Showing 41 to 60 of 80 results

  • You will need to know the email address associated with your seat reservation at sign-in on the day of the event.

    Join us for a Flesh and Blood Rosetta Booster Draft on Sunday, September 22nd. Sign-in begins at 1pm. If you have not signed in by 1:15pm, your seat may be given to another player.

    This entry fee covers 3 draft packs. Only Armory Promos will be provided for prizing. 3 swiss rounds. If there are 2 or more draft pods, after the swiss rounds, the top 2 players may play one additional round or (if they both agree) use a random tie-breaker to determine the overall event winner. 

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Sept. 22, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    We will be hosting a Rosetta Pre-Release on Sunday, September 15th at 12:00pm. The format will be Rosetta Sealed Deck. Each player will get 8 packs with which to build a sealed deck. We will have supplies for up to 16 players. Each player receives a Rosetta 10-card pre-release pack which includes: 1 Cold Foil Promo Card, 2 Rainbow Foil Extended Art Promo Cards, 1 Rainbow Foil Equipment Promo Card, and 6 Tokens.

    Sign-in will begin at 12:00pm. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 12:15pm, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. Deck building will begin at 12:15pm and round 1 will begin at 12:45pm. Each round will have a timer of 30 minutes, and there will be 4 swiss rounds. The event is expected to end before 4:00pm.

    Each player will receive 2 prize packs per win (1 pack per bye or draw) being awarded from Rosetta.

    Event schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign In
    • 12:15pm Sealed Deckbuilding
    • 12:45pm Swiss Round 1
    • 1:25pm Swiss Round 2
    • 2:05pm Swiss Round 3
    • 2:45pm Swiss Round 4
    • 3:30pm Prizing

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Sept. 15, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    We will be hosting a Altered: Beyond the Gates Launch Event on Saturday, September 14th at 12:00pm. Players will receive 1 random Starter Deck + 3 Booster Packs. Players will open their Starter Deck and improve it with the addition of the 3 packs to create a new deck. Decks must follow the Sealed Deck construction rules:

    Sign-in will begin at 12:00pm. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 12:15pm, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. Deck building will begin at 12:15pm and round 1 will begin at 12:45pm. Each round will be best-of-one and have a timer of 30 minutes. There will be 4 swiss rounds. The event is expected to end before 4:00pm.

    Event schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign In
    • 12:15pm Sealed Deckbuilding
    • 12:45pm Swiss Round 1
    • 1:25pm Swiss Round 2
    • 2:05pm Swiss Round 3
    • 2:45pm Swiss Round 4

    Released on Sept. 14, 2024


  • Keep track of the username/email associated with your sign-up. You will need it to check in at the event.

    Check in begins at 3pm. If you are not checked in by 3:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk in.

    This entry fee covers 3 draft packs. No prize packs will be provided.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Sept. 7, 2024


  • $10 entry fee. Payable to Valhalla Hobby.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Sept. 1, 2024


  • Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis

    Please fill out this form after signing up for the event:
    Please email us your army list(s) by 8/26/2024 to

    Saturday, August 31st, 2024


    • 10:30 AM - Setup and Check-in
    • 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM Round 1
    • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Lunch Break
    • 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM Round 2


    We ask that, for this narrative event, you make a best-effort to have painted models. Basing is also highly encouraged.


    2 Tables will be set up for 2k Legions Imperialis.

    The remaining tables will be for 1v1, 2v2, or 2v1 (for uneven numbers) Horus Heresy, 3k points per side.

    Please let us know if you can do a 3k list, 1.5k list, or both, and which you prefer, as well as preference for Loyalist vs Traitor in the linked google form:

    Missions will generally focus on objectives (so taking line units is recommended). An example would be Sudden Strike from the campaign supplements.

