Bushido: Shimogamo Vipers

Released on: Jan. 1, 2022
Barcode: 700371924218
Published by GCT Studios
1 at Valhalla Hobby

The island of Izu is one of the less habitable places in the whole of the Jwar Isles, bestowed upon the Ito as a slight by the Eagle clan to make it clear to all, including their subordinate clan, who rules. A broken landscape with little arable land for farming, brimming with danger and hazard from the hostile terrain or its inhabitants, beasts unique to the island fill its dense jungles. Beautiful as they are exotic, with colourings to make the royal gardens seem dull in comparison. Amongst the many reptiles lurking in the shadows of the canopy the Shimogama vipers are some of the largest and deadliest. Five foot of muscle, harnessed by great feathery wings enables the snake’s great power and movement, striking without warning and disappearing just as fast. These ancient predators of the jungle are drawn to the service of their mother in times of war.

Blister contains two miniatures, 30mm bases and full colour profile card.