Showing 1521 to 1540 of 1589 results

  • They’re here! We heard our fans, and have brand new dice!

    The Deluxe Dice set contains:

    • 5 Copper dice
    • 5 Silver dice
    • 4 Gold dice
    • 2 Red Crowd dice

    These dice are custom moulded with engraved symbols on each face, made in pearlescent colours. Now you can roll Gold, Silver, and Copper dice like never before!

    2 Available

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • It's time to RUUUUUUUMBLE! Bring out your Superstars! The Superstar Ring is here for them! Bedecked with 152 stars (yes, I counted), and plenty of space for stencils (hint hint), the Superstar Ring is what all Superstars – existing or promising – need for their RUMBLESLAM madness.

    Turn every wrestler into a Superstar on a fully 3D laser cut MDF board. With the exact measurements as the flat play mat, this ring makes an excellent upgrade to your RUMBLESLAM matches. Also included are two heavy turnbuckle platforms for when a WEIGHT 3 wrestler has climbed the turnbuckle.

    The RUMBLESLAM Superstar Ring is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. We recommend wood glue to piece the set together. All you need to complete the set are ropes. We recommend using either nylon thread, wool, or - for a more vicious match - Army Painter barbed wire.

    MSRP $20.93

    Released on Jan. 1, 2021


  • “The man now known as Dicephaurux was once a proud and powerful warlord. His arrogance was so great that he couldn’t stand the idea of being weaker, slower or less intelligent than anyone else. It was this hubris that lead him and his servant to the abandoned shrine of an unknown god to wish for power. Offering vast riches to the altar, he begged for the power of two men so that he would never again be lesser! Pain blossomed inside his chest and he passed out from the agony. Waking, the man rose to find himself large beyond belief! But as he looked about he saw the grotesque head of his manservant beside his own, melded into his own body and bearing a vacant expression.”

    Wow! Look at all those Gold dice! Dicephaurux is truly the golden god.

    Dicephaurux is tall and lanky, with no meat on his bones! That means low Stamina, but he’s really reliable with so many Gold dice and +1s as well. His Better Than One ability allows him to ignore the first attack that would KO him, so he’s not frail! He can also boost up his attacks with Bleeding and Dazed or Fury depending on which of the Two Heads you choose, so he’s a character with lots of options.

    If you want to bring some bling to your Feral Den teams, look no further! Or if you’re after a wrestler you can rely on for a very low cost, he’s a great choice! Try him with The Green Bruisers, or The Furry Fury to offset their unpredictability!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Dec. 1, 2020


  • “This pint-sized lizard is a reasonably new addition to The Forest Soul’s roster though his fan base might lead you to believe otherwise. The scaly superstar exudes confidence and moves about the ring with the grace and demeanour of a king. Despite his small size Dilomite Kid is an exceptionally skilled fighter who uses his deadly speed for devastating results, and has a penchant for spitting. He claims it is an honour he grants to those select few he must defeat at all costs.”

    Dilomite Kid is my favourite name out of all of our Superstars!

    He’s quick, he’s fragile, and he’s got one of the only long-ranged attacks in the game! Spit Attack hits an opponent within 5 squares with the Dazed special rule, and – if you get your Crowd Pleaser off – does 1 Damage and causes Bleeding too! That’s one dangerous little dino!

    Dilomite Kid is right at home with his fellow Cold Bloods, but as a Forest Soul wrestler, would work well with The Timber Fists too. Or any team that could use a nippy, cheap Superstar with some devious tricks up his sleeve!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $9.80

    Released on Nov. 1, 2020


  • This box contains a perfect small Resistance army. With 2 anti-tank Hannibals, 6 AA Gun Wagons, and 12 bases of Resistance Fighters in 6 Jackson Half Tracks, you have a solid core for an army. The army is transported in 2 Kraken Hovercraft and 3 Lifthawks for aerial support.

    The army is led by a Commander in a Hydra Relay Hovercraft. This small vehicle can traverse most terrain, allowing your Commander to get across the battlefield to where you need them. Armed with a missile launcher, it can hold its own, allowing you to get stuck into the fight.

