Showing 1461 to 1480 of 5062 results

  • “I’ve never seen anything like it. How can something so massive just hang in the air? Sure, we've got airships but at least they follow the laws of nature. Glorified balloons I can understand. What did you call it; a Thule? That was something else. I thought those huge thrusters were keeping it in the sky at first but I think it only uses them to maneuver. I couldn’t believe how quiet it was. We saw the shadow before we heard it arrive. It got loud pretty quickly though. Fighters screamed out of the section where the two discs joined. Some sort of light came out of the rim of the disks and carved across our bow. Sliced through it like we were paper. I’ll never forget the sound. That screech shook me to my core, made my bones itch. Spent the rest of the battle getting thrown around in a lifeboat so I don’t know how much more intel I can give you. Can I go back to the ward now?”
    Seaman Jake Davis: USS Scituate, Farragut Class Frigate.

    This box contains:

    • 1x Thule Sky-Fortress
    • 1x Adamski Strike Saucer (may also be built as Haunebu or Valtar Class)
    • 6x Euclid Scout Saucer (may also be built as Pytheus Class)
    • 6x SRS Tokens


    MSRP $75.00

    Released on June 24, 2023


  • Some Dweghom manifest so much of their Elemental Gift, they must master it or be consumed by it. Few Have the skill, will or dedication needed to become Sorcerers. In fact, most Dweghom elect to install techno sorcerous grafts that allow them to harmlessly vent their excess power. Steelforged pilots are recruited from amongst these individuals who possess a Gift for both Elements: their excess Primordial Fire and Earth channeled through their grafts and into these towering steel automata. Countless foes have been cut down expecting a lumbering clankingbehemoth, only to be confounded by the speed and power of these deadly automata. How they Play: The Steelforged are the Dweghom’s answer to the age old question of “quantity or quality of Attacks?”. With the Flux-Powered Rule Steelforged are capable of switching from one mode of Attack to the other whilst their naturally high Defense stats allows them to withstand even the most violent of onlsaughts!


    MSRP $59.99

    Released on June 23, 2023


  • This figure was designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and then sculpted by renowned artist Michael Kontraros. This is a true artisan series miniature, with incredible details that make it a presence on a game table, or as a painted model. Following Ragnarok and the burning of Yggdrasil, the Jotun threatened all human life in the northern continent. The emergence of the Einherjar from their slumber brought their dominance to an abrupt and final end. With their greatest Shaman-Kings broken, the Jotun were made to bend the knee and swear allegiance to their Einherjar and their human subjects. Today, the few remaining Eihnherjar can grant truly exceptional leaders authority over one of these towering behemoths. Strong and tireless, a Jotun is a priceless asset to the community he is assigned to. Some enterprising Jarls are willing to bring them along on raids. Ruinously expensive to transport and feed while at sea, Jotun soon prove their value on land. Towering over 6 meters, a Mountain Jotnar is a primordial force of destruction on the battlefield. Their powerful limbs can shatter a shield line in a single blow, hurling full grown men through the air as if they were toys. How they Play: Staple of Nord Army Lists, this Medium Monster Regiment builds up on the early-mid game pressure this faction excels at, able to deliver a volume of high Cleave Attacks and break and break through Enemy Lines!

    3 Available

    MSRP $139.99

    Released on June 23, 2023


  • In the early days of the Old Dominion the Kataphractoi were the Caelesors chosen Companions, or Hetairoi, armed with the finest arms and armor he could furnish and mounted atop the greatest steeds he could find. As the Old Dominion evolved, these ancient formations were abandoned, but not the title of Hetairos. Granted to the greatest champions of the Old Dominon, this was a title granted only by the Caelesor himself for deeds of valor upon the field of battle. Some of that prowess and glory remain in their withered remnants, and the Hetairoi are the first among equals in a Kataphractoi warband, their mere presence reminding their companions of the glorious charges of ages past. How they Play: Hetairos or colloquially known as “Companions” are veterans that have proven themselves to their superiors and higher command and entrusted to lead the mighty Kataphraktoi into battle. This Officer allows the Regiment to further lean into its shock cavalry role and deliver devastating flank charges where the fighting is thickest!

