.

    With distinct Dropfleet styling and easy to read rules, this deck is the ideal purchase for any aspiring Shaltari admirals, perfect for the fittingly named shaltnanigans everyone expects from you.

    Made from high quality playing card material, these cards are standard playing card sized, fitting into regular card sleeves.

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • The beginnings of the UCM were bathed in fire and blood. The alien Scourge attack on Earth and the Cradle Worlds left humanity reeling. What was left of the fleet fled to the Colony Worlds to lick

    their wounds for 150 years. In the colonies life is bleak and hard, but relatively safe from invasion. Humankind toiled for that time, building a brand new army and a new fleet with emerging technology.

    In this militaristic state, the United Colonies of Mankind was born. Gone were the lavish ways of old Earth, replaced by frugality and utilitarianism. Their fleet reflected their existence, as simple, mass-produced ships that accomplish their goals with little pomp or ceremony. Entire armadas leave the shipyards on an almost daily basis, grinding the war machine every forward to take the fight to the Scourge and any others that might get in their way.

    Now, almost two centuries later, the UCM have arrived at Earth: the focal point of their Reconquest.

    This box contains an entire UCM Battlefleet, with (almost) everything you’ll need to raise a fleet for your games of Dropfleet Commander. This set contains a mix of plastic and resin ships, which provide a solid core for your fleet and some more advanced ships to fill particular roles. Add just a Quick Start Rulebook and a set of dice and you'll have everything you need for your new fleet.

    The plastic Cruisers and Frigates can be assembled in dozens of ways, each with a very specific place in the fleet. From the up-armed Cobra Heavy Lasers of the St Petersburg Heavy Cruisers, all the way down to the troop landing capacity of the New Orleans Strike Carrier.

    Each ship comes with a multi-part plastic base and flight stand to keep track of your damage, orbital layer, fire arcs, energy status and ship names.

    The UCM have heavy armour and balanced weaponry, making them an excellent starter faction.

    This box contains:

    • 1 Resin UCM Battlecruiser, which can be built as either a Johannesburg or a Perth. Typical length 132mm, 12 parts per ship (including optional ones).
    • 6 Plastic UCM Cruisers. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 28 parts each (including optional ones), and can be assembled in 9 different classes, including Cruisers, Heavy Cruisers, Fleet Carriers, Light Cruisers, and Troopships! Typical length 107mm.
    • 8 Plastic UCM Frigates. These multi-part plastic sprues contain 4 Frigates, which - using the 38 parts on each sprue (including optional ones) - can make up to 5 different classes, including Frigates and Strike Carriers. Typical length 65mm.
    • 3 Resin UCM Corvettes, in a single piece with typical length of 49mm.
    • 56 UCM Command Cards & 33 Activation Cards.
    • 2 Fastplay cards.

    Contains 14 multi-part plastic miniatures and 4 resin miniatures, all with multi-part bases, 89 playing cards, and 2 fast play cards.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $140.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • From years of living in the constant strife of the colony worlds, the admirals of the UCM were already wily opponents. But after lifetimes of service in the Reconquest, they come with decades of experience fighting the Scourge, Shaltari, and even renegade humans.

    This pack contains 56 Command Cards to use during your games. From the Point Defence improving Fighter Aces to the incredibly offensive Infiltrate and Sabotage, the DFC UCM Command Cards provide great fun and a huge amount of unique feeling to playing a UCM Fleet.

    With distinct Dropfleet styling and easy to read rules, this deck is the ideal purchase for any aspiring UCM admirals, fighting the Reconquest of the Cradle Worlds, or even battling above Earth itself.

    Made from high quality playing card material, these cards are standard playing card sized, fitting into regular card sleeves.

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • In Dropzone Commander a simple exploration onto a dropsite can quickly turn into a bloody battle. A good commander must learn to think on their feet and adapt their plans for victory.

    This pack contains 30 Command Cards to use during your games. From the tactical flexibility of Quick Strategist to the vicious attacks of Room Clearance, there are enough cards here to make a full deck of surprises for your opponent.

    Also included are 3 quick reference cards to make your games easier!

    With distinct Dropzone styling and easy to read rules, this deck is the ideal purchase for anyone looking to use Commanders in their games of DZC, and can be used by any faction in the game.

    Made from high quality playing card material, these cards are oversized at 100mm x 60mm, fitting into tarot sized sleeves.


    MSRP $8.40

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • The battlefields of the 27th Century are varied places, and with dropships flying past, buildings falling down, and massive walking war engines striding through, it takes a great commander to execute their plans in the heat of the moment.

    This set contains a bunch of useful tokens for paying games of Dropzone Commander.

    Scan tokens and Reaction Fire tokens make keeping track of your actions easier than ever, showing which units have performed useful shooting or scanning for objectives.