    No named characters are allowed. You may however customize one model from your army with the Phyrix character forge:

    You may optionally use the Liber Panoptica balance supplement and additional army lists/options available here: Please bring a list without those items, and a list with them if you wish to use it, and we will pair opponents who wish to use these supplements against each other. You can find data for New Recruit or Battlescribe here:

    Please email us your army list(s) by 8/26/2024 to

    The Narrative: Vanaheim Disruptus

    Though the Iron Warriors took the Forge World of Vanaheim in 009.M31, the industrial stronghold had significant damage done by Leman Russ’s withdrawing bombardment. Nevertheless, the diminished output of the world still feeds critical resources to the Warmaster’s campaign on Beta Garmon.

    A Traitor fleet rendezvous at Vanaheim to perform repairs and resupply material. Loyalists en-route to the Garmon Cluster discover this, and determine they can strike a greater blow at the resupplying traitors now, before they re-enter the larger conflict.


    Prizing for the event will be raffle ticket based. You can only win one prize. Prizing includes dice, Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis battle groups.
    1 for showing up

    1 for playing with a fully painted and based army

    Other narrative moments may award tickets

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Aug. 31, 2024


  • You will need the email address on your online reservation in order to sign-in at the event.

    Join us for our third Grand Archive Store Championship on Saturday, August 24th! Sign-in for the event will begin at 12pm on the day of the event. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    The entry fee for the event will be $10 (tax included) and will cover the cost of prize packs for the event. Fractured Crown prize packs will be awarded at a rate of 1 pack per win or bye during the championship. Each player will receive two Stamped Foil Sable Remnant participation promos, and the top ranked player at the end of the event will also receive an invitational card and the unique promotional mat for the season. An invitational card acts as your ticket to entry for higher-tier events such as Nationals. Upon receiving an invitational card, the winner will receive a form that they must sign to receive their prize.

    Pictures of the event and the winner receiving the prize card will be taken to send to Weebs of the Shore and for promotional purposes. Players claiming their allocated prizes and invitations are assumed to have agreed to have their photo taken and used for these aforementioned purposes.

    The format of the event will be Standard Constructed: Players provide their own minimum 60-card Main Deck, maximum 12-card Material Deck, and maximum 8-card Sideboard. Players will play 3 (for 8 or less players) or 4 (for 9+ players) swiss rounds. Rounds will be best of 3, and all rounds of Swiss must be played out. A 60 minute round timer will begin 5 minutes after round pairings are posted. Start of game procedures may be completed after pairings are posted even if the round timer has not begun. Play should begin at the start of the 60 minute timer. If time in the round has expired and the winner of the current game is not yet determined, players have up to 5 minutes to finish the game or play 3 additional turns, whichever comes first. The current turn player will be considered as starting on turn 0, after which 3 additional turns are played in total. If, after 5 minutes or the turn limit, there is no winner, the game is considered a draw the player with the most wins thus far in the match is considered the match winner. If neither player has won more games, the match is a draw.

    There will not be an official judge present at the event. Rulings may be made by the tournament organizers as needed to the best of our ability. Those who wish to participate in a Store Championship must meet the following requirements: 1) Have a deck that is legal for the format. 2) Be in good standing. 3) Acknowledge that they are aware of the official rules and are aware of the potential penalties for any infractions done. 4) Agree to accept rulings made by the tournament organizers during the event. 5) Bring a decklist to the event which is legible and fully complete. Card names must be written down in full with the correct spelling and count.

    Event schedule:

    Rounds may begin earlier if all matches are completed before the end of the 60 minute round timer. This schedule assumes all rounds go to time and that there will be enough players for 4 swiss rounds.

    • 12:00pm - Sign in
    • 12:15pm - Round 1 Pairings Posted
    • 1:25pm - Round 2 Pairings Posted
    • 2:35pm - Round 3 Pairings Posted
    • 3:45pm - Round 4 Pairings Posted
    • 4:55pm - Prizes Awarded

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Aug. 24, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 11:45am, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    We will be hosting a casual Age of Sigmar: Spearhead Tournament on Saturday, August 17th at 11:30am. Sign-in will begin at 11:30am. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 11:45am, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. The first of three rounds will begin at 12pm and the event is expected to end by 3:30pm.

