• The prototype submersible Nautilus was famously appropriated from the Crown by the daring and swashbuckling privateer Captain Rani Nimue. Her loyal and eclectic crew have adventured the globe, their tales of seeking legendary artefacts and fabulous treasures are the fodder of lurid tales that captivate all who hear them. As a mercenary, the Nautilus serves any with the coin, even the Crown who reluctantly must pay for the services of their own erstwhile submersible. 

    The flagship of the Canadian Atlantic Defence Fleet, the HMCS Tilloch Galt gained renown in action against the Imperium during their attempt on the Labrador Sea in 1873 and against the Commonwealth during the Ghosts of Midwinter in 1876. She inspires any battlefleet she fights alongside and has become a symbol of Canadian naval power. Merchant vessels making the long journey between the British Isles and Canada cheer in welcome when they come under the protection of the Tilloch Galt and her unbreakable Guardian Generator array. 


    • 1x The Nautilus
    • 1x HMCS Tilloch Galt
    • 5x Escorts

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted, and some assembly will be required.

    1 Available

    MSRP $45.00

    Released on Aug. 9, 2024


  • The waters of this particular stretch of the Bay of Bengal were quiet for now, but they would remain so. When the Empire battlefleet that was massing in the Andaman Sea arrived they would become a roiling, violent tempest. The line drawn between the territories of the Crown and the Empire may not be literal lines through the ocean, but as soon as an unwelcome vessel crossed from one territory to the other alarms would be raised and fighters launched. Ceylon platforms supported by Nagaraja Tactical Cruisers and their escorts were running drills in anticipation of the predicted attack. The crews were tense and tired but they had no doubt that they would repel the assault from the Empire, they had done so before and would do so again.


    • 2x Nagaraja (may also be built as Indus, Godavari, Devaki or Chanura Class)
    • 2x Ceylon Platform
    • 4x Escort
    • 2x Landing Token

    Please Note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on March 1, 2024


  • Thanks in part to the East India Trading Company, the influence of The Crown spread across much of the globe. As such, they must defend their holdings with all they have, to prevent their colonies from being blockaded or worse. This has led to a contract with the House of Scindia of the Gwalior Princely State for locally constructed and specialised craft being incorporated into the Crown’s Indian and Pacific Ocean Fleets, as well as the EITC. The Ganges Battle Cruiser and Devaki Littoral Monitor in particular, became much relied on as exemplary vessels, well suited to coastal action. A shallow draft and a pared-back design, reminiscent of an earlier age of Crown industry, might give the mistaken impression that these are not up to the task of warfare in the Dystopian Age. However, with the scattered territories constantly imperilled by local revolution and piracy, these vessels see a great deal of action. Engineering focused on the fundamentals of shipbuilding makes maintaining an operational Fleet far more practical, with the warships spending on average a third less time out of action than their British counterparts and nearly fifty percent less compared to the Canadians.


    • 1x Ganges Battlecruiser (may also be built as Palashi Class)
    • 2x Nagaraja Tactical Cruiser (may also be built as Indus, Godavari, Devaki or Chanura Class)
    • 2x Platform
    • 4x Escort
    • 2x Landing Token

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Feb. 5, 2024


  • When HMS Gloriana was launched in 1851, she was an apex predator without rival. Even today, these imposing vessels are able to rout entire battlefleets alone and fear nothing, giving rise to vessels in her image being desired by all the Great Powers, but never exceeded.

    Tough and reliable airships, the Prydain has served the Crown for two decades, replacing the Glaisher class war balloons after the debacle during the Rout at Mboto Gorge. Despite their age, the Prydain still prove to be more than a match for the latest aeronautic vessels of the other Great Powers.

    Reliable workhorses of the Crown's aerial ambitions, squadrons of Tintagels patrol every corner of the globe. Bow-mounted detectors reveal enemy submersibles to allies and embarked troops are ready to drop in and storm enemy fortifications.

    While the hull has remained relatively unchanged for more than fifty years, the Albion class Cruisers have received a regular schedule of upgrades integrating newer technology to keep these venerable vessels relevant and capable in this Dystopian Age.

