Bushido: Fitiaumua
Released on: March 13, 2022 |
Barcode: 700371923785 |
Published by GCT Studios |
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The Buto are a fearsome and brutal people when stirred to actions. Fituamua is no different and serves as the silent enforcer for the Syndicate. A once renowned Jumo fighter he has since worked his way into the service of the Iron Fist gumis. It makes no matter to him if the debt is a single half bronze moon to a thousand Gold ones. If his Oyabun gives him a name he will collect and those who hear the slow knock of his heavy tonfa on their door had better clear the debt or Fitiuamua will gladly give them a lesson in repayment.
Blister contains one miniature, 40mm base and full colour profile card.