    Event schedule:

    • 11:30am Sign In
    • 12:00pm Round 1
    • 1:15pm Round 2
    • 2:30pm Round 3
    • 3:30pm Skaventide Giveaway

    As this is a casual, beginner-focused event, there will not be any prizing, but we will be giving away a free copy of Skaventide after the event. All players are automatically entered into this giveaway. To enter the giveaway without participating in the tournament, please leave your name and email address with store staff before 3:00pm on August 17th. Entrants must be physically present during the drawing at 3:30pm to be eligible to receive the free copy of Skaventide.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Aug. 17, 2024


  • Join us for the Disney Lorcana: Ursula's Return Set Championship on Sunday, July 14th at Valhalla Hobby! Players 8 and up are welcome.

    Sign-in for the event will begin at 11:00am. You will need to know the email on your preregistration at sign-in. Once players have paid the $10 entry fee for the event and signed in, players will be provided the entry code to join the event on the event platform. If you have not signed in by 11:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    The Championship will be 4-5 swiss rounds (4 for 16 or less players, 5 for 17 or more players). Each round will have a 55 minute round timer and will be best of three games. [Tournament rules have been adjusted and rounds are now 2 game rounds with a 45 minute timer.] After the final round, there will be a cut to the top 8 players to determine the ranking of the top 8. There is a maximum of 32 players due to space limitations.


    • Champion: The winner receives the Store Championship Playmat, 1 Ursula - Sea Witch Queen card, and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • Runner-Up: the second-place finisher receives the Ursula - Sea Witch Queen Playmat (non-champion version), 1 Ursula - Sea Witch Queen card, and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • Third and Fourth Place finishers each receive 1 Ursula - Sea Witch Queen card and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • All other players will receive 1 First Chapter Booster Pack for participation at the end of the swiss rounds

    Event Schedule:

    • 11:00am Sign-In
    • 11:15am Round 1 Paired
    • 12:30pm Round 2 Paired
    • 1:45pm Round 3 Paired
    • 3:00pm Round 4 Paired
    • 4:15pm Round 5 Paired
    • 5:30pm Top Cut

    This schedule assumes the maximum number of rounds and that all rounds go to time. This event is expected to end before 8:00pm.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on July 14, 2024


  • Purchases of boxes not used for the prerelease event do not come with any additional prize support.

    You will need the email on your pre-registration order to check-in at the event, and you will need to provide your Unlimited ID at the event.

    Valhalla Hobby will be having a Star Wars: Unlimited Prerelease on Saturday, July 6th at 12pm! The prerelease will be 4-5 swiss rounds (4 for 16 or less players, 5 for 17 or more players). Each round will have a 55 minute round timer and will be best of three games. Each player will receive 6 packs to create a sealed deck.

    Prizing is as follows:

    • First Place - 6 Shadows of the Galaxy Prize Packs
    • Second Place - 4 Shadows of the Galaxy Prize Packs
    • Third / Fourth Place - 3 Shadows of the Galaxy Prize Packs
    • 5th through 8th Place - 2 Shadows of the Galaxy Prize Packs
    • 9th through 32nd Place - 1 Shadows of the Galaxy Participation Pack

    Event Schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign-In
    • 12:15pm Deck Building
    • 12:45pm Round 1 Paired
    • 1:45pm Round 2 Paired
    • 2:45pm Round 3 Paired
    • 3:45pm Round 4 Paired
    • 4:45pm Round 5 Paired
    • 5:45pm Final Prizing

    The schedule assumes maximum number of rounds and that all rounds go to time. This event is expected to end before 6pm.

    MSRP $29.99

    Released on July 5, 2024


  • Join us for the Star Wars Unlimited: Spark of Rebellion Store Showdown on Saturday, June 22nd at Valhalla Hobby!

    Sign-in for the event will begin at 12:00pm. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in. You will need to know the email on your preregistration at sign-in.