    The Battlegroup activation markers meanwhile are great for not only seeing which Battlegroups have activated, but also for identifying different Battlegroups. With five colours per pack, you'll be able to rearrange your Battlegroups on the fly before each game begins, and use your Auxiliary units in different groups depending on the situation.

    Finally, the set contains a set of red dice which are ideal for counting Collateral Damage tokens on each building, simply counting up as the scenery piece sets on fire or starts falling down!

    This set contains 45 acrylic Battlegroup activation markers in 5 colours, 5 acrylic Reaction Fire tokens, 4 acrylic Scan Tokens, and 12 red dice.

    Acrylic supplied unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and there may be some small variations from those shown.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on July 16, 2021

    $14.00 $11.20

  • A parasitic race, the Scourge arrived on Earth 150 years ago. They hit humanity’s home and the Cradle Worlds hard, destroying or enslaving billions of souls within mere hours of planetfall. One lone Scourge is an unformidable opponent, existing as a mass of tar-like black tendrils, barely able to lift its own weight. However, they insert themselves into living creatures and their grown vehicles alike, their limbs stretching out to cover every nerve, fully taking control of their host.

    The Scourge army is made up of such creatures; part living, and part machine. Scourge weaponry is far advanced of UCM technology, burning attackers with plasma and electricity.

    This box contains a perfect small Scourge army. With 6 anti-vehicle Hunters, 6 anti-air Reapers, and 12 bases of Scourge Warriors all in Invader APCs, you have a solid core for an army. All of these are brought to battle in 6 of the twisted Marauder Dropships, which provide astounding speed and deadly firepower.

    The army is led by a Commander in a Despot. This bizarre walker leads small Scourge forces, and uses its Micro Subjugation Field to slow down opponents, making them easy prey. It’s taken to battle in an Intruder for fast entry and repositioning.

    This set includes:

    • Plastic Armour & Infantry: These multi-part hard plastic miniatures come on sprues for ease of construction. With easy-to-assemble pieces, you’ll have your army ready in no time at all. The Marauder Dropships are incredibly useful, able to transport many Scourge units.
    • Resin Command: The Despot provides Scourge players with an inexpensive Command choice, cast in fine detailed resin. This miniature comes in five pieces, and fits under the Intruder. This unit can have a Commander inside, allowing it to dictate the flow of battle from the frontlines.
    • Scourge Fastplay Cards & Template: Designed to get you playing straight away, these cards contain rules for all the units in this box.
    • There is also a quick reference card for the full rules, making gameplay easier, and a Dropzone Commander Blast template for any Area effect weapons you might want to use.

    Contains 34 multi-part plastic miniatures, 2 resin miniatures, 1 acrylic template, and fast play cards. Scenery and scenic bases not included.

    Miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on July 16, 2021


  • Forever mourning the loss of her family, Belleza Agua has taken to the RUMBLESLAM ring to process her grief (and potential guilt), with some good old fashioned face punching.

    At one with the water, the Drowned Lady dazzles crowds with her magical abilities. The trail of water she brings with her is said to be from her unending tears. Cursing those who oppose her, Belleza Agua not only attempts to drown her opponents, but can disappear into the water only to reappear in a splash on the other side of the ring! If you're in the crowd, make sure to bring a raincoat!

    What a miniature! Is this one of the best in the whole range? We think so! She even comes with an optional, wafer-thin veil in case you'd like to further hide her away from the lights.

    Belleza Agua is a little different to other Superstars. Instead of showboating to the crowd, she is more solemn. She also plays quite differently! With little in the way of outright attacking power, her use centers on powerful supporting abilities. Maladictión curses your opponents, and make sure if you're on the opposing side not to leave Knocked Down wrestlers in the open, lest Agua try to drown them!

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    2 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • Hailing from the South, The Calaca Cabala dance their way into the ring. Fans argue over what they are best at. Is it dancing, wrestling, or - in the case of the giant Bandido Esqueleto - maybe drinking?

    Whatever they are best at, these Skeletons have a great time in the ring, and knocking them down only makes them stronger it seems. Can't keep an already dead person down after all!

    The Calaca Cabala hail from the Moote Carlo casino and they are here for a fun time, and planning for a long stay too. Keeping these skeletons down is certainly a challenge! Many an opponent has knocked these skeletons out to see them get back up dancing away again.

    From the diminutive Angelitos to the Difuntos, these skeletons bring sombreros and maracas into the ring to set the beat and the theme. As with all the wrestlers in the Cabala, they rarely stay down for long, thanks to rolling 2 Crowd dice to recover from being KO'd! Bandido Esqueleto rounds out the team. This cyclops skeleton loves his tequila. He's big, strong and with his Finger Guns (loaded at all times of course) he can cause plenty of long range knockdowns. Just watch out for those occasions he's had a bit too much to drink!

    Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • “Throughout the centuries countless pirates and brigands have earned foul reputations plundering goods and pillaging as they pleased. Perhaps the greatest pirate to ever have lived, Captain Keelhaul is a name still feared on the high seas. For twenty years he sailed the untameable ocean and amassed a fortune few can even dream of. He had it all; power, respect and wealth. Yet, it was never enough. No amount of gold could satiate his desires for fame and fortune. It was upon seeing a strange poster pinned to the merchant’s quarters that he realised his dreams could be met in the RUMBLESLAM ring.”

    A squid monster pirate in pants? Yep, that’s Captain Keelhaul!

    With lots of Silver dice to throw around, and a colossal 5AP and 5MP, Captain Keelhaul can hold his own, no problem! With Knockdown and Devastating making up his special abilities, he’s an extremely useful wrestler to have in your roster. And Davy Jones’ Lock is one of the best named moves in the game.

    If you play Rolling Bones, Captain Keelhaul will be right at home, but he suits any team that could use some really useful skills and a Weight 2 wrestler that is blindingly fast!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • An elemental spirit summoned up from the Land of the Dead itself, El Mecánico was given one purpose, one skill, one desire: To WRESTLE. Or, to fix trains and change oil if no wrestling jobs are open.

    Luckily enough though, there is always a wrestling job for the Orange Heartthrob! Always eager to protect his friend Manuel, El Mecánico will happily wrestle anyone and everyone... when he's not busy tightening the ropes or taking a spanner to the spotlights and rigging that is.

    This big ol' softy is smashing his way into the ring! El Mecánico is a super useful wrestler for any team!

    With solid stats (particularly DEF and GRP), this is one demon you don't want to mess with. Wait, why would you want to mess with any demon? Not relevant! El Mecánico has a bunch of powerful moves - so many that you won't be able to decide which to use each turn! The Rubacava Muscle Buster has that all-important Lifted special rule, although hop in the Bone Wagon for a rope attack and get a free Crowd Pleaser (in which Manuel the dermatologically-challenged skeleton mixes a drink for your teammates). The choices are many on this super toolbox wrestler.

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • “A vampire older than record books, this dark denizen of the night has plagued the land for millennium. For a while, that was enough to entertain the ancient entity. But like all things, the shine soon left the apple. He would sleep, and hope that the next century would be of more interest. One hundred years passed before his eyes opened once more. Awake, thirsty and eager to see what new delights the world had to offer, Fang ventured out into realm to find the city streets alight with life! The sound of cheers met his ears, and he grew curious enough to venture inside a building. What greeted him was Rumbleslam! For the first time in hundreds of years, the wicked man smiled.”

    Fang has entered the ring! He's a fantastic all-rounder superstar, with decent stats and a couple of +1s on his card. He's fast and vicious!

    Superhuman Spinebreaker is a Grapple Ability you'll be using lots and lots. It's easy to do, and thanks to Fang's Vampirism Passive Ability, replenishes his Stamina at the same time. But that's not all, because if you pass a Crowd Pleaser, the whole team gain the same benefit!

    Fang obviously fits in perfectly with The Cryptborn Nightmares, boosting their already decent regenerative capabilities and their reliance on grapple attacks. But he's also a great choice for any team with lower Stamina – The Deadly Divas and The Twisted Shadows come to mind – as his constant replenishing can make up for their main weakness!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • “Wrestling is a sport for the physically gifted. Or so everyone thought until this mysterious goblin entered the ring. Wielding a special power alongside his seemingly inhuman dexterity, he joined Rolling Bones casino and waited for his debut. It was a match to remember, though only a handful of fans remained to watch the small superstar battle. Assuming his team would lose easily, many missed him pushing and pulling his opponents around the ring with nothing but a wave of his tiny hand. Despite his clear superiority, Gobba didn’t mock or belittle his adversaries at all. It was almost unheard of to watch a wrestler wait for his opponent to stand before striking again.”

    Gobba has some weird stats. His Dexterity is the highest in the game, and he uses it as his Defence too, meaning he's extremely hard to damage at all. He's fast too, so good luck catching him! Although with such a low Defence, Grapple, and Stamina, he's delicate too.

    Gobba is the ultimate support Superstar. There Is No Try is an Active Ability that allows you to move an enemy wrestler 3 squares in any direction, putting them in the best place for you and the worst place for them! And his Crowd Pleaser removes all negative counters from friendly wrestlers.

    Considering the all-out attack nature of the Green Bruisers, Gobba complements them perfectly, giving them some much needed defensive stability.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • "Little is known about The Grave Digger. He has declined all interviews and questions to date. Who was he before his death? How did he come to be undead? Many have asked and yet none have received more than a chilling glare from the towering giant of a superstar. An enigma both in and out of the ring, The undead superstar has amassed a cult following who worship his every match and claim he is the chosen one."