    4 Available

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on June 23, 2023


  • The presence of the Ukunfazane, the Living Goddess, among the W’adrhun, ensures that the population at large is devout; the Cults, composed of those W’adrhun who dedicate their lives to the worship and emulation of their patron God, take this a step further. The Chosen of Conquest are the most prolific of these Cults, its Chosen warriors present in almost every tribe. Speed and discipline, coupled with the Goddess’ gifts, allow the Chosen of Conquest to always be where they need to be on the battlefield, blunting the enemy’s advance and turning the tide with flawlessly executed assaults. This kit will also make a Veterans force, but the same is not true in reverse. How they Play: Elite troops, being able to bring a mix of naturally high offensive and defensive stats, making the pound-for-pound the most versatile W'adrhun Infantry Regiment coming at a significant price but their Medium classification allowing them to excel against even heavier Regiments they will encounter later on as the battle unfolds.

    2 Available

    MSRP $44.99

    Released on June 23, 2023


  • Bird showed Bane his criminal world of Gotham City and Santa Prisca. He has a great affinity for birds and is willing to help Bane with his mates.


    • 1x Bird
    • 1x Wrestler 1
    • 1x Wrestler 2
    • 3x 40mm Plastic Base

    MSRP $46.67

    Released on June 21, 2023


  • Red Hood is an anti-hero who cleans up the streets of Gotham City with ruthless methods. His resentment towards Joker and Batman will mark his path towards revenge. Contents:

    • 1x Red Hood, The Outlaw
    • 1x 40mm Plastic Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.28

    Released on June 21, 2023


  • Vengeance, Bane’s daughter, is seeking revenge for her father's death. Her incredible abilities and her addiction to her Venom make her a much-feared rival even for the Joker.


    • 1x Vengeance
    • 1x 40mm Plastic Base

    1 Available

    MSRP $29.28

    Released on June 21, 2023


  • An expanded edition of the Origins Award-nominated Lion Rampant, featuring new rules, scenarios, and sample armies.

    Take to the battlefield as Richard the Lionheart, Joan of Arc or William Wallace - or forge your own legend - with Lion Rampant: Second Edition. From the Dark Ages to the Hundred Years' War, raids, skirmishes, and clashes between small retinues were a crucial part of warfare, and these dramatic small-scale battles are at the heart of this easy-to-learn but tactically rewarding wargame.

    Lion Rampant: Second Edition is a new, updated version of the hit Osprey Wargames series title, and retains the core gameplay while also incorporating a wealth of new rules and updates from several years' worth of player feedback and development. Whether they are looking to recreate historical encounters or tell their own stories, the varied scenarios, unit types, and sample retinue lists found in this volume provide everything players need to face each other in quick, exciting, and, above all, fun tabletop battles.

    3 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 14, 2023


  • A supplement for Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age, giving players rules for creating elite units of warriors known as battlesworn and charting their progress from battle-to-battle.

    In the horror and chaos of battle, the outcome can often hang on the briefest of moments. It is at these times that the actions of one unit can make the difference between victory and defeat. Wise kings know this, and realize that it is often prudent to hold their best units back until they can make the greatest difference. These elite units, called the ‘battlesworn', are more than just powerful combatants, they are symbols of the glory and honour of a kingdom. All young warriors hope to one-day join their ranks and add their oathmarks beside those legendary fighters.

    This supplement for Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age, contains rules for adding elite units to your armies and charting the progress of those units from battle-to-battle. Will they grow even more powerful as they gain renown, or will they die to the last man in heroic defence, perhaps someday to rise again in time of the kingdom's greatest need? Also included is a campaign, featuring all-new scenarios, that will give your battlesworn the chance to lead their kingdom to new heights of power and prestige.

    2 Available

    MSRP $25.00

    Released on June 14, 2023


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $63.00

    Released on June 10, 2023


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $44.00

    Released on June 10, 2023


  • 1 Available

    MSRP $30.00

    Released on June 10, 2023


  • To evade the divine laws is to summon the wrath of the Kitsune themselves. Follow the path of your destiny, the one set out for you before you were even born, lest the Kitsune hunt you down for your transgressions against nature inviolate. The Kitsune are both Judge and Executioner against the worlds of the kami, the living and the dead. To stray from the path, even just a little, could mean death but fear not, for if there is retribution to the guilty, there is restitution to the innocent; all that matters is what you choose to be.

    Box contains nine miniatures supplied with bases and twenty one full colour cards.