    Once players have paid the $10 entry fee for the event and signed in, players will be added into the tournament software using their unique ID. Please bring this information with you to the event.

    The Store Showdown will be 4-5 swiss rounds (4 for 16 or less players, 5 for 17 or more players). Each round will have a 55 minute round timer and will be best of three games. After the final round, there will be a cut to the top 4 players to determine the ranking of the top 4. There is a maximum of 32 players due to space limitations.


    • Champion: The winner receives a Champion Promo Card, Finalist Promo Card, Top 4 Promo Card, Top 8 Promo Card, Participation Promo Card and 6 Spark of Rebellion Booster Packs
    • Runner-Up: the second-place finisher receives a Finalist Promo Card, Top 4 Promo Card, Top 8 Promo Card, Participation Promo Card and 4 Spark of Rebellion Booster Packs
    • Third and Fourth Place finishers each receive a Top 4 Promo Card, Top 8 Promo Card, Participation Promo Card and 3 Spark of Rebellion Booster Packs
    • Fifth through Eighth Place finishers will each receive a Top 8 Promo Card, Participation Promo Card and 1 Spark of Rebellion Booster Packs
    • Ninth through Twelfth Place finishers will each receive a Participation Promo Card and 1 Spark of Rebellion Booster Pack
    • All other players will receive a Participation Promo Card

    Event Schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign-In
    • 12:15pm Round 1 Paired
    • 1:15pm Round 2 Paired
    • 2:15pm Round 3 Paired
    • 3:15pm Round 4 Paired
    • 4:15pm Round 5 Paired
    • 5:15pm Top Cut

    This schedule assumes the maximum number of rounds and that all rounds go to time. This event is expected to end before 8:00pm.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on June 22, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    We will be hosting a Part the Mistveil Pre-Release on Sunday, May 26th at 12:00pm. The format will be Part the Mistveil Sealed Deck. Each player will get 8 packs with which to build a sealed deck. We will have supplies for up to 16 players. Each player receives a Part the Mistveil 10-card pre-release pack which includes: 1 Cold Foil Promo Card, 2 Rainbow Foil Extended Art Promo Cards, 1 Rainbow Foil Equipment Promo Card, and 6 Tokens.

    Sign-in will begin at 12:00pm. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 12:15pm, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. Deck building will begin at 12:15pm and round 1 will begin at 12:45pm. Each round will have a timer of 30 minutes, and there will be 4 swiss rounds. The event is expected to end before 4:00pm.

    Each player will receive 2 prize packs per win (1 pack per bye or draw) being awarded from Part the Mistveil.

    Event schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign In
    • 12:15pm Sealed Deckbuilding
    • 12:45pm Swiss Round 1
    • 1:25pm Swiss Round 2
    • 2:05pm Swiss Round 3
    • 2:45pm Swiss Round 4
    • 3:30pm Prizing

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 26, 2024


  • Vying for Valhalla

    May 19th Infinity Tourney

    $15 entry fee. Payable to Valhalla Hobby. If you reserve your seat online, you will need to know the email on your reservation at sign-in.

    Round 1: 11:00 AM Round 2: 1:30 PM Round 3: 4:30 PM

    Confirm you are coming by May 12th


    Round 1: Mind Wipe

    Round 2: Panic Room

    Round 3: Decapitation

    ITS season 15 rules - print outs will be available 300 points, two army lists from the same sectorial or generic faction.

    Three rounds, two hours a round Dinner break planned after round 2 so please eat a brunch before you show up Pairings determined Swiss style (similar score, each round new opponent)

    What to bring: Infinity models - unpainted and proxy ok as long as it's reasonably clear which model is which (line of fire markings highly recommended)

    Tokens, Templates, Measuring devices, Dice, HVTs Some supplies will be available to borrow but please try and bring your own

    Prize selection will be done in placement order, there are enough items so everyone gets something! Prize for Best Painted Model

    We run these as beginner friendly

    In-store pickup only

    Released on May 19, 2024


  • Join us for the Disney Lorcana: Into the Inklands Set Championship on Sunday, April 21st at Valhalla Hobby! Players 8 and up are welcome.