    Crews of Caliburn Frigates are renowned for their fearlessness in the face of larger and more deadly adversaries. Though some will be lost in the attempt, they valiantly battle in her Majesty's name.


    • 1x Gloriana Dread-Naught (may also be built as either a Camelot or Adventurer)
    • 2x Prydain War Rotors
    • 2x Tintagel Battle Rotors
    • 4x Cruisers (may be built as either Albion or Bedivere Class)
    • 8x Caliburn Frigates
    • 4x Saxon Scout Rotors
    • 1x Quickstart Booklet

    1 Available

    MSRP $115.00

    Released on April 30, 2023


  • Tough and reliable airships, the Prydain has served the Crown for two decades, replacing the Glaisher class war balloons after the debacle during the Rout at Mboto Gorge. Despite their age, the Prydain still prove to be more than a match for the latest aeronautic vessels of the other Great Powers.

    Reliable workhorses of the Crown's aerial ambitions, squadrons of Tintagels patrol every corner of the globe. Bow-mounted detectors reveal enemy submersibles to allies and embarked troops are ready to drop in and storm enemy fortifications.

    Nimble and courageous, the crews of Saxon Scout Rotors are known as the Sixty-Minuters for their rapid response and plucky attitude to death.


    • 2x Prydain War Rotor
    • 2x Tintagel Battle Rotor
    • 4x Saxon Scout Rotor

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on March 31, 2023

    $32.00 $27.77

  • Suspended on galvanic rotors, these Sky Fortresses are only made possible by the engineers at Bletchley and the wootz-steel Sturginium alloys used in their construction. Her Majesty's amusement was shown when the Avalon-class, the Victoria, flew over Horse Guards Parade, causing the cavalry to rear up and dislodge their riders into the rain-soaked ground. Able to fly anywhere and deploy the Defiant fighters at a moments notice, this mighty aerial leviathan is usually deployed with additional air and sea support. This has been seen especially around the recent conflict in Canada against the Imperium where crews of the Canadian ships have become well versed in fighting with air support.

    This box contains:

    • 1x Avalon Skyfortress
    • 2x Agincourt Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Athelstan or Hotspur Class)
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyers
    • 2x Morgana Submarines
    • 2x SRS Tokens
    • 2x Prydain War Rotor
    • 2x Tintagel Battle Rotor
    • 4x Saxon Scout Rotor


    MSRP $80.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2023


  • Dystopian Wars is a tabletop wargame of naval battles using highly detailed miniatures to represent huge engines of destruction on, above and below the high-seas. Set in an alternate late-Nineteenth Century called the Dystopian Age, super-science fuelled nations clash over resources and power.

    Pick your faction and fight for dominance over the seas and skies with incredible machines of war fuelled by extraordinary technology - dread marvels of the Dystopian Age.

    This box set contains everything you need to start playing Dystopian Wars with a fleet of ships at your command.

    This box contains:

    • 1x Britannia Battleship
    • 2x Frontline Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Albion, Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class)
    • 4x Caliburn Frigates
    • 2x Support Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Agincourt, Athelstan or Hotspur Class)
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyers
    • 2x Morgana Submarines
    • 2x SRS Tokens
    • 1x Rulebook
    • 1x Victory and Valour Deck
    • 20x Action Dice
    • 6x Critical Dice
    • 1x DA Token Sheet
    • 1x DA Template


    MSRP $80.00

    Released on Feb. 25, 2023


  • The mainstay of the Canadian fleet, these impressive warships are the stalwart frontline in the Crown's defence against Union expansionist ambitions.

    A powerful combination of heavy firepower and an ablative armoured prow, the Bonaventure class serve in the Dominion of Canada's fiercest fighting in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Built around Arthur McCurdy's augmented shield generator technology, the Halifax Shield Cruiser is designed to project greater protection to critical elements of Canadian battlefleets. Built on the Newfoundland hull design and outfitted to support fleet operations, the Toronto class Control Cruisers have a vital role in coordinating Canada's defences. The installation of a McGill radar array above the bridge provides an impressive fire control suite.

