Bushido: Masaema Tadao
Released on: Feb. 14, 2022 |
Barcode: 700371924027 |
Published by GCT Studios |
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The Kairai are a cruel and mocking reminder to the living of the dark and twisted powers of the cult. The vile predicament forced upon the living soldiers of the Jwar isles as they are ordered to hack down their brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. Transformed into mindless puppets of Yurei. Tadao stands apart from most Kairai; in battle he displays startling speed and agility for an animated husk, some report him seeming almost alive, not demonstrating the usual awkward gait of the un-living. In death, just as in life Tadao wields a solid steel tetsubo synonymous with his former clan, cracking bone and breaking the spirit of the living with grim satisfaction.
Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.