    Sign-in for the event will begin at 12:00pm. You will need to know the email on your preregistration at sign-in. Once players have paid the $10 entry fee for the event and signed in, players will be provided the entry code to join the event on the event platform. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    The Championship will be 4-5 swiss rounds (4 for 16 or less players, 5 for 17 or more players). Each round will have a 55 minute round timer and will be best of three games. After the final round, there will be a cut to the top 8 players to determine the ranking of the top 8. There is a maximum of 20 players due to space limitations.


    • Champion: The winner receives the Store Championship Playmat, 1 Stitch — Rock Star card, and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • Runner-Up: the second-place finisher receives the Stitch — Rock Star Playmat (non-champion version), 1 Stitch — Rock Star card, and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • Third and Fourth Place finishers each receive 1 Stitch — Rock Star card and 2 First Chapter Booster Packs
    • All other players will receive 1 First Chapter Booster Pack for participation at the end of the swiss rounds

    Event Schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign-In
    • 12:15pm Round 1 Paired
    • 1:15pm Round 2 Paired
    • 2:15pm Round 3 Paired
    • 3:15pm Round 4 Paired
    • 4:15pm Round 5 Paired
    • 5:15pm Top Cut

    This schedule assumes the maximum number of rounds and that all rounds go to time. This event is expected to end before 8:00pm.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on April 21, 2024


  • You will need the email address on your online reservation in order to sign-in at the event.

    Join us for our second Grand Archive Store Championship on Saturday, April 20th! Sign-in for the event will begin at 12pm on the day of the event. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    The entry fee for the event will be $10 (tax included) and will cover the cost of prize packs for the event. Fractured Crown prize packs will be awarded at a rate of 1 pack per win or bye during the championship. The top ranked player at the end of the event will also receive an invitational card and the unique promotional mat for the season. An invitational card acts as your ticket to entry for higher-tier events such as Nationals. Upon receiving an invitational card, the winner will receive a form that they must sign to receive their prize.

    Pictures of the event and the winner receiving the prize card will be taken to send to Weebs of the Shore and for promotional purposes. Players claiming their allocated prizes and invitations are assumed to have agreed to have their photo taken and used for these aforementioned purposes.

    The format of the event will be Standard Constructed: Players provide their own minimum 60-card Main Deck, maximum 12-card Material Deck, and maximum 8-card Sideboard. Players will play 3 (for 8 or less players) or 4 (for 9+ players) swiss rounds. Rounds will be best of 3, and all rounds of Swiss must be played out. A 60 minute round timer will begin 5 minutes after round pairings are posted. Start of game procedures may be completed after pairings are posted even if the round timer has not begun. Play should begin at the start of the 60 minute timer. If time in the round has expired and the winner of the current game is not yet determined, players have up to 5 minutes to finish the game or play 3 additional turns, whichever comes first. The current turn player will be considered as starting on turn 0, after which 3 additional turns are played in total. If, after 5 minutes or the turn limit, there is no winner, the game is considered a draw the player with the most wins thus far in the match is considered the match winner. If neither player has won more games, the match is a draw.

    There will not be an official judge present at the event. Rulings may be made by the tournament organizers as needed to the best of our ability. Those who wish to participate in a Store Championship must meet the following requirements: 1) Have a deck that is legal for the format. 2) Be in good standing. 3) Acknowledge that they are aware of the official rules and are aware of the potential penalties for any infractions done. 4) Agree to accept rulings made by the tournament organizers during the event. 5) Bring a decklist to the event which is legible and fully complete. Card names must be written down in full with the correct spelling and count.

    Event schedule:

    Rounds may begin earlier if all matches are completed before the end of the 60 minute round timer. This schedule assumes all rounds go to time and that there will be enough players for 4 swiss rounds.

