Ashes Reborn: The Ghost Guardian Expansion Deck

Released on: March 29, 2021
Barcode: 850018877152
Published by Plaid Hat Games
1 at Valhalla Hobby

Rimea Careworn unleashes powerful Illusion and Sympathy magic to raise ancient warriors from beyond.


  • 1 Rimea Careworn
  • 3 Ancestral Army
  • 3 Hollow
  • 3 Battle Seer
  • 3 Dark Presence
  • 3 Summon Ghostly Mount
  • 3 Summon Ancestor Spirit
  • 3 Resonance
  • 3 Augury
  • 3 Hex Bane
  • 3 Shared Sorrow
  • 5 Ancestor Spirit Conjuration
  • 2 Pale Steed Mount Conjuration
  • 2 Nightmare Mount Conjuration
  • 2 Spectral Charger Mount Conjuration