    The miniatures in this set have been designed for ease of assembly, so have fewer pieces than their equivalent in separate kits. The Hydra, Lifthawks, and Krakens are all unique to this set, with separate packs offering the classic miniatures in more pieces.

    This set includes:

    Resin Armour & Infantry: The Resistance army is made from fine detailed resin. These multi-part kits allow you to get a varied looking army, with each

    vehicle as a slightly different build. The Lifthawks and Kraken Hovercraft are fantastic miniatures, able to transport a wide variety of Resistance units.

    Resin Command: The Hydra Relay Hovercraft provides Resistance players with an inexpensive Command choice, cast in fine detailed resin. This miniature comes in one piece, able to drive onto the battlefield on its own, not needing to rely on another transport to get to the enemy.

    Resistance Fastplay Cards & Template: Designed to get you playing straight away, these cards contain rules for all the units in this box. There is also a quick reference card for the full rules, making gameplay easier. There is also a Dropzone Commander Blast template for any Area effect weapons you might want to use.


    MSRP $49.00

    Released on Oct. 2, 2020


  • A rowdy giant stomps through the ring!

    A wizard starts casting spells!

    Your manager decides to come out of retirement!

    These are three of the FIFTY-FIVE crazy things that can happen to your games of RUMBLESLAM when using the Event Card deck!

    If you want to inject a little dose of random excitement into your matches, then Event Cards are for you!

    Each Event Card costs 50K from your total Dosh for the match, and is drawn at random at the start of a round. Maybe you'll end up hiring a ring-side herbalist! Maybe the crowd will up and leave! Or maybe one of your wrestlers will decide that they'd rather work for your opponent! Anything can happen with Event Cards – sometimes good, and sometimes bad. It's just the luck of the draw!

    Pack contains 55 Event Cards and 1 Rules Card.

    3 Available

    MSRP $8.40

    Released on Oct. 1, 2020


  • RUMBLESLAM Round Bases. Made from 3mm Clear Acrylic. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.

    Contains 20 bases:

    • 16 x 25mm round bases
    • 4 x 50mm round bases

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on Oct. 1, 2020


  • This box contains a perfect small PHR army. With 8 Type-1 Walkers, 8 bases of Immortals all in Juno APCs, you have a solid core for an army. The Type-1 Walkers have several weapon options, able to be constructed as a mixture of Ares, Menchit or Phobos. All of these are brought to battle in 6 of the incredibly survivable Neptune Medium Dropships.

    The army is led by a Commander in a Proteus Mobile Command Post. This platform is an Aircraft, meaning it offers unparalleled mobility for the PHR Commander. Complete with an electromagnetic warfare suite, it makes a powerful support unit.

    This set includes:

    Plastic Armour & Infantry: These multi-part hard plastic miniatures come on sprues for ease of construction. With easy-to-assemble pieces, you’ll have your army ready in no time at all. The sleek Neptune Medium Dropships are incredibly useful, able to transport many PHR units.

    Resin Command: The Proteus Mobile Command Post provides PHR players with an inexpensive Command choice, cast in fine detailed resin. This miniature comes in three pieces, and as an Aircraft is its own transport! This unit can have a Commander inside, allowing it to dictate the flow of battle from the frontlines.

    PHR Fastplay Cards & Template: Designed to get you playing straight away, these cards contain rules for all the units in this box. There is also a quick reference card for the full rules, making gameplay easier. There is also a Dropzone Commander Blast template for any Area effect weapons you might want to use.

    1 Available

    MSRP $49.00

    Released on Sept. 11, 2020


  • “Mythos first entered RUMBLESLAM in a blaze of hellfire and turned a promising match into carnage. Leo was just about to be thrown out, his attacker the sure favourite for victory, until Mythos struck him from behind. The demon lord didn’t stop with one blow as he stomped on the downed wrestler until there was nothing left of him. Leo turned to the demon wanting to thank him, but was instead greeted with a savage punch. Another malicious roar sounded as Mythos battered the weakened victor before vanishing once again in a cloud of fire and brimstone.”

    We've had plague monsters, zombie badasses, and giant dinosaurs. But this is the first true evil demon RUMBLESLAM has unleashed.

