Showing 1 to 20 of 62 results

  • Up in the Ro-Kan Mountains, there is rarely a need for an organised militia as most villages are protected from bandits and outsiders by the monks of the Temple. This works well enough that most organised groups know not to target villages up in the mountains. Still, the villages need protection, and most have a group of their people to watch the village at night, stop any excessive conflict between families and keep back wild animals. They solve most of their problems by bringing shouting villagers and fire to scare off the upland bears and mountain gorillas. They lack real training, and unfortunately, layers of straw armour may protect them from snake bites and even simple knives and sticks, but they are no match for a katana.

    2 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on July 8, 2024


  • Community and protection are values held dear by the villagers of Jwar, as they are stronger together rather than apart. Kaiyō & Mangetsu represent these stalwart beliefs and the concepts of life, death, salvation or endless torment. They appear as rippling reflections in bodies of water such as ponds, pools, wells and the like. They are a duality spirit, two halves of a whole existing in harmony, just like the temples and the villages of Ro-Kan exist together — a perfect symbol of their reliance on each other.

    Bastions of the Mountain players will eagerly add these kami to their warbands. This duo offer unmatched Ki generation and manipulation in a Villager list at the cost of their fragility. In addition, Virtue and Healing are a crucial part of Villager Warbands.

    4 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Oct. 6, 2023


  • The typhoon season around Jwar produces startling and destructive weather, with high winds destroying all in its path. Whole villages and entire fleets have been known to disappear when these tempests prowl the land and sea. The storms draw their power and fury from the ocean, eventually dying out the further they travel inland, but even this brief time of landfall is one of terror and despair.

    Similar to the storm this Kami embodies, its time here will be short. Animists from the Temple of Ro-Kan usually summon this Kami to teach the unsui the ways of air, but it can also be used for its destructive nature against attacking enemies. It can scatter enemy warbands to the four winds leaving a well-orchestrated attack or ambush out of position and in complete disarray.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • Kinshi and Rokan players have been waiting a long time for this model. Indeed, it was first written in 2015! Kinshi Players will know it has many synergies with various Kinshi models, including

    replacing the Husk when killed. It can also accelerate the collection of Void Counters.

    In a Rokan Warband, it helps keep Monks topped up on Ki. For both Factions, the Kami can steal Ki Tokens from the enemy, hampering their ability to use their abilities. Doing this at both melee and ranged attacks gives this Kami many options and is a must-buy for Righteous Warriors players.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on July 31, 2023


  • To evade the divine laws is to summon the wrath of the Kitsune themselves. Follow the path of your destiny, the one set out for you before you were even born, lest the Kitsune hunt you down for your transgressions against nature inviolate. The Kitsune are both Judge and Executioner against the worlds of the kami, the living and the dead. To stray from the path, even just a little, could mean death but fear not, for if there is retribution to the guilty, there is restitution to the innocent; all that matters is what you choose to be.

    Box contains nine miniatures supplied with bases and twenty one full colour cards.


    MSRP $78.00

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Just as the judges can only deliver two verdicts, innocent or guilty, Hōfuku dispenses two forms of justice. He represents retribution against the guilty and restitution towards the innocent. While his Armour, Feint, Parry and the powerful Adept Trait allow Hōfuku to work alone, he is undoubtedly best when paired with Kuoto.

    She can dispense Control Markers, which enable the Restitution Ki Feat, and also uses Death Sentence Markers, thus making Hōfuku a top-tier melee combatant with his Vengeance Trait. The Execution side of his weapon is a tremendous finishing weapon; once you wound an opponent, it should be able to get maximum damage for your Success Level and finally kill those intractable foes.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • Very few kitsune master the requisite discipline and aptitude to become a Queen’s guard. Only the very best among already exemplary warriors can fulfil this role. Their stone-faced stoicism and sheer wrath in battle make them some of the empire’s most fearsome combatants. They believe in death before disrepute and will gladly lay down their lives supporting their Queen and everything she stands for. Senshi is the epitome of this. Fearsome, loyal, lightning-quick on the battlefield with an annoying habit of being precisely where he needs to be while the enemy prays hard he will appear elsewhere.

    Kitsune and Temple of Ro-Kan players always like to see the Vitality Ki Feat giving extra activations when needed. Senshi’s array of Traits - including Adept and showing combat results other models cannot achieve - make him good on his own. His unprecedented Bodyguard range of 6” is not just a defensive tool but an excellent positioning option. The Kitsune are a fast, early-game warband, with the Sublime Daisho offering a late-game boost where needed. This could prove invaluable.

    2 Available

    MSRP $20.55

    Released on June 9, 2023


  • 2 Available

    MSRP $28.20

    Released on Feb. 4, 2023


  • Mina was born in a small fishing village on the coast below the Rokan mountains, where she loved to swim and play in the sea. She swam gracefully, even managing to use the force of the waves to propel her toward the beach at great speed, and by doing this, she could perform incredible stunts and crowd-pleasing acrobatics. The locals called her a 'water dancer'. Her life was one of sand, sea, and surf; she felt balanced and harmonious and sought to learn more about these feelings and her place in the universe.

