Batman Miniatures Game: Objective Card Set 2

Released on: March 1, 2022
Published by Knight Models
0 at Valhalla Hobby

Objective Card Set 2 has the objective cards for all crews of BMG (except the Batman's crew and Organized Crime objective cards. Those cards are included in the Batman Miniature Game two-player starter box).

This Objective box perfectly complements the BMG two-player starter box and is essential for players looking for a good strategy to compete in tournaments.

Inside you will find all the Objective Cards of the following crews:

  • Soldiers of Fortune
  • Riddler
  • Joker
  • Cults
  • The Penguin
  • League of Assassins
  • Birds of Prey
  • The Court of Owls
  • Two-Face
  • Mr. Freeze
  • Set of Generic Objective Cards
  • Character Objective Cards