    MSRP $78.00

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Mamushi’s ophidian snake form is unique in Jwar in that he gives a warning rattle from his tail before he strikes, and his colours are unlike anything seen before. The Ito considers this a great omen demonstrating that Orochi’s power has extended beyond the Empire, incorporating far-away forms. They always believed Orochi’s power was vast and her reach long, and this new type of warrior now proves what their faith has long sustained. Ito Mamushi is blessed, a favourite of both the Temple and the Shisai and is accorded the requisite formalities. Traditionally the Ito sneer at using the Yari as a weapon, but Mamushi’s lethality and skill with it are deadly enough that he remains unchallenged in that regard.

    Mamushi offers Ito players a new Samurai, especially welcome in The Blessed theme. The ability to automatically apply Frightened Markers gives easy access to a new debuff and his 4 Melee and Feint (1) makes him a great combatant. He is self-sufficient, starting with an additional 2 Ki tokens, so he needs little or no support to hold a point.

    1 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Just as the judges can only deliver two verdicts, innocent or guilty, Hōfuku dispenses two forms of justice. He represents retribution against the guilty and restitution towards the innocent. While his Armour, Feint, Parry and the powerful Adept Trait allow Hōfuku to work alone, he is undoubtedly best when paired with Kuoto.

    She can dispense Control Markers, which enable the Restitution Ki Feat, and also uses Death Sentence Markers, thus making Hōfuku a top-tier melee combatant with his Vengeance Trait. The Execution side of his weapon is a tremendous finishing weapon; once you wound an opponent, it should be able to get maximum damage for your Success Level and finally kill those intractable foes.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Very few kitsune master the requisite discipline and aptitude to become a Queen’s guard. Only the very best among already exemplary warriors can fulfil this role. Their stone-faced stoicism and sheer wrath in battle make them some of the empire’s most fearsome combatants. They believe in death before disrepute and will gladly lay down their lives supporting their Queen and everything she stands for. Senshi is the epitome of this. Fearsome, loyal, lightning-quick on the battlefield with an annoying habit of being precisely where he needs to be while the enemy prays hard he will appear elsewhere.

    Kitsune and Temple of Ro-Kan players always like to see the Vitality Ki Feat giving extra activations when needed. Senshi’s array of Traits - including Adept and showing combat results other models cannot achieve - make him good on his own. His unprecedented Bodyguard range of 6” is not just a defensive tool but an excellent positioning option. The Kitsune are a fast, early-game warband, with the Sublime Daisho offering a late-game boost where needed. This could prove invaluable.

    2 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • The samurai who guard the Heavenly Dragon Shrine are veterans that must have defeated at least one enemy samurai in a duel and fought in a major battle for the Takashi clan. Most, if not all, have slain several samurai over the years and fought cheek-by-jowl in most of the clan’s most recent battles. To think that this posting is mainly ceremonial would be a mistake, and to hint that it is for retirement is even worse! These samurai have sworn an oath to die defending the shrine and the Michi priests that dwell within its hallowed walls.

    Age has not dulled their senses or skills, having forgotten most of what young samurai still grapple with learning. They are part of the shrine now and have a connection to their ancestors and the dragons that few outside the shrine could understand. While they rarely leave the Shrine, the recent daimyo’s death has meant that certain priesthood members must travel Jwar, spreading the unfortunate news to hearths and homes of both rich and poor ensuring the balance remains intact. These veteran samurai must guard them against any that would do them harm.

    Ryu players can expect a few of these models to offer a different play style for their samurai. The more you include in a warband, the more options you have for Channel, Believer and Virtue effects.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Bakemono are plentiful and expendable, and it’s The Gardener’s role to enhance these chittering beasts into furious war machines that go berserk in battle, seeing everything through a fungus-infused red mist. Mushrooms and Bakemono go claw in claw. Deep within the earth’s bowels, The Gardener, over countless years - and countless bakemono - has perfected the ratio of Red Claws to feed a bakemono that will result in the savagery of Foon Gus and not the usual tongue-extending death.

    Foon Gus is so vile that even his bakemono brethren give him a wide berth, which is appropriate as he does not play well with others. Only through his sheer anger and Red Claw-fueled strength and savagery and what he does to their foes is he tolerated at all.

    Like all bakemono, Foon Gus is cheap enough in Rice to be expendable; he can do some real damage while he’s around. In particular, he can be a great finishing model, charging into an exhausted, outnumbered enemy model. With the charge bonus to damage (Remember the Banzai! Trait!) and Strong, he can be a model to put the final boot into an enemy and kill them after some setup.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 2 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on June 9, 2023


Showing 1461 to 1480 of 5062 results

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