    That is why she went to the temple of Ro-Kan, to learn more about the wonders of the world and the force that binds it all together. She has been given instruction and teaching, and because of her affinity with the ocean, she can summon sea water to aid in her and others' defence. Her powers are inextricably linked with the tides' pull and the moon's stages.


    MSRP $20.55

    Released on July 31, 2022


  • Bushido is a game of savage battles, of cunning stratagems and last-ditch defences, and where debts of honour are paid in blood.

    In Bushido, the fate of the world hangs not on armies but on individual heroes, people of extraordinary capacity, attuned to the all-permeating life force known as Ki. This force is the fabric of the Bushido universe, and those with the appropriate training or natural talent can tap into this energy source and gain seemingly superhuman powers. In the world of Bushido, the delicate tapestry of Ki – and thus the universe itself – is threatened by the forces of imbalance, and it is up to you to protect it – or help rip it apart.

    In a game of Bushido, nothing less than the fate of the universe is at stake. Are you ready for the challenge of the Way of the Warrior?

    Note: this product is made of resin. Box contains:

    • 10 miniatures and bases
    • 30 full colour cards
    • 1 token set
    • 1 rules booklet (Full colour, A5 sized, unabridged)


    MSRP $87.50

    Released on June 10, 2022


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on April 29, 2022


  • Important: this model is included in the Faction Starter Set.

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on April 29, 2022


  • Fire is seen as the great purifier, destroying everything in its path. Some among the Temple of Ro-Kan seek to master that same path, which is often fraught with disaster. Botan has managed to merge his corporeal form - his flesh - with that which sets humans on the same standing as the gods, fire. He twists and turns, destroying all those that would wreak havoc on the poor, the downtrodden, and the defenceless.

    He spins like one of those flame-devils rumoured to guard the deserts to the North of the Empire. His heart and fists burn with fury as he whirls from foe to foe delivering justice, retribution, and finally, purification. Botan is well-suited to form part of your Temple Warband as he offers excellent mobility with his ‘Cloudwalk’ power. He is also a respectable combat model who use his flames to finish off those he doesn’t stop with his fists.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on March 31, 2022


  • Ashinaga Tenagis exact motivations for joining the fray are unknown but they are a welcome boost to the morale of the villagers they appear to protect, their presence imbuing a sense of belief in the common people enabling them to fight harder in defense of the balance of Jwar. To look at them individually one would think that they lack any combat skill, but once combined, one astride the other, the pair are a tricky opponent.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Jung Pirates
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 40mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • Hisoka is undoubtedly and completely mad. He spends much time alone in the mountains and how he survives is a mystery, when he does venture to the lower climbs his bare chest makes even the hardiest of Minimoto shiver. He does however fight for what he believes in and his knowledge of the land and surviving the wilderness is very useful to the Minimoto, whilst his resilience and hardiness leaves the peasants of the Ro-Kan in awe.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Minimoto Clan
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • After the great tsunami, many of Ro-Kan’s peasants had to turn from rice farming to other means of providing food. Most followed the Temple's proscription on eating meat but a few, mostly those living nearer to large cities, turned to hunting. Ichiro is old enough to remember the old rulers of the Jwar Isles and comes to fight when they call.

    Another ranged option for Bastions of the Mountain, providing different abilities to tailor your list exactly how you want it. Ichiro also has a good support feat, vital for making your cheap peasants able to (maybe) hold their own versus Bushido’s best fighters.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Shiho Clan
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature supplied with a 30mm base and full colour profile card.

    2 Available

    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The Kami of Reflection is a beautiful if alien spirit. The icy tendrils that form its mortal realisation are hard as diamond but brittle as glass. As it moves the light from Amaratsu flows through its body, deflecting the energy of friend or enemy to prevent rituals and prayers alike.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Jung Pirates
    • Temple of Ro-Kan
    • The Descension

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The Kami of Sapping Silt is one of waters and muds. Methodical and measured, reaching out to drain those around it, limbs become exhausted, bodies weary, one of the more malevolent spirits, drawn to the more destructive and chaotic forces in which they can achieve some unknown gratification.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Cult of Yurei
    • Jung Pirates
    • Savage Wave
    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains one miniature, 30mm base and full colour profile card.


    MSRP $12.30

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • The element of Metal encompasses not only the substance itself, but the fact that metallurgy and blacksmithing is needed to refine metal from simple ores. Metal is also the element of cogs and gears and represents advancement and technology. The Kami often take shapes of finished products of the smiths' art rather than amorphous masses of the element because of this, even when appearing to a Monk of Ro-Kan, the Kami will be a finished katana or system of gears.

    The temple has another supporting Kami, its ability to aid in melee is certainly useful for them, aiding in bypassing enemy defences, at which they have struggled. The Kami is also a good combatant in its own right, and with four Ki it can engage a few times before being removed.

    This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Temple of Ro-Kan
    • Minimoto Clan*

    Note: to use these models in a Minimoto Warband you must include a Blacksmith model that allows them to be taken.

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with two 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $16.50

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


  • This model can be fielded as part of a warband affiliated with the following factions:

    • Temple of Ro-Kan

    Blister contains two miniatures supplied with 30mm bases and full colour profile card.

    1 Available

    MSRP $15.10

    Released on Dec. 19, 2021


Showing 1 to 20 of 62 results

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