    Designed for supporting and reinforcing Canada's fleet actions, the Yukon class are especially good at establishing blockades and disrupting threats to shipping lanes. Often the threats to Canada can be deterred or even destroyed long before they engage more visible elements of the Crown battlefleets. Orca Hunter Submarines are silent pack hunters.

    This box contains:

    • 2x Canadian Frontline Cruiser (can be built as either a Newfoundland, Bonaventure, Halifax, Toronto or Yukon Class ship)
    • 4x Orca Hunter Submarine
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    Please note:

    • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
    • Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Jan. 28, 2023


  • The Labrador Sea had barely stopped roiling when the call for reinforcements went out. Both the Crown and Imperium lost vessels and both were too proud to leave control of the Labrador Sea to the other. Where they differ, however, is their response to the conflict. The Crown sent word to have a battlefleet assemble which is now on its way from the United Kingdom while the Imperium mobilised the Teutonic Knights and used its efficient logistical chain to assemble a battle platform, defended by Vitruvian Colossi, to maintain hold on the area before more support can arrive.

    The fight was thought to be over but it seems to have been merely a break in the storm. The Sturginium Skies boil with battle once again. Who will claim the Labrador Sea as their own, the Crown or the Imperium?

    This box contains:

    • 2x Crown Cruisers
      • Can be built as either an Athelstan, Agincourt or Hotspur Class ship
    • 2x Morgana Assault Submarine
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyer
    • 2x SRS Token
    • 2x Sets of Platforms
    • 2x Hochmeister Vitruvian Colossus
      • Can also be built as Metzger Vitruvian Colossus
    • 2x Wreck Markers
    • 2x Mine Markers
    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Campaign Book
    • 20x Action Dice
    • 6x Critical Dice
    • 1x Token Set

    1 Available

    MSRP $75.00

    Released on Nov. 26, 2022


  • Huge submersible strike carriers, the Protecteur class was the brainchild of Canadian Frank Andrew Fleming and his assistants at the Davie Shipyard. The Protecteur uniquely combines the capacity of a large support carrier with the stealth and strike capabilities of an attack submersible.

    The Newfoundland Class Cruisers the mainstay of the Canadian offering to The Crown's naval forces. These impressive warships are therefore the stalwart frontline in the Crown's defence against Union expansionist ambitions, as well as any other factions who dare to encroach upon the Crown's dominion.

    Built on the Newfoundland hull design and outfitted to support fleet operations, the Toronto class Control Cruisers have a vital role in coordinating Canada's defences. The installation of a McGill radar array above the bridge provides an impressive fire control suite. While similar in design and Providing a powerful combination of heavy firepower and an ablative armoured prow, the Bonaventure class serves in the Dominion of Canada's fiercest fighting in the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

    Arthur McCurdy's augmented shield generator technology was arguably the most groundbreaking use of the tried and tested Guardian Generator. This huge device is mounted on the Halifax Shield Cruiser, and projects even greater protection to critical elements of Canadian battlefleets.

    Designed for supporting and reinforcing Canada's fleet actions, the Yukon class are especially good at establishing blockades and disrupting threats to shipping lanes.

    Often the threats to Canada can be deterred or even destroyed long before they engage more visible elements of the Crown battlefleets. Orca Hunter Submarines are silent pack hunters.

    The Protecteur Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part plastic and resin miniatures:

    • 1x Protecteur Submersible Carrier
    • 2x Canadian Frontline Cruiser
      • Each cruiser can alternatively be built as either a Newfoundland, Bonaventure, Halifax, Toronto or Yukon Class ship
    • 4x Orca Hunter Submarine
    • 2x SRS Token

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Nov. 26, 2022


  • The great powers of the Dystopian Age are constantly testing each other's boundaries, fighting for territory and resources. The Imperium, while comfortably controlling miles of the Greenland coastline, had decided to make a push into the Labrador Sea, to claim some of the Crown's Dominions in Canada. It was believed that in the face of an overwhelming military presence in the region, the Crown would yield and allow the fishing and gas fields to be ceded to the Imperium. With the knowledge that an ill-timed exercise by the Union to the southwest of Canada would draw much of the Canadian airforce and focus to counter this buildup, Kommodore Wilhelmina von Hoeppner was given the Kaiser's blessing to begin the special operation.