    So what does this giant flaming thing do? Well, the key is in the flames, really. Immolation Aura is an Active Ability that just sets people on fire! No roll, no defence, just that anyone in base contact with Mythos takes Damage. Just watch out for your own wrestlers!

    Other than that, Mythos has a whole load of great abilities, including Clothes Line From Hell (unsurprisingly), which has the important Throw special rule. Not that he needs much help throwing wrestlers around, as his Grapple is a ridiculous 2 Gold and 1 Copper! Ow ow ow.

    Wrestling for The Feral Den means that Mythos works very well with The Raging Beasts, who always benefit from another damage dealer. He's also great in high Stamina teams like The Runic Thunder, where his Immolation Aura won't even hurt them very much!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on Sept. 1, 2020


  • “Green Grables is older than stone and wiser than the wind. For as long as she can remember she lived among the countless trees and brooks in peace. One fateful day a man entered her forest and brought with him an army of machines and men. They tore her home to the ground in a handful of days and slaughtered her sisters. In place of her beautiful woods they built a casino for a sport called RUMBLESLAM. The anger inside her swelled and grew into a maelstrom waiting to be unleashed within the ring.”

    If you're a Timber Fists player thinking:

    “My Sprites are great at healing, but not really at fighting... is there anything I can do about that?”

    Well then I've got good news! Green Grables can heal friendly wrestlers, and still deal out damage like an Amazonian! It's like someone (me) took the two best facets of your team and smushed them together. You're welcome.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on Aug. 1, 2020


  • “The Brothers Berserk arrived in Rumbleslam one day with no warning. The fighters wore thick leather coats as they stalked their way towards the ring jeering and insulting the crowd as they went. Entering the ring their opponents sized up the two brothers with a small chuckle. That chuckle would cost them dearly as the Brothers Berserk cast off their coats to reveal their twisted and warped arms. Claw snapped at the air with his wicked limb and smirked at Squirm whose own arm was writhing about with a will of its own. The chaotic siblings began to torture their opponents with a sadistic desire to inflict as much pain as possible before tossing their broken bodies over the ropes.”

    If you expect a wrestler with a giant claw to be good at damaging people, and a wrestler with a tentacle for an arm to be good at grappling people, you are very astute and in tune with what we had in mind when designing these two. Well done you!

    Basically, these guys are amazing. Their stats may not look like that much, but their special abilities are off the charts good. I'm not even going to spoil the surprise.

    EDIT: I've been told to spoil the surprise, because we want people to buy them. So here goes:

    Claw's Chaotic Claw Rope Ability has an ATT score of 2S+1, which can be permanently upgraded to 2G+1 with his Crowd Pleaser. That's already really good. But the Damage of the move is EQUAL TO THE ATT SCORE ROLLED.

    I'm not even going to let that sink in before I tell you about Squirm's Tentacle Choke Hold Grapple Ability. It does Dazed, which is good. But you add the WEIGHT of the target wrestler to your GRP score, meaning the bigger they are, the harder they fall! And I'm not even going to make a new paragraph before telling you that his Crowd Pleaser does Knockdown to THREE wrestlers within THREE squares.


    Oh and they also have a Tag Ability in Squirm throws Claw to any square in the ring, and it deals 4 Damage if used as Live Ammunition.

    Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $19.60

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • “No doubt you’ve heard of Relentless Dosh from their sellout arena tours, but this gifted duet are also incredibley skilled fighters! Using their own music as an introduction, the dynamic duo jump into the ring to greet their roaring fans. Dripping with charisma, the two fauns enjoy a popularity that is seldom matched in or out of the ring. When it comes to fighting, however, they are like night and day. Wonderkid uses his incredible presence to turn any potential nay-sayers into diehard fans whilst Nasty Goat focuses on brutal brawling. They claim to know the greatest attack in the world, but refuse to ever perform it. Instead they perform a tribute which is still a marvel to behold as they launch their opponent flying through the air.”

    At 275K each, Relentless Dosh are actually the cheapest tag team currently on offer! Don't let that fool you though, they move quickly, and can bring on the hurt when needed.

