Tales of Aria Pre-Release [Afternoon Pod]

Released on: Sept. 17, 2021
Only available for pickup
Barcode: EVNT01010201
Published by Legend Story Studios
Created by Valhalla Hobby
0 at Valhalla Hobby

Please give your username or email at the register so we know you have paid. Please be logged in while checking out. Masks Required.

The Valhalla Hobby Flesh and Blood sealed Tales of Aria pre-release will be on September 17th at 4:30 PM Central Time.

We have a cap of 8 players for each of the two prerelease pods. If you register online, a seat will be reserved for you until 4:45, at which point any walk-in may take your seat.

If you want to attend the event virtually, you must confirm with us that this is your intention before the day of the event, and you must join the Comics, Games, and Things discord server. You may then come to pick up your product from the store between 3PM and 4PM Central Time on September 17th. We will try our best to ensure that you can take part in the event, but cannot guarantee that you will be able to participate in the same capacity as the in-person players.

We reserve the right to make the event online or hybrid, depending on the covid situation. Promos will be awarded as well as prize packs from past sets.
