Dr. Who: 4th Doctor and Companions

Released on: Aug. 16, 2022
Barcode: 5060393709534
Published by Warlord Games
0.326 lbs
0 at Valhalla Hobby

Never without his trademark scarf and a bag of jelly babies, the Fourth Doctor was more distant and alien than his predecessors.

His big, almost maniacal grin and offbeat humour was often contrasted by a sombre and sometimes aloof personality.

He travelled through space and time with many companions, whom he called his friends: Medical Officer Harry Sullivan, the noble savage Leela, Time Lady Romana, and K9, his faithful robot dog, amongst others.

Defeating countless enemies old and new, including the Daleks, Cybermen, Zygons and the Black Guardian, he was declared Lord President elect of his home planet, Gallifrey and travelled the universe searching for the Key to Time. Charming, selfless and a moral crusader, the Fourth Doctor was a force to be reckoned with.

Box contains 5 miniatures: Fourth Doctor & K9, Harry Sullivan, Romana I, Romana II, and Leela.

Includes twelve EXTERMINATE! game cards.