    Wonderkid is a face, and Nasty Goat a HEEL, so hope for the right reactions from the crowd! Both Crowd Pleasers give every friendly wrestler a +1AP counter though, which is a massive bonus to any team. And considering Wonderkid's Pile Drive To The Face Grapple Ability (longest move name yet?) has the Crowd Please special rule, that's going to be happening a lot! Nasty Goat doesn't fall behind though, as Quitter knocks down opponents and also picks them up!

    Their Tag Ability is named Tribute To The Best Attack In The World (okay, that's definitely the longest move name), does a bunch of damage and shoves the opponent 8 squares! That means you can really control the action in the ring.

    Honestly I don't know who these two aren't great choices for. They can hold their own in a fight, have a great Crowd Pleaser, and so many other useful skills. As a Forest Soul team they obviously pair well with the Timber Fists, giving them a whole bunch of tools to use, and the +1AP really helps the Amazonians to do their Turnbuckle Abilities and have AP left over to finish off (or throw out) their opponents.

    Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $19.60

    Released on July 1, 2020


  • “Honour is everything to a centaur, and Kalataur is no exception. It’s rare for a centaur to take part in Rumbleslam due to their inability to use the turnbuckles. This hasn’t stopped Kalataur however as he stampedes around the ring and doles out considerable damage and pain. Each blue stripe on a centaur’s body is said to represent a notable victory whilst a red stripe denotes a loss. This mighty wrestler has never lost, and doesn’t plan on ever adding a red blemish to his muscular body.”

    If you thought you'd never live to see the day where a half-horse half-human hybrid is cantering around a wrestling arena smashing orcs and dwarfs out of the ring, I have good news!

    Kalataur is an absolute beast of a wrestler. With great stats, high Stamina, and loads of movement, he really puts other wrestlers to shame. And with zero drawbacks!

    Okay, I'll level with you. He does have a drawback. He can't climb the turnbuckle. He has hooves, see? But what he can't do on the turnbuckle, he more than makes up for on the ropes. His Passive Ability allows him to re-roll ALL blank results on Attack dice when using a Rope Attack or Rope Ability. And his Crowd Pleaser gives him a chance to damage and Knockdown any opponent he moves past when bouncing off the ropes. You do you, Kalataur! Don't let the turnbuckle haters bring you down!

    Kalataur (fairly obviously) lives at The Forest Soul, so works really well with The Timber Fists, who more than make up for his lack of Turnbuckle Abilities.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on June 1, 2020


  • “The Lord of pestilence & plague, Rottergut. Easily the most disgusting wrestler to have ever entered the ring, this rotting being brings decay and filth where ever he treads. All wrestlers set to fight this mass of contagious infection are required by Rumbleslam law to be vaccinated prior. Rumour has it that every virus, disease and bacteria known to man is contained within this putrid superstar’s body. During his matches, the crowd is pushed back several rows to ensure his aura of malady doesn’t touch them!”

    With all those special abilities, where do we start? Rottergut is all about crippling the enemy. He piles on the counters, stopping the opposing team in their tracks. His Crowd Pleaser gives every enemy wrestler a Bleeding counter. His Snot Shot gives every enemy wrestler within 2 squares -AP AND -MP counters, and his Pestilence Passive Ability increases the -1 on his other abilities to -2! He really bogs everyone down.

    A disgusting mass from The Feral Den, Rottergut is at home with The Raging Beasts, but works equally well with a balanced team that will really benefit from his disruptive counters.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on June 1, 2020


  • If you've been feeling cooped up in the confines of an indoor ring, maybe take it out into the field? Feel one with nature by having a little tussle in the grassy meadow. Maybe it's a practice game? Or maybe a spiritual retreat that very quickly turned deadly. You choose!

    With 104 squares of ring, this 12”x12” gaming mat is perfect for a lovely picnic with your RUMBLESLAM wrestlers. Or – if that fails – you can just give them a piledriver into the daisies!

    MSRP $11.20

    Released on May 1, 2020


  • RUMBLESLAM Square Bases. Made from 3mm Clear Acrylic. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.