    The initial forays by the Prussian airships were met by the anticipated patrols from the Canadian Aerial Defence Force. Vast Imperium forces efficiently and ruthlessly silenced these valiant aircraft. leaving the east coast unawares and poorly defended in the face of this Prussian onslaught. It was only in the opening stages of the naval battles that followed that the Crown became aware of the Imperium's intentions, but by then the Atlantic Fleet had been left very much alone in the fight.

    Military campaigns take time and logistics to implement, and in the lull following this initial battle, urgent requests for reinforcements to both the High Commission in Ottawa and Canadian Naval Command. Fortunately, the British 14th Rotor Expeditionary Division was on manoeuvres off the coast of Ireland under Air Marshal Clive Spottswoode. The 14th had already followed up on intercepted Luftstreitkrafte communication chatter and triangulated a Prussian refuelling convoy in the mid-Atlantic. Spottswoode immediately saw the threat and, after making use of the captured Imperium supplies, was proceeding at full speed to the Labrador coast.

    The Prussian aerial battlefleets began their offensive, led by a mighty Stark Imperium class skyfortress, and supported by aerial and naval assets. The scattered Canadian defences soon rallied and began making strikes at the Prussian forces causing Kommodore von Hoeppner to split off squadrons of her Kreigsturm Assault Airships to hunt down the Canadian patrols in the hope they could take them unawares. What von Hoeppner did not know, but the Kaiser later said she should have anticipated, was that the Canadians had redeployed three squadrons of their new Toronto Class Control Cruisers to the region just the week before the invasion. These advanced vessels proved crucial in tracking Imperium attacks and coordinating Canadian defences at sea, slowing the Prussian advance and buying the Crown reinforcements precious time.

    Sturginium Skies showcases the beleaguered Canadian forces as they hold off against a powerful Imperium attack. Will Air Marshal Spottswoode and the 14th Rotor Expedition arrive in time to make a difference for the Crown? Or will Kommodore von Hoeppner and her Prussian battlefleets reach their target for the glory of the Imperium?

    Miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    • 1x Stark Imperium Skyfortress
    • 2x Kriegsturm Assault Airship
    • 4x Jaeger Aerial Fast Destroyer
    • 4x Aerial Escort
    • 2x Reiter Cruiser
    • 4x Sigimer Destroyer
    • 3x Prydain War Rotor
    • 3x Tintagel Battle Rotor
    • 6x Saxon Scout Rotor
    • 3x Newfoundland Attack Cruiser
    • 6x Orca Hunter Submarine
    • SRS Tokens
    • 1x Rule Book
    • 1x Campaign Book
    • 2x Victory & Valour card decks (60 cards each)
    • 1x Template set
    • 40x Action dice
    • 12x Critical dice
    • 2x Condition token sets


    MSRP $130.00

    Released on Oct. 29, 2022


  • While the Frontline Squadrons of the Crown Navy are used to going toe-to-toe with enemy fleets, the Support Squadrons serve a range of unique roles to aid and assist the fleet as a whole to complete their missions. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.

    The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.

    The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class or other capital ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier as well as other large command vessels.

    The British Crown Support Squadrons kit builds eight multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Agincourt Cruisers - Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Athelstan or Hotspur Class
    • 4x Excalibur Heavy Destroyers
    • 2x Morgana Submarines
    • 2x SRS Tokens

    2 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Feb. 26, 2022


  • For the last three decades, the Victory class Heavy Carriers has been a dominating force around the globe. They demonstrate the huge significance that naval strength plays in all Crown military campaigns. As an island nation, the British consider the seas and oceans of the world as essential to hold their Dominions together. The Victory and her aircraft ensure that remains so. With an internal hanger that is rivalled only by the experimental Ice Maiden of the Imperium, A Victory can launch dozens of Defiant fighters into the skies to defend the fleet from incoming bombers or to hammer the decks of her enemies with their rapid firing Vickers Automatic Guns.