    • 12:00pm - Sign in
    • 12:15pm - Round 1 Pairings Posted
    • 1:25pm - Round 2 Pairings Posted
    • 2:35pm - Round 3 Pairings Posted
    • 3:45pm - Round 4 Pairings Posted
    • 4:55pm - Prizes Awarded

    In-store pickup only

    Released on April 20, 2024


  • You will need the email on your pre-registration order to check-in at the event.

    Valhalla Hobby will be having a Star Wars: Unlimited Prerelease on Saturday, March 2nd at 1pm! The prerelease will consist of four rounds of sealed play using the 6 Booster Packs provided in the prerelease box.

    This $29.99 entry fee covers only the cost of the prerelease box. If additional prizing is added to the event, it will be charged separately.

    View more details about the prerelease box below:

    Kick off your Star Wars: Unlimited Organized Play experience with this Spark of Rebellion Prerelease Box! In this box, players will find 6 Booster Packs as well as enough tokens and materials for you to launch your Star Wars: Unlimited journey. The box comes with everything a player would need to participate in your store’s prerelease sealed tournament, and even includes exclusive promo versions of the Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader leader cards!

    Star Wars: Unlimited is a fast-paced, easy-to-learn trading card game of unlimited possibilities. The Spark of Rebellion set features characters and content from the original Star Wars trilogy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and the Star Wars: Rebels series, and more. Each booster pack included in this product can be used to build and upgrade decks for head-to-head, draft, or sealed play.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on March 2, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    We will be hosting a Heavy Hitters Pre-Release on Sunday, January 28th at 12:00pm. The format will be Heavy Hitters Sealed Deck. Each player will get 6 packs with which to build a sealed deck. We will have supplies for up to 16 players. Each player receives a Heavy Hitters 9-card pre-release pack which includes: 1 Extended Art Cold Foil Promo Card, 2 Rainbow Foil Double Faced Token Promo Cards, 6 Hero/Weapon Tokens.

    Sign-in will begin at 12:00pm. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 12:15pm, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. Deck building will begin at 12:15pm and round 1 will begin at 12:45pm. Each round will have a timer of 30 minutes, and there will be 4 swiss rounds. The event is expected to end before 4:00pm.

    Each player will receive 2 prize packs per win being awarded from Heavy Hitters.

    Event schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign In
    • 12:15pm Sealed Deckbuilding
    • 12:45pm Swiss Round 1
    • 1:25pm Swiss Round 2
    • 2:05pm Swiss Round 3
    • 2:45pm Swiss Round 4
    • 3:30pm Prizing

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Jan. 28, 2024


  • You will need the email address on your online reservation in order to sign-in at the event.

    Join us for our first Grand Archive Store Championship on Saturday, January 6th! Sign-in for the event will begin at 12pm on the day of the event. If you have not signed in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    The entry fee for the event will be $10 (tax included) and will cover the cost of prize packs for the event. Dawn of Ashes [Alter Edition] prize packs will be awarded at a rate of 1 pack per win or bye during the championship. The top ranked player at the end of the event will also receive an invitational card and the unique promotional mat for the season. An invitational card acts as your ticket to entry for higher-tier events such as Nationals. Upon receiving an invitational card, the winner will receive a form that they must sign to receive their prize.

    Pictures of the event and the winner receiving the prize card will be taken to send to Weebs of the Shore and for promotional purposes. Players claiming their allocated prizes and invitations are assumed to have agreed to have their photo taken and used for these aforementioned purposes.

    The format of the event will be Standard Constructed: Players provide their own minimum 60-card Main Deck, maximum 12-card Material Deck, and maximum 8-card Sideboard. Players will play 3 (for 8 or less players) or 4 (for 9+ players) swiss rounds. Rounds will be best of 3, and all rounds of Swiss must be played out. A 60 minute round timer will begin 5 minutes after round pairings are posted. Start of game procedures may be completed after pairings are posted even if the round timer has not begun. Play should begin at the start of the 60 minute timer. If time in the round has expired and the winner of the current game is not yet determined, players have up to 5 minutes to finish the game or play 3 additional turns, whichever comes first. The current turn player will be considered as starting on turn 0, after which 3 additional turns are played in total. If, after 5 minutes or the turn limit, there is no winner, the game is considered a draw the player with the most wins thus far in the match is considered the match winner. If neither player has won more games, the match is a draw.