    Contains 20 bases:

    • 16 x 25mm square bases
    • 4 x 50mm square bases

    Designed for RUMBLESLAM, but are also compatible with our Fantasy Dungeon Tiles Sets.

    MSRP $7.00

    Released on May 1, 2020


  • “People everywhere know about the great martial artist and superstar Toothpick. A fighter so deadly and calm even the bravest of wrestlers think twice before attacking him. Few people on the other hand know about his old pupil Botticelli. Botticelli - along with his brothers - was a prodigy, a brilliant fighter who studied hard and mastered techniques others could only dream of. But Toothpick sensed something inside him, something dark. When the young turtle was confronted with this information, he rebelled and spat harsh words at his master. So it was that he was exiled, kicked out of the dojo. The harshness of the punishment never left him and his mind turned to cruelty.”

    Our first non-Kickstarter wrestler is here. He's got natural toughness from his shell, and is quick to boot. Also, he's one of the only Heel wrestlers in the Forest Soul. With his high DEF value and the Heel in a Half Shell passive ability giving him re-rolls to Defence rolls, your opponent will be very put off even basic attacks! Keep him away from Grapplers though, or just use any of his many special abilities to get the drop on them!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.


    MSRP $9.80

    Released on April 1, 2020


  • “Trihorn. The name is known far and wide within the wrestling world as a figure of unbelievable power and ferocity. Matches have been stopped to save his opponents. When The Jurassic Brute starts rampaging there are few who can stop him. The Forest Soul found him during one of their many scouting exercises and were astounded by his colossal size and terrifying strength. Promised endless opponents and consequence-free fights, the scaly superstar signed up immediately and has been terrorising Rumbleslam since.”

    It's my job to type up these little blurbs to convince people to buy wrestlers, but honestly, I don't think Trihorn needs much talking up. I'm going to be out of a job. Amazing stats, crazy high Stamina, and so many special rules you'll be photocopying those pages of the rulebook. What's not to like? If you have a Cold Bloods team, he fits in perfectly!

    Fun fact: at 375K, Trihorn currently costs the most Dosh out of every RUMBLESLAM wrestler!

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on April 1, 2020


  • Dropzone Commander is a game of mass battle combat in the far future. Speed is key in these warzones, with forces using dropships to quickly redeploy tanks, infantry, and colossal war machines.

    Seizing ground and objectives wins games, but a fierce tactical acumen is needed to ct and react to your opponents' moves. Predicting the flow of battle and positioning all manner of advanced vehicles and creatures is key to victory, to make sure that the Dropzone is yours.

    Written by David J Lewis and Lewis Clarke, this book contains everything you need to deploy your forces, including scenarios to play and help building your army for games to keep your opponents guessing, and complete (or stop) the Reconquest!

    At 64 pages, this small format rulebook contains the 2.1 version of the Dropzone rules. With all speed and ferocity of the newest edition of the game, this book has updated rules and small tweaks to make your games faster and more enjoyable.

    The book contains full rules for games of Dropzone Commander, including awesome shooting attacks, massive Behemoths, special rules, four scenarios, army composition, and a quick reference section. There is also a whole section of background information, offering your first glimpse into the Drop-verse.


    MSRP $14.00

    Released on March 13, 2020


  • “Experiment no. 068. This is how the mighty wrestler known as Great Jaw started life. Created in a laboratory, it is said he was created for the sole purpose of causing harm. The research notes left behind at the lab listed the components that made this feral combatant. Among them were ferocity, bloodlust, anger and aggression. Suffice to say, he was destined to join Rumbleslam!”

    If you like giant shark monsters with about a thousand special abilities, Great Jaw is the only wrestler we make that fits those criteria! He's strong and very fast for a Weight 3 wrestler, and has some amazing skills. Two of his attacks cause Bleeding, which is great in itself. But even better, his Scent of Blood passive ability means he gains +2 to his ATT score if his target has a Bleeding counter!

    As a member of The Feral Den, this superstar fits perfectly alongside the Raging Beasts or the Furry Fury.

    Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. Note that clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film. Miniatures supplied with square bases.

    1 Available

    MSRP $14.00

    Released on March 1, 2020


Showing 1521 to 1540 of 1589 results

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