    Its aircraft are not the Victory's only defence of course. It is armed with three Mark VII Congreve rocket turrets, giving them significant long-range engagement capabilities. While the Victory is no spring chicken, its solid design and advanced Crown engineering make it capable of keeping up with newer classes of ship.

    Alongside the Victory Heavy Carriers are found, not only the common Frontline Squadrons but also Support Squadrons. The Hotspur Support Carriers add additional fighter Support. It is common for Hotspur captains to drive their ships at full speed towards the enemy, hoping that their large engines give their Defiant strike fighters an optimal launch position. The Agincourt Bombardment Cruisers are armed with the dreaded Taranis Naval Mortar, capable of hurling all manner of projectiles up to a range of over fifteen miles.

    The Athelstan Flak cruiser provides a screen of anti-aircraft fire to ensure that the Defiant Squadrons hit their targets and to defend the decks of the Crown vessels. A Squadron of Athelstan's was used on the Thames to celebrate the Queen's Pearl Jubilee, firing magnesium pyrotechnics above the city to mark the occasion.

    The Excalibur Heavy Destroyers are also typically found with the Victory class ships. Their role is to deter smaller attack vessels from swarming the immense Carrier.

    The Victory Battlefleet Set kit builds nineteen multi-part plastic and resin miniatures;

    • 1x Victory Class Heavy Carrier
    • 3x Morgana Submarines
    • 3x Albion Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class)
    • 6x Caliburn Frigates
    • 3x Agincourt Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Athelstan or Hotspur Class)
    • 6x Excalibur Destroyers
    • 3x SRS Tokens

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.


    MSRP $115.00

    Released on Nov. 27, 2021


  • The most common vessel and backbone of the Crown fleet is the Albion Cruiser. This dependable ship is armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.

    The Crown Frontline Squadrons kit builds six multi-part plastic miniatures;

    • 2x Albion Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class)
    • 4x Caliburn Frigates

    Please note: Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required. Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Dystopian Wars website.

    1 Available

    MSRP $40.00

    Released on Sept. 25, 2021


  • The Britannia class Heavy Battleship is a testament to the might of the Crown and symbol of power in defence of her Dominions. Rumour of her mere presence in local waters has quelled uprisings and deterred piracy. Bristling with armaments and protected by thick steel armour and Guardian Generators these powerful vessels are the pride of the Royal Navy. The Britannia Class Battleship was ahead of her time when the first vessel was launched over three decades ago and has been in service ever since. Many of the latest battleships are now catching up with the engines, armour and weaponry equipped by the Britannia but she can still hold her own against any other Battleship on the water.

    Over the last century Crown engineering technology has been ahead of the rest of the world and their naval superiority has earned them control of the seas. That control has been slipping for some time now and while her fleets are still numerous the Crown's international dominance is no longer assured. The fleets still continue to have a presence across the globe and alongside the Britannia Class Battleships numerous Cruisers and Frigates can be found.

    The most common Cruiser in the fleet is the Albion Cruiser. Armed with heavy gun turrets, broadside and torpedoes, this ship is the backbone of the Crown Fleet. Several modifications have been made to the Albion Hull design over the years such as the intimidating Lancelot Heavy Cruiser, the fast Picton and the lightly armed Bedivere. With so much coast to cover and such a large fleet the creation of the Sabre Class Command Cruiser enabled high ranking Naval officers to command Battlefleets from more numerous, smaller ships. These Command Ships allow the crown greater reach without the need for so many Battleships.

    The Britannia Battlefleet Set kit builds seven multi-part resin miniatures;

    • 1x Britannia Battleship
    • 2x Albion Cruisers (Each Cruiser can alternatively be built as either Lancelot, Picton, Bedivere or Sabre Class)
    • 4x Caliburn Frigates

    1 Available

    MSRP $60.00

    Released on Aug. 28, 2021


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