    There will not be an official judge present at the event. Rulings may be made by the tournament organizers as needed to the best of our ability. Those who wish to participate in a Store Championship must meet the following requirements: 1) Have a deck that is legal for the format. 2) Be in good standing. 3) Acknowledge that they are aware of the official rules and are aware of the potential penalties for any infractions done. 4) Agree to accept rulings made by the tournament organizers during the event. 5) Bring a decklist to the event which is legible and fully complete. Card names must be written down in full with the correct spelling and count.

    Event schedule:

    Rounds may begin earlier if all matches are completed before the end of the 60 minute round timer. This schedule assumes all rounds go to time and that there will be enough players for 4 swiss rounds.

    • 12:00pm - Sign in
    • 12:15pm - Round 1 Pairings Posted
    • 1:25pm - Round 2 Pairings Posted
    • 2:35pm - Round 3 Pairings Posted
    • 3:45pm - Round 4 Pairings Posted
    • 4:55pm - Prizes Awarded

    Released on Jan. 6, 2024


  • You will need to know the email attached to your order when you check-in at the event. If you have not checked in by 12:15pm, your seat may be given to a walk-in.

    As the event is the weekend before Halloween, costumes are encouraged!

    Valhalla Hobby will be hosting a ProQuest Season 4 on Sunday, October 29th at 12:00pm. The format will be Classic Constructed. We have event space for a maximum of 32 players, so pre-registration is recommended. Sign-in will begin at 12:00pm. If you register in advance, a seat will be reserved for you until 12:15pm, at which point any walk-in may take your seat. Deck registration is required for this event.

    Swiss rounds will begin at 12:30pm using the GEM system for pairings and seating. Please reference the numbers at the tables when finding your seat for each round. For up to 16 players there will be 4 swiss rounds. For 17 or more players, there will be 5 swiss rounds. Each round will have a timer of 55 minutes.

    After the conclusion of the swiss rounds, prize packs for all players not in the top 8 will be awarded, and these players will not be required to stay for the top 8 playoffs. Each player will receive 3 packs per win and 1 pack per draw/bye. Prize packs will be Bright Lights, but players can exchange prize packs for $3 store credit each.

    The top 8 playoff will determine the final ranks of each player in the top 8. All players in the top 8 will receive Cold Foil Hero Promo Card at random from the ProQuest prize kit and 3 packs per each win in the playoffs. First and second place will each receive a Alluring Inducement Playmat, and the top ranked player will also receive a Random Drop Gold Cold Foil Card and and will qualify for Pro Tour 4. If a player who is already qualified through Pro Quest wins the event then the qualification will pass down to the other finalist. The pass down does not go any further than the other finalist.

    See below the event schedule. This schedule assumes 5 swiss rounds each at the maximum time of 55 minutes. Rounds will begin after the previous round has ended even if 55 minutes have not passed. The event may conclude earlier than the time estimated here.

    Event schedule:

    • 12:00pm Sign In
    • 12:15pm Deck Registration
    • 12:30pm Round 1
    • 1:30pm Round 2
    • 2:30pm Round 3
    • 3:30pm Round 4
    • 4:30pm Round 5
    • 5:30pm Swiss Rounds Prizing
    • 5:45pm Top 8 Playoff Round 1
    • 6:45pm Top 8 Playoff Round 2
    • 7:45pm Top 8 Playoff Round 3
    • 8:45pm First Place Announcement and Final Prizing

    Released on Oct. 29, 2023


  • Please see our tournament document for the format:

    You will need a leviathan mission deck for secondary objectives.

    In-store pickup only

    Released on Oct. 28, 2023


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