Mercs: House 4 Faction Pack 2

Released on: March 6, 2024
Published by Fifth Angel Studios
Created by Valhalla Hobby
0 at Valhalla Hobby

House 4 is a mixed bag. They welcome psychopaths and servants—any who want to enlist—as long as they come together for the same purpose. The exception is the Steward. His service is mandatory when elected.

Normally, MERCS are one cohesive, trained group of soldiers. House 4 is not, yet they are effective. They are volunteers. They fight for a home without coercion or dreams of profit, and this is precisely why they are effective.

  • House 4 - Engineer
  • House 4 - Sapper
  • House 4 - Member
  • House 4 - Survivalist
  • House 4 - Shock

*models are made of PVC, these are the same models there were available from the RECON boardgame.