    Want to play one of the most recognised wrestlers in all of RUMBLESLAM? Grave Digger is strong, tough, and surprisingly quick. Get a Crowd Pleaser off and he can do quite a lot of attacks in one turn, and his Deadeye ability stops enemy wrestlers from moving!

    Grave Digger is a Rolling Bones superstar, and fits perfectly alongside The Cryptborn Nightmares.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • “They say you’ve never seen a show until you’ve seen Gun fight. An orc of a different kind, Gun is far different to the rest of his race in the ring. Unlike his bloodthirsty brethren this charismatic orc is there to entertain. A master of ceremony he thrives under attention and can often be seen pleasing the crowd with poses, chants and shows of power! This superstar is adored by his followers who go time and time again to see his exploits.”

    I mean, we all know who this is. Do I really need to write a thing here? You clicked on a massive Orc that looks like... well yeah, you know who. You're already going to buy it aren't you? I don't blame you. I bought one too.

    If you want a great Rolling Bones wrestler who may Hulk Out when he's down on his luck... no one's still reading are they? You're already waiting by the door for your parcel aren't you? Alright fine, I'll go and post it.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • You've heard of his father, and you've probably heard of him too. The mysterious Halfling known as Junior Jr is one of the most well-renowned wrestlers to ever play the sport.

    Honourable beyond measure, Junior Jr takes tremendous pride in his performance. Never one to turn Heel, Junior despises those who make a mockery of RUMBLESLAM. His family have wrestled through the years, and place great respect on the luchador career. It is this reason that he has risen through the ranks to be one of the best technical wrestlers worldwide.

    The family tradition of wrestling is not just in his bones though. It's literally in his bones. Unable to move on from the glory of the ring until he has seen his son retire, Junior's father Señor Jr has possessed the Halfling. There for all his victories, Señor will not suffer defeat. Should the Halfling's skill be found wanting, Señor will not hesitate to take control, guiding Junior's actions until he's out of danger and back into the spotlight.

    Did you think Halflings were nothing to worry about in the ring? Well think again! This Halfling is definitely one to keep your eye on!

    Junior Jr Señor Jr is possibly the most reliable wrestler in the entire game. With a total of +4 to his stats, those Silver and Copper dice can start adding up, and don't expect him to fall to an unlucky roll! Jumping from the top rope he can spring over his opponents using Diving Splash, or rack up severe amounts of damage (seriously, that's enough to instant KO a goblin) with his signature move The 666. Keep him near the ropes for maximum effectiveness.

    Even if he gets beat though, Alma Por Alma will allow Junior to carry on fighting even when reduced to 0 Stamina. If he KO's an opponent before the end of the round, he replenishes his full Stamina again!

    Contains 1 resin miniature and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled.


    MSRP $8.40

    Released on July 12, 2021


  • From down south - we mean real south, it's the Lords of the Ring!

    They're small, they're fast, and they're ready to rumble. These Halfling wrestlers have spent years honing their skills and are donning their luchador masks to entertain and amaze YOU!

    Ever seen an angry Halfling in a luchador mask flying towards you? How about five of them? The Lords of the Ring flip each other all over the place! Their friendly Ref will happily give you a pasty, especially if it distracts from Peso Completo’s charge!

    This team might seem small, but they can really bring the pain in the ring! From the Halfling Rudo' Patadas Frijoles attack to the Técnico's double grapple attacks, there's something for everyone. The Halfling Exótico is an excellent turnbuckler using his High Flyer ability to get extra range. Meanwhile the Halfling Limpio does a bit of everything, and can jump over opponents too! The star of the show is Peso Completo, probably the biggest Halfling ever! His Low Centre of Gravity rule means that he cannot be Knocked Down, and his Mini Extinctión Turnbuckle attack is one of the most damaging moves in the game!

    Speaking of Turnbuckle attacks, the Lords of the Ring are experts at them. Able to give a helping hand to each other, each wrestler can use their teammate as a turnbuckle, allowing them to perform these attacks anywhere in the ring! Peso Completo can do this same thing, although he's so big that his range is only 1 square, and he flattens his teammate as well as his opponent!

    The Lords of the Ring are a brotherhood, and an honourable one at that. At the start of the match they (read: you) elect a single Halfling to be El Capitán, and he gains +1 to all his stats! With plenty of +1s already, and Crowd Pleasers that give +1 to all stats too, this is a team that can be powered up quickly! Although don't forget that they're all just Halflings, so they can't take much punishment.

    Their friendly Halfling Ref can help with damage though, offering a pasty to anyone close by. Just prey that it's not cold!

    Contains 6 resin miniatures with 6 clear acrylic bases, and 6 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

    Resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled. This kit will require cleaning and assembly, and could need some small holes filled. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $42.00

    Released on July 12, 2021

    $33.60 $28.00

Showing 1181 to 1